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So, things are going. I've been making some changes over the last few months. Spending time with people I haven't seen in a while, getting to know new ones. Got a new dog. Rodent-looking little thing. Had one of those "how-much-is-that-doggy-in-the-window?" moments. Too much, but worth it.


Mostly I've been trying to get my s*** together. Like everyone else, I've got to take the time to do that sometimes. I know, not very specific. But I'm good. I hope everyone here is, too. I miss this place, and the people. Hope to come back more often soon. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was a good one this year. And to answer a question I got through a PM, I'm pretty sure Matt is still writing sometimes. It's been a while since I've heard from him and the last time he sounded pretty busy. Unfortunately, I don't have the link to his story site on me, so if anyone else does, please share.


Also, I tried to check my email a second ago and I'm locked out. Sounds like they're trying to tell me that too many attempts with the wrong password were made. I never use the wrong password so that irritates me, but I'll try again later. Maybe open a new account. Let you know if I do.


Stories... I've maybe written three paragraphs in the last month. Inspiration issues, I think. But somewhere on my computer I've still got stuff in the works, and as soon as I can get the rest of it out of my head I'll keep on.


Meanwhile it's November and 70 degrees. Things are strange.


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Welcome back, Dom! It's great to know that you are still in circulation. Your fans have really missed you.

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I'm glad that you're alive, breathing, and doing okay :D


Thanks for the update. We missed you!


Take Care®,



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How awesome it is to hear from you! I'm glad you've been doing well and congrats on your new four-legged companion!


I look forward to seeing you around more! :D





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OMG! You're back! Cool!


Glad that you're alive and that now, NaperVic is going to relax...a bt! :P


Take care,

Ieshwar (The closeted Domaholic)

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OMG!!! HOLY FREAKING CRAP! So I randomly check to see if there's ever an update and lo and behold today I see it! Thanks for letting us know you're alive! You're blog will be enough to satisfy me for as long as it takes you to get you're life together. *crosses fingers that it wont take toooooo long*

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Ooo migawd Dom! :lol:

So GOOD to hear from you again :wub: your fans (me included) are getting worried.

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Stories... I've maybe written three paragraphs in the last month. Inspiration issues, I think. But somewhere on my computer I've still got stuff in the works, and as soon as I can get the rest of it out of my head I'll keep on.


Ummmm... How about giving us what's already done, like....ummmm.... ITFB Ch 21 :lol:


Vic 'Who's not trying to sound too greedy'

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I'm so glad you are back! For a while there, I was afraid that Vic and some of your other more rabid fans were going to put your picture on milk cartons! :huh:




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For a while there, I was afraid that Vic and some of your other more rabid fans were going to put your picture on milk cartons! :huh:



:o I would never share Dom's picture, let alone post it in public!

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