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Top Site List


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  • Site Administrator

You may have noticed a little switching around on the menu on top of the page. I have installed a new integrated piece of software on the site.


It is a Links Directory and a Top Site list. You can add sites yourselves. I'm currently converting the sites that were in the old links engine.


This new Links directory is much more powerful, and it works. It is also handy to add new sites, since you don't have to through so much gruff. If you are logged into this board, then you are logged in on the links engine.


For webmasters out there, there is webring code, and other things like hit counters and position indicators that show you where you're ranked and to help you improve your rank.


Just click "Control Panel" and then "Add a Site". Pretty easy and straight forward.



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  • Site Administrator

I've gotten about 1/3 of the links moved now. Check it out! You can rate the sites and check out some cool ones you may not have noticed. I found one in Published Authors that I didn't know about and now I have another novel to look forward to.

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Did you go typing in strange addresses again?

How did you get there?  I can't find the link you used anywhere.




not in that view Mry ;)


using the other view.


the link is on this page



Showing 10 sites of 21 ( [1-10] [11-20] [21-30] )

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  • Site Administrator

I also fixed the voting issue. You'll no longer get that stupid no permission error. :2thumbs:

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  • Site Administrator

Just FYI, I've transferred the numbers in from the old system. (hits and clicks)


Ranking is weighted based on number of hits, number of clicks and votes.


So if you have a site, and wish for it to climb, it would be best to add the hit counter to your site...

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  • Site Administrator

Click "Control Panel" https://www.gayauthors.org/list/index.php?act=ctl

Then click Add a site. https://www.gayauthors.org/list/index.php?act=ctl&code=05


Movieguy, you're going to find that I've added quite a few of the ones you added to the old system and trasferred control of them to you.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Site Administrator

I have completed the transfer of all links from the old system.

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