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More on politics



The current state of our political system is dire. When you look at the two parties, you see little belief in working towards the common good of this country. This is far removed from the vision of our forefathers. There is lack of pragmatism. Yes, I said the p word. When creating a bill that is for the greater good for this country, our legislators tend to nit pick. Instead of thinking about what is best for the people, they decide that it's not worth while to compromise. Take for example the recent bill to solve the economic crisis that threatens our markets today. There was a plan, but the Republicans decided to vote against it simply because of some disagreement with Nancy Pelosi. Now, I may be a Democrat, but I do not believe that she was the best choice for Speaker of the House. She is, in my estimation, too extreme for the job. I believe the Speaker of the House needs to be somewhere closer to the center. Still, the Republicans' move has seriously jeopardized this country. There was also a minority of Democrats who voted against the bill simply because of a few items they did not like. Had they voted in favor, the bill would have passed with a decent majority. Instead, they made a similar move. What good does this do for our country? The fact is that it only hurts the American people. Our elected officials are supposed to have our best interests at heart, yet they do not.


Gay marriage is another important issue to me. It is foreseeable that I will someday find I man I intend to spend the rest of my life is. There was a struggle within me for years where I wanted to be able to marry a woman, but it turned out that it would only be a sham. If not for that fact, I would still be in favor, mostly because of my belief in equality. Neither party seems to be working towards this goals. Republicans tend to be of the belief that there should not be any form of legal recognition at all while the majority of Democrats seems to favor civil unions, a "separate but equal" stance. While the latter is much better than the former, it's still not what we deserve.


The death penalty is one of the most controversial political issues in the world. The Democrats tend to believe that it should be abolished while Republicans most likely think it is not used enough. This is one issue where I actually tend to agree with Republicans more than Democrats. While I do not see the death penalty is a deterrent, I believe that some crimes are so heinous that the perpetrators should no longer be allowed to live. These crimes include the most gruesome of murders, ones in which the level of violence is so extreme that even the police are likely to become queezy or deeply disturbed upon viewing the bodies. Also, I believe that ritualistic cannibalism and necrophilia are grounds for capital punishment. Along with brutal murders there are rapes and instances of child molestation. These individuals are just as bad if not worse. I am of the belief that they are also deserving of capital punishment. The cases should also be slam dunk. In other words, the burden of proof must be to a point where no one else could have committed the crime. If there is any doubt whatsoever, there should be life imprisonment instead. Another problem is the number of appeals in capital cases. There should only be one appeal, and the punishment should be carried out within a month after the appeal is denied.


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Also, I believe that ritualistic cannibalism and necrophilia are grounds for capital punishment. Along with brutal murders there are rapes and instances of child molestation.


Sorry Tim, I'm going to have to speak out against using the death penalty in these instances. You slot cannibalism, I'd be more apt to have the person who committed the offense be tried and convicted for murder over cannibalism.


Likewise any person being put to death for rape or child molestation... Again I can see if a murder took place in the commission of these crimes, anything less would just lead to more murders on the perpetrators part. Think about it, most murders are committed by people the victim knows. Rape is a crime of opportunity in most cases. Why would the perpetrator leave their victim alive to identify them and testify in their trial where the possible outcome is death?


then what of statutory and date rape? the death penalty for them? What about false accusations? Men have spent 25 years in jail for a rape that was later overturned through DNA evidence. What do we as a society say to that mans family if he turns out to be not guilty, but we had demanded his death for his supposed crime?


as for necrophilia... its gross, its disgusting, its disrespectful... but just because it is all of those things, that doesn't warrant execution, unless of course the person killed the victim in order to have sex with their body.



yeah, I have to disagree with you about the death penalty. I am against it in all situations. imprison then, punish them that way, take away some of their abilities and pleasures. but not death. no-one to me has the right to inflict death on another. they may have done terrible wrongs and deserve to be punished. but that does not give you or the state the right to take their life. we need to have a system to keep control in society to keep it civilised, but that to me is taking it way too far. so im against it in principle, then I'm also against it as Shadowgod pointed out on a practical level of we make mistakes and this is something you cannot take back.


I also have to disagree with you about the Bill. Democracy to me is about creating conversation. it is not about repressing other people's thoughts, belief's and ideas. if there was overwhelming disagreement by the american republic those that opposed it on the grounds that their constituents complained to me are the ones that are worthy. thats what its for, I thought they were supposed to be representatives. also it comes down to what sort of democracy you want to promote. and who it works for and how. to me letting the companies suffer for alittle bit more was fine. esp if this re-examining of the bill with new ideas that make the bill fairer for all not just for wall st is good. things shouldnt necessarily be rushed. and I hope that this teaches those in power about how democracy, to me, is supposed to work. for all not just for those at the top. where feedback is essential. and where more than a few opinions matter.



I meant murder cases involving necrophilia and cannibalism. I also stated that it MUST be a slam dunk. In other words, if there is even the slightest chance that another person was the perpetrator, it should not be used.


The United States is NOT a democracy. It is a representative republic. If it were a democracy, every little decision made would be through a vote. Such a system would be difficult in the US, because there are too many people. That is why we have elections. However, our representatives usually care more about special interests than they do about the concerns of the people.



to me the problem is people have different takes on, reasonable doubt. and letting people have such a power is a slippery slope. and often not regulated correctly.



What case is ever a slam dunk though? especially when dealing with some of the crimes you mentioned. Then I disagree simply because the punishment just seems out of balance with the crime. Hammurabi said an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.


If the creepy undertaker met his "dates" at work, he shouldn't be put to death for it.



Sorry I know this is off topic but I just had done an essay on Hammurabi Steve, haha.

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