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Here's what Obama has to do

So it's pretty obvious that Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee. Unless there's some underhanded deal in a back alley abortion clinic somewhere that gives Hillary the nomination, that is. So, now it's Obama vs. McCain, and the attacks will no doubt start flying his way from the repukes. So what's an extreme leftist piece of crap like Obama to do?


  • Give the Iraqi's a real date to have control over the violence in their own country
  • Offer incentives to American companies to research and develop new, innovative sources of energy
  • Don't pick Hillary as his VP
  • Do pick a govenor from the South as his VP
  • Highlight the HUGE age difference between John McCain and himself in a respectful way
  • Stop threatening to take profits away from oil companies, or any company
  • Get domestic spending under control
  • Don't raise taxes
  • Do lower taxes on everyone, especially businesses that create jobs in the US
  • Set a goal that the entire nation can work towards, like being entirely energy independent by 2020


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To be honest, I would mind seeing other alternatives, Like like relying on oil. and there are better types of energy we could use.


For a vp, have someone that isn't an extremist on any side.



I think it is wishful thinking if you think he will do any of those things. :(



I think it is wishful thinking if you think he will do any of those things. :(


You're right, I don't think he'll do any of them at all.....but if he wants to get elected, he should lie and say he will. Either way, we're screwed. It's Obama or a mummy.

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