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Gosh such a great brotherly talk (ugghhh)

Gosh my mom had me talk with my #2 brother about my NO JOB situation.


I have to say talking with any of my brothers on this subject is like you might as well just take me out to the shooting range and pull the trigger or the other saying "Reopen an old wound and pour salt on it"


Gosh, why is it ever easier to talk with people that's not your family than with.

I don't expect them to change since my family is not much to hugging nor giving love nor helping out another brother beyond words.


He's not telling me anything that I expect the market to be since the economics isn't that great.

For Florida, it maybe that I will have to move to where the job is.

Hey if you heard the tone of my brothers ... "you probably would say are those your brothers?"


you could say I not exactly on the same playing field level with them so I'm always going to get those arrows and daggers in the heart.


What can I say I am not an aggressive person -> I just do the work and get it done


I guess its not easy to be alone for 99% of the time and its hard being GAY.


I'll try not to cry over this because I don't want to even thou my feelings say otherwise.

But I am not looking forward to Thanksgiving because that's when #3 brother is visiting.


I'm lucky #1 brother doesn't call.

There definitely plenty of aggravation to receive from siblings.


I have witness other families that are much better than mine.

(I have witness other families worst than mine as well.)

I guess I don't get along with them cause we're not so close.

I might as well be throw out with the trash.

Less garbage to keep around


Jeepers ... I think there is enough material for a sad story.

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hey, I hope things work out. keep your chin up :) , celia

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