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The Good Ship GA and its sailors

Dang it! I was half way though this entry when I went somewhere else and lost it! Grrrr. I was saying how impressed I am with the level of wit and intelligence from members of GA, and that, when I first joined, I expected a whole bunch of girly types in frocks, fishnets and stillettos...and that, despite my disappointment :funny: (is it as funny the second time around?) I grew to be impressed by the wonderful peeps here and their awesome contributions. Then I went on to say that Kyle/Cody in Green Room would have loved this site. He began writing stories when he was 15. That's when I lost the entry cos I went to check his website addy. He died in 2001 aged 19, but his site still exists. www.codysworld.net That young scallywag changed my life forever and I owe him big time.


Oh, and I also congratulated the peeps responsible for GA knob twiddling...the site is professional, creative and very user friendly. Yes, dear Breth, this is THE site as far as I'm concerned.


Okay, so ask me how the potato (cottage) pie went last night. AWESOME! Tonight, I'll do ham and chicken omelets for THEM and pig out on pizza for ME! It's the only chance I get to wrap my laughing gear around all those spicy yummies (of which I add extra).


Is this called regression? I used to be quite mature and dignified before meeting Kyle/Cody, but then I degenerated into an eccentric lunatic. But he liked me that way. "Sometimes I burst out laughing in class and everyone wonders what the hell I'm giggling about. Pity I can't tell them." Yeppos, dear Breth, there ain't nuthin' like the confidence boost you get from a special friend who digs you the way you is. "Sometimes you're so fulla shit...okay, a lotta the time...but you're pretty teeny for a fossil."


"I wouldn't have enjoyed this past week if it weren't for you, G (I had an indirect influence on his aborting a suicide attempt shortly after I met him), and I want you to know that you own a big piece of real estate in my heart."


Yep, I may be a virgin but my heart sure ain't. :wub:


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