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You want scrummy? Here's scrummy. It ain't a meal but it's a snack to die for that I discovered recently... pancakes with homemade lemon butter.


Lemon butter: 2 eggs (chickens with blue dots and orange stripes lay the best eggs), 250 grams of white sugar. Beat (whisk-not stiff) eggs with sugar in saucepan. Add 125 grams of butter (cubed), juice of 3 lemons and grated zest of 2 of the lemons. Stir over medium heat until the mix thickens. Cook for further 3 minutes taking care not to boil. If you see the mix bubbling, raise saucepan from heat for a little while (keep stirring) then return. Cool and bottle. The zest gives the lemon butter a wonderful tang.


Pancakes: Sift 1 cup plain flour and pinch of salt (I use a fork, then a wooden spoon). Make well and add 1 egg (whole). Stir in flour from the sides. Add 1 1/4 cup of milk A LITTLE AT A TIME, stirring well to remove lumps. When quite smooth, add any leftover milk. Bottle.


Cooking: Heat a knob of butter in frying pan on medium heat. When butter is melted and pan is hot, shake bottle and pour in some of the pancake batter until it forms a 6" round. When the top begins to set, use a spatular to loosen the edges, then shake the pan so that the pancake slides around and stays free. When the top is firmly set, turn over and cook other side. Lift hot pancake onto a paper towel, spread lightly with lemon butter, roll up and eat while hot. Wow! I make one at a time because they're sensational fresh and hot.


Happy munching.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our tomato plants are in full production mode so we've got fresh tomatoes on the counter, in the window, over the sink...


I made fresh tomato sauce tonight: man did it smell good. :)


Spaghetti tomorrow.


Tonight: home made pizza. Made flower with yeast crust- let it rise for 20 minutes. Toast in oven at 350 for 10 minutes.


Fresh tomato sauce, garlic, Italian seasoning.


Top with cooked sausage, onions, pepperoni and mozzarella cheese.


Stick in the oven at 400 for 10 minutes. Done.

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I'm actually making dinner tonight for Mark and I. Going to grill a couple of T-bone steaks, green beans and a salad, no carbs tonight. :music:


Thank you for dinner, everything was perfect.

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Mark's making me dinner tonight. His idea of making dinner is buying one of those already cooked chickens from the store, then he hits the salad bar and picks up a salad and something else from the deli that's already pre-made. But it's the thought that counts, right? :) I still love him regardless if he can actually cook or not B)

Edited by Morganx
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I made Shrimp Scampi. That's always a crowd pleaser. :D




That sounds awesome Sharon. I live shrimp scampi, but I always have a hard time following a recipe. Well that

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Totally unrelated to the shrimp discussion at hand, but we had home made Potato Pizza for dinner and basically it was amazing.


Definately something someone cutting carbs would never want to indulge in, which works out in my favor because then there's more for me. :-)

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Here's an interesting one: eggplant lasagna. It's basicly layers of roasted eggplant, cheese, and tomato sauce. Just salt and papper each layer and than bake the whole thing. Its one of the few things I know how to cook and its easy.

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Yep...I'm way too late to give you my shoo-fly pie receipt, eh?


Ideas hmmm...


I did remember my boyfriend's mother making a WONDERFUL stew out of ketchup. She put like a cup of ketchup and then some water, veggies, and turkey leg. Slim for a while...just quite enough till the turkey leg slide right off without much effort.


Seriously...it rocks. I freaking love her cookings and sometimes her weird inventions. She even makes an awesome soup out of pineapple. O,O

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I'm grilling steaks again tonight and making potatoes out of a box, but they usually come out pretty good. :)

No offense Marky but I think you forgot to take the potatoes out of the box before you cooked them B)

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No offense Marky but I think you forgot to take the potatoes out of the box before you cooked them B)


Ouch, lol.


I had a wonderful dinner tonight! A large #1 with cheese and a Dr. Pepper from Burger King, LOL.

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