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Time flies (plus bonus image)



Short entry today.


Three years ago, I was trying to write my second novella. The first had been demanding as hell, and I never did complete the follow-up. I have since written a second novella, however.


Two years ago, I was trying to figure out why a boy from work had let a third boy, who we'd all assumed was gay and had found many reasons to talk to me in the few weeks since I'd been hired, believe we were a couple. This is a question that has yet to be answered to my satisfaction.


One year ago, I put in my two weeks to my first after college job. The CEO, who I reported to directly, told me no. I wouldn't wind up leaving for a further five months.


November isn't a traditionally good month for me. Here's hoping my plane doesn't crash in a few weeks.




And this little image is something I came across at work. She looks like she's spinning either clockwise or counter clockwise, depending on whether you are right brained or left brained. Apparently if you have genius level IQ, she'll spin both ways for you. I'm not so sure how much stock I'd place in the last, knowing as I do that Visual intelligence doesn't show up well on an IQ test, but that's what the email I recieved with this image said.


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it looks like she spins counter clock wise then changes to clock wise...?


or i could just be a retard

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She turns different directions depending on which eye you're assigning to be dominant, not whether you're "left-brained" or "right-brained" or a genius. All three of those concepts are dubious, anyway. Personalities and abilities don't line up that way in any really consistent fashion.


The reason she starts turning the other way is that one eye takes over from the other.

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I can make her go both ways using either eye only (or both of course), but you're right in that each one seems to have a preferred direction. A link to this image, and a fairly lengthy discussion, are actually available in the Lounge right now. I guess this is "making the rounds" right now.

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