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The lost blog



Yesterday morning before leaving Corning, CA, I wrote a blog entry, but when I checked last night it wasn't here.


So, either I didn't hit the right button and zoned out or the entry went to that place commonly referred to by techies as, "it's not supposed to do that." When you don't know blame the machine.


Frankly, I think, due to my current state of unmind, that I destroyed the entry on my own. Things are not as they should be. I'm beginning to lose track of time. And, my decision making capabilities seem to be on the fritz.


No, I didn't call to make an appointment, but when I get home tonight I'm going to call someone about what I should do. I'd rather be close to home when I ask for help. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.


All I do know is that maybe it's time for another happy pill because although I'm very good about taking the Wellbutrin, I don't think it's working all that well. Or, maybe it is and if I wasn't taking it I wouldn't be writing this right now. (Come to your own conclusion on that statement; believe me, I have.) Maybe I need a little additional help, but I won't know that until I call and talk to someone.


I'd like to go to sleep right now, but I have to write. I'm working on a prologue to the Kevin project. It didn't go so well yesterday, but I went back today and fixed the errors and we're back on track.


Things are so screwed up right now because I'm quickly losing the ability to function normally. I definitely need to call someone.


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