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Why America Needs Michael Savage

That's right, I said it. We need Michael Savage on the air. We also need Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and Neal Boortz.


So right now there's this ridiculous push to get Michael Savage taken off the air. Why? Because he has an opinion that some people disagree with. He said that 99% of autistic kids were misdiagnosed and that they're brats who need their parents to tell them to cut the act.


I don't know what makes someone autistic. I don't know if it's a chemical imbalance, or a disease treated with medication, or if it's just a certain type of personality trait. I won't call it a disorder because I can't say that I know enough about it to place that strong of a label on it, whatever it is. Apparently, though, Michael Savage is a doctor and can place a label on it. Is it the correct lable? I can't say.


But what I can say is this....he has a right to speak his mind, and if he loses sponsors (like AFLAC) and listeners along the way, then so be it. But the push by Media Matters, a left wing hate group founded by the radical Hillary Clinton, to try and pressure stations to drop his show is ridiculous. Just let the free market do its job.


The day Tim Russert died, Shawn Hannity choked up on the air. Rush Limbaugh gave a small but touching tribute to him the following Monday, and Neal Boortz did the same. Michael Savage, who came on the air about 3 and a half hours after Russert died, used the occasion to drag his name through the mud, then to stomp on it, spit on it and urinate on what was left. Tammy Bruce did the same thing on her radio show.


According to Michael Savage, every member of congress, the president and all of his cabinet and staff are drug addicted homosexuals who should be arrested and put away without so much as a trial. So should anyone who listens to hip hop, who drives a hybrid, men who get manicures and women who have babies out of wedlock. If your name is Rush Limbaugh, you should be executed for sedition. If you're Shawn Hannity, you should be shipped off to the middle east and turned over to the Iranian president, who should be executed too, by the way. What are Limbaugh and Hannity's crimes, according to Savage? They're numbers one and two on the talk show ratings list, and he's barely hanging on to number three. Bill O'Reilly, according to Savage, is a sex crazed leprechaun who's into devil worship.


And yet, through all of his craziness, we should let him stay on the air because it's good for us. We need him to get on the radio and remind America of who we don't want getting into power. Because believe it or not, there are a lot of politicians who think like he does. Just look at Robert Byrd and David Duke, both members of the Ku Klux Klan, one a democrat and the other a republican.


Michael Savage, just like Byrd and Duke, puts the fun in dysfunctional, and eventually, he'll make that one final statement that pushes his listeners over the edge. When he does, his ratings will drop, more sponsors will leave him, and his show will be canceled. Not because there was pressure from some kook fringe group like Media Matters, but because the market place didn't have a spot for him anymore.


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Hilary Clinton, a radical? Really? Alrighty.


Also, I don't believe Michael Weiner (no wonder he uses a pseudonym) has an M.D. A PhD, yes, but just because one can be introduced as "Dr." does not make one a medical doctor. I don't think he has a degree in any discipline of psychology, either.


My freshman roommate listened to Mike Savage, so I had the opportunity to overhear several of his broadcasts. I have to say I agree with your point that the man is a few bricks short of a fireplace. I'd like him off the air, not just because he offends me, but because as long as he is on air, that lends his beliefs a certain legitimacy.



Hilary Clinton, a radical? Really? Alrighty.


Also, I don't believe Michael Weiner (no wonder he uses a pseudonym) has an M.D. A PhD, yes, but just because one can be introduced as "Dr." does not make one a medical doctor. I don't think he has a degree in any discipline of psychology, either.


My freshman roommate listened to Mike Savage, so I had the opportunity to overhear several of his broadcasts. I have to say I agree with your point that the man is a few bricks short of a fireplace. I'd like him off the air, not just because he offends me, but because as long as he is on air, that lends his beliefs a certain legitimacy.



If you want him off the air, try to get as many people as possible to stop listening to him. That's the most effective way to get rid of him. If his ratings drop, who would want to sponsor his show?


As far as Hillary Clinton goes, she's at least as radical as Michael Savage, just to the other (but equally disturbing) extreme.



We do need people like him on the air. He will simply remind people why conservatism isn't as favorable as it was several years ago. Along with the likes of Falwell (Yes, I dare speak ill of the dead) and Pat Robertson, he is one who hates us. I would say quite a few people who have heard his show think he's a lunatic. I guess they'll give anyone a PhD in psychology these days. :rolleyes:


As for Hillary, she has a right to campaign for someone to be taken off the air if she wants to do so. By the same freedom, Michael Savage has every right to combat her.



We do need people like him on the air. He will simply remind people why conservatism isn't as favorable as it was several years ago. Along with the likes of Falwell (Yes, I dare speak ill of the dead) and Pat Robertson, he is one who hates us. I would say quite a few people who have heard his show think he's a lunatic. I guess they'll give anyone a PhD in psychology these days. :rolleyes:


As for Hillary, she has a right to campaign for someone to be taken off the air if she wants to do so. By the same freedom, Michael Savage has every right to combat her.


If you can stomach it, go on youtube and listen to one of his crazy rants. I almost think that maybe he has tourettes syndrome



Do we really need people spewing their hateful bile to know that the worst exists in this world? I remember spending a whole afternoon mesmerized by Bill O'Reilly and Anne Coulter after reading a post in the humor section. So yes, listening to loony extremists may be entertaining.


As for Media Matters, they work as the free market. If this guy who spits on the freshly dead makes enough money, they won't give a hoot about whatever pressure group that comes and tells them to drop him.


I keep being fascinated by the way your brain works, Nick... ;)



Do we really need people spewing their hateful bile to know that the worst exists in this world? I remember spending a whole afternoon mesmerized by Bill O'Reilly and Anne Coulter after reading a post in the humor section. So yes, listening to loony extremists may be entertaining.


As for Media Matters, they work as the free market. If this guy who spits on the freshly dead makes enough money, they won't give a hoot about whatever pressure group that comes and tells them to drop him.


I keep being fascinated by the way your brain works, Nick... ;)



I agree that they have a total right to try and get him booted, but I think it's foolish because they expend their energy in the wrong places. Instead of an organization that spends its time listening to radical right wing talk show hosts and watching the news, desperate for any soundbite they can get their hands on to start a protest, the left needs an organization that spends its time putting together logical arguments that can be presented to the public through various media outlets. If you notice, the right wing doesn't waste their time trying to get people thrown off the air. They spend their time talking to the public and making their case, no matter how flawed it is. That's why they have the top three listened to talk shows on the radio, and that's why people look at Media Matters and roll their eyes.



I agree that they have a total right to try and get him booted, but I think it's foolish because they expend their energy in the wrong places. Instead of an organization that spends its time listening to radical right wing talk show hosts and watching the news, desperate for any soundbite they can get their hands on to start a protest, the left needs an organization that spends its time putting together logical arguments that can be presented to the public through various media outlets. If you notice, the right wing doesn't waste their time trying to get people thrown off the air. They spend their time talking to the public and making their case, no matter how flawed it is. That's why they have the top three listened to talk shows on the radio, and that's why people look at Media Matters and roll their eyes.

The only equivalent of the right-wing people mentioned, though usually not being as harshly nonsensical would be Michael Moore. So yes, maybe having a solid ideology broadcast may work. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't debunk the outright lies of these freaks who do have a strong influence over the policies of the US.



But it doesn't mean you shouldn't debunk the outright lies of these freaks who do have a strong influence over the policies of the US.


You must be talking about the democrats that control the house and senate. :music:

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