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I feel so unwanted

x Trevor x

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I guess this is the right place to post this I dont know. Well anyway everythings been going really great till tonight when I was hanging out with some friends online. I felt really ignored to be honest and then I was talking to another friend via boost mobile and everytime I beeped her she sounded annoyed and would hardly talk to me and usually she beeps me but I've had to be the one to beep her all night and I just feel like I'm unwanted and like I'm annoying all my friends. No one even said anything to me when I suddenly just left the chat as if they dont care. I didnt do anything intentionally I really didnt. I just feel so unwanted and felt like they were trying to get rid of me or shut me out. And now I see one of my friends actually my best and closest online friend has went to another chat room and didnt even invite me and she usually does. I just feel like I want to dissappear. I just need someone to vent to.

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awww, dude :hug:


Don't feel bad. I think what you're describing is part of the human condition. Everyone goes through feelings like this occasionally. It's probably nothing to worry about, your phone friend may have been busy/having a rough day herself. As for your internet friends they probably weren't doing it on purpose. It's also worth keeping in mind that chances are when you get down on yourself like that, and get all paranoid, you really might not be as great company as you usually are. Sounds like it might have just been a crummy, negative cycle.


So remember you are wanted. You're a valuable, wonderful human being with tons to offer people!


My advice is to take solace in that fact and then just take yourself out of the negative situation. Go have a bath, read a book, watch a movie, whatever, just do something you enjoy that'll put you in a good mood and forget about it. Then next time you're online/on the phone with these people just be your typical self and carry on as normal.





BTW: I'm not advocating avoiding your problems or pretending they don't exist, but based on what you've said in this thread they don't seem to be any one, tangible thing that can be much helped by thinking about and working on.

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hi Trevor,

afriendly face is so right , plus you have so many friends that you don't know about that care about you .

You will never know how important you are to others as you occupy central stage to their memories .Why i have friends that i miss over fifty years ...

So hang on .


btw great writting .

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Sometimes people don't necessarily want to talk to you at that moment; it doesn't mean they don't care about you. If you talk to this person all the time, maybe she was distracted, or didn't really have anything to say to you. There are tons of times when my best friends are online and we don't talk, simply because there's nothing new to say to one another.


You yourself said everything has been going well, so I really wouldn't worry about one little incident.



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Thanks guys I really appreciate the support and knew I could get it here. -Hugs for everyone- I've been like ultra sensitive today and a bit moody to the extreme and so I'm all tearing up and smileing right now after reading all of this. I really appreciate it

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  • Site Administrator
Thanks guys I really appreciate the support and knew I could get it here. -Hugs for everyone- I've been like ultra sensitive today and a bit moody to the extreme and so I'm all tearing up and smileing right now after reading all of this. I really appreciate it

That's good :) As has been said by others, you can't expect that other people will always be able to spend time with you. Everyone needs some separate time -- don't make too much of it.


Best wishes and definitely come back here if you need some more hugs and support :hug:


Graeme :)

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