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Week From Hell

Julian Alexander

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:( Have ever had a week where everything that could go wrong went wrong. This week has just been pure hell. I live Miami- Dade County of Florida, so school strated Aug 16 because of gov. bush little test (FCAT) that he wants us to have mid terms before we leave for winter vacation so that 3rd 8th and 10th graders have much more time to prepare for th FCAT. Well i kinda went of topic but on monday i woke up late around 6:45 and school starts at 7:30am, then i get there kinda late, there is no power in the school, its runnig on genrators, the hallways and classes are dark and no A/C( air conditionig. From 7:30am till around 1:oo pm ( time when power was put up) i have this thing if it gets to hot by body goes into uber sick mode. So tuesday i was sick as a dog in school sneezing and all that. Wensday i find out from my fourth periond class that somone had used my name to sign out of school on monday (Since of the heat so called rich people that go to our school left early) then came ring orders (I'm a junior) i get what i want and is see on the recipt that the ring was not $369.57 but nearly $500.00 i knew that if i told my parents saw the bill they would have shit their pants. So i go back and i find out that the lady never tolf that i needed to get my school colors and not gat another or i would have to pay and had to pay to get stone cut a certain way and look of stone. So i finally got the ring down to $408.53. And now here comes a hurricane. Schools are closed, i look at my window and i see shutters.




Julian Alexander

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  • Site Administrator

Damn! Sounds like a harsh one.

Best of luck to you. They say that Hurricane Frances is going to be harsh. I sure hope they are wrong.

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