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Doctors visit



Okay... so this lump of... whatever the hell it is... it seems to grow and recede and is most prominent when I'm aroused. Guess what I'm NOT when in an office with an 80 year old asian doctor I can barely understand? I could still find the lump, but it was so small the doctor couldn't... an no matter how much he rolled my balls around in his hand or played with my shaft, my arousal level was not budging and the lump was gonna hide indefinitely.


So... doctor couldn't find it to diagnose it and has me coming back in on wednesday... If I didn't have more classes today I would be throwing down some cold ones about now...


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Well, it must be difficut in such situations.


Don't worry. Everything will be okay!


Take care, :hug:



Former Member


<_< Why are doctors always old? Where are the hot and young ones that are always mentioned in the stories?


I'm sorry they couldn't tell you what it is. :( I still hope it's all fine.


Tob :hug:


PS: It could have been worse. Just imagine a female doctor trying to arouse you :lmao: Maybe you should ask your bf to accompany on Wednesday?



I hope you were able to get some peace of mind from your appointment today (Wed.), and that you'll have an update soon. I know waiting is the worst. Take care!

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