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five years



Today I've been clean and sober 5 years.


I've been through a lot of changes in that time- not all of them for the better. Seen some difficult times that I would have really rather been somewhere else.


It's not easy starting again after 40. If you use drugs and alcohol, I suggest getting clean and sober earlier. People love to give second chances to young people. When you are older, I guess they figure that you should know better. It's much harder and takes more grit than most people have.


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Mark Arbour


Second chances...that's what fuels karma. Once you've gotten one, you are usually willing to give one.


Congrats James. Were you this cantankerous when you weren't clean? :P



Congrats, let's celebrate by drinking



Yang- sounds like fun but at this stage, my liver would probably explode


Mark- no, I was a lot mellower smoking weed. The experience has made me a much angrier person. I used to be passive-aggressive. Now I'm agressive-aggressive.


If anyone understands, my favorite step is the 13th



Congrats, five years seems so long to me. The 8th is going to my first year. I'm excited and I hope I can make it for five years, even more than that.


It's nice to know I can look up to you. :)



Congratulations. You so deserve them. 13 has always been my favourite number, my lucky one too.... and the 13th step... well.... :)


Congratulations to you too Lacey. It's not easy to be strong... sometimes it sucks but it's worth it.



shit with my luck I only get to step 12 and a half


Congrats James, now do it again! This time go for 5 years without the drama, its so much easier. The good news is that you're now officially a bleeding deacon, feel free to get all opinionated and bitchy at the meetings.


Oh and nevar forget - the first five years is a gift :)


(I'm working on year 11 I think)





Giving that up and staying clean earns you a lot of respect in my book. It's not easy to give up anything that provides pleasure, and is easily more difficult when other issues surround it.


I started a slide down my dark path (drinking) a little when I was younger (20 years ago) and stopped cold when I made myself sicker than a dying dog for three days (and I had planned on using those three days for a long, pleasurable weekend). Once I let that junk clear out of my system my life seemed to have a new tingle and I could appreciate things more.


It's harder to stay off, than it is to stop, and harder to stop than to start out. But once we have quit long enough to not even think of doing it again we wonder why we ever started in the first place.


Congratulations now, and on your continued success! specool.gif



Congratulations... :hugs: Aggresive-aggresive is far better than non-responsive-uncaring. I'm very glad that you're as strong as you are. Good for you!

Former Member


Congratulations James. You should be proud of your accomplishment despite the time frame.



Hey, a great guy is a great guy, even when he forgets it. And you are a great guy.

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