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Gay Music


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Ooh you like classical music too? Sweet!

I LOVE classical music. Get it right. I once sang an opera song in German for a music contest. Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi are my favorite composers. I listen to "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman several times a day. :wub:

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I LOVE classical music. Get it right. I once sang an opera song in German for a music contest. Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi are my favorite composers. I listen to "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman several times a day. :wub:


Oh nice! I love Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Stravinsky, Handel and a bunch of others. I took piano lessons for years. I can be your accompanist.

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Oh nice! I love Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Stravinsky, Handel and a bunch of others. I took piano lessons for years. I can be your accompanist.

Just wait until you find out your reward for playing a Chopin piece perfectly. :wub:

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I LOVE classical music. Get it right. I once sang an opera song in German for a music contest. Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi are my favorite composers. I listen to "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman several times a day. :wub:


Ooh, I used to be a huge Sarah Brightman fan. In fact, she's the one who got me interested in opera. What song did you sing for the contest, btw? Was it Erlkonig? I'm trying to think of German operatic pieces and not succeeding. Hmm. I know Seigmund has some famous pieces, but I'm not very familiar with them. Although a tenor rendition of the Liebestod would be interesting...


Oh nice! I love Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Stravinsky, Handel and a bunch of others. I took piano lessons for years. I can be your accompanist.


Great, Mozart. I can proudly say that I managed to turn my youngest brother into a parrot that churns out Der Holle Rache, from the Magic Flute, incessantly. It drives the rest of my family up the wall... :devil:

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I love them both.


Yeah. I'm beginning to like The Dresden Dolls too. :P


And 'classical' depends on the listener, I say. :P I have a few Japanese pianists that I really like.


Actually I'm guilty of classifying music I don't like as 'Gay'. LOL ABBA is one of those. :P And 80's disco. Most of the 70's and 80's music anyway. LOL And Boy Bands.


But then again... I was initiated in the grunge/punk/indie/alternative era. LOL

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Ooh, I used to be a huge Sarah Brightman fan. In fact, she's the one who got me interested in opera. What song did you sing for the contest, btw? Was it Erlkonig? I'm trying to think of German operatic pieces and not succeeding. Hmm. I know Seigmund has some famous pieces, but I'm not very familiar with them. Although a tenor rendition of the Liebestod would be interesting...

The song was called "Ich Grolle Nicht (I Will Not Complain)." We had to sing two songs. My other song was "I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly."

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I LOVE classical music. Get it right. I once sang an opera song in German for a music contest. Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi are my favorite composers. I listen to "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman several times a day. :wub:

I also love classical music. And opera.


There's a gay couple in the opera Iphigenie en Tauride by Gluck. It was put on by the San Francisco Opera last summer, and my folks took Chris and me to see it. In the opera, Agamemnon decides to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenie to the goddess Diane so the Greek fleet will have favorable winds at the beginning of the Trojan war. Iphigenie was secretly saved by Diane and sent to Tauris to serve as her priestess. When he returned home, Agamemnon was stabbed by his wife Clytemnestre for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenie. Iphigenie's brother Oreste then killed his mother to avenge his father's death. Iphigenie believes that Oreste is dead, and that the only member of her family still alive is Electra. Thoas, the king of Tauris. is haunted by an oracle who declares that he will be killed by a stranger. Thoas forces Iphigenie to kill any stranger who arrives in Tauris to keep from being killed himself. Meanwhile, Oreste and his best friend Pylade are shipwrecked in a storm off the coast of Tauris, are captured by Thoas' soldiers, and brought to Iphigenie to be sacrificed. Oreste and Pylade express their love for each other (they're gay). Iphigenie refuses to sacrifice Oreste and Pylade. Pylade kills Thoas, fulfilling the oracle's prediction. Iphigenie returns to Greece to rule the country as queen. Oreste returns to Mycenae to be king with Pylade at his side. Of course, there's lots more detail, but that's the most important stuff. No one ever Greek tragedies, and the said operas about them, have simple stories!


Colin B)

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I also love classical music. And opera.


There's a gay couple in the opera Iphigenie en Tauride by Gluck. It was put on by the San Francisco Opera last summer, and my folks took Chris and me to see it. In the opera, Agamemnon decides to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenie to the goddess Diane so the Greek fleet will have favorable winds at the beginning of the Trojan war. Iphigenie was secretly saved by Diane and sent to Tauris to serve as her priestess. When he returned home, Agamemnon was stabbed by his wife Clytemnestre for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenie. Iphigenie's brother Oreste then killed his mother to avenge his father's death. Iphigenie believes that Oreste is dead, and that the only member of her family still alive is Electra. Thoas, the king of Tauris. is haunted by an oracle who declares that he will be killed by a stranger. Thoas forces Iphigenie to kill any stranger who arrives in Tauris to keep from being killed himself. Meanwhile, Oreste and his best friend Pylade are shipwrecked in a storm off the coast of Tauris, are captured by Thoas' soldiers, and brought to Iphigenie to be sacrificed. Oreste and Pylade express their love for each other (they're gay). Iphigenie refuses to sacrifice Oreste and Pylade. Pylade kills Thoas, fulfilling the oracle's prediction. Iphigenie returns to Greece to rule the country as queen. Oreste returns to Mycenae to be king with Pylade at his side. Of course, there's lots more detail, but that's the most important stuff. No one ever Greek tragedies, and the said operas about them, have simple stories!


Colin B)


Excellent! Someone else who loves opera! :D I'm not too familiar with Gluck, but I did listen to his Alceste the other day. And that is sweet, Orestes returning to rule with Pylade... That certainly ends better than the only other opera I can think of that has a gay subtext, which is Peter Grimes. And I notice you're from SF -- do you go to the SF opera? I never had the chance to, even though I've lived quite close for most of my life.

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I also love classical music. And opera.


There's a gay couple in the opera Iphigenie en Tauride by Gluck. It was put on by the San Francisco Opera last summer, and my folks took Chris and me to see it. In the opera, Agamemnon decides to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenie to the goddess Diane so the Greek fleet will have favorable winds at the beginning of the Trojan war. Iphigenie was secretly saved by Diane and sent to Tauris to serve as her priestess. When he returned home, Agamemnon was stabbed by his wife Clytemnestre for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenie. Iphigenie's brother Oreste then killed his mother to avenge his father's death. Iphigenie believes that Oreste is dead, and that the only member of her family still alive is Electra. Thoas, the king of Tauris. is haunted by an oracle who declares that he will be killed by a stranger. Thoas forces Iphigenie to kill any stranger who arrives in Tauris to keep from being killed himself. Meanwhile, Oreste and his best friend Pylade are shipwrecked in a storm off the coast of Tauris, are captured by Thoas' soldiers, and brought to Iphigenie to be sacrificed. Oreste and Pylade express their love for each other (they're gay). Iphigenie refuses to sacrifice Oreste and Pylade. Pylade kills Thoas, fulfilling the oracle's prediction. Iphigenie returns to Greece to rule the country as queen. Oreste returns to Mycenae to be king with Pylade at his side. Of course, there's lots more detail, but that's the most important stuff. No one ever Greek tragedies, and the said operas about them, have simple stories!


Colin B)

I would love to go see it. I've always loved tales of tragic love. Is it in French?

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i like a lot of music genres, including classical music.. but if the "fat lady" starts to sing, it curls up my toe nails (in a bad way). I don't know why, but i can't listen to operas. Lol, well, i guess i am weird ;) . Musicals and techno/dance/trance music bore me, German "folk" music drives me crazy, and operas make my ears bleed.

As for classical music and being gay - i never saw a relation between the two items. I know some (professional) classical musicians, and they all happen to be very str8. Hmm, actually all the musicians i know are str8. Maybe i don't know the right people :P

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i like a lot of music genres, including classical music.. but if the "fat lady" starts to sing, it curls up my toe nails (in a bad way). I don't know why, but i can't listen to operas. Lol, well, i guess i am weird ;) . Musicals and techno/dance/trance music bore me, German "folk" music drives me crazy, and operas make my ears bleed.

As for classical music and being gay - i never saw a relation between the two items. I know some (professional) classical musicians, and they all happen to be very str8. Hmm, actually all the musicians i know are str8. Maybe i don't know the right people :P

You most certainly do NOT know the right people. There are plenty of gays who love classical music. :D

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You most certainly do NOT know the right people. There are plenty of gays who love classical music. :D



yes, i am sure there are plenty of gays that like classical music. But is it more common for gays than for str8 ppl ? I don't think so... so what i wanted to say is i don't think classical music is a "gay thing".


(and yes, i do NOT know the right people ;) lol)

Edited by YaP
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yes, i am sure there are plenty of gays that like classical music. But is it more common for gays than for str8 ppl ? I don't think so... so what i wanted to say is i don't think classical music is a "gay thing".

I would have to research the topic to know for sure, but I belive that gays are more likely to be fans of classical music than straight people.

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yes, i am sure there are plenty of gays that like classical music. But is it more common for gays than for str8 ppl ? I don't think so... so what i wanted to say is i don't think classical music is a "gay thing".


(and yes, i do NOT know the right people ;) lol)


I would have to research the topic to know for sure, but I belive that gays are more likely to be fans of classical music than straight people.


On that note, I'd like to point out that most of the recent major American classical composers are or were gay: Leonard Bernstein (West Side Story, Candide), John Corigliano (Red Violin soundtrack, Symphony commemorating AIDS victims), Aaron Copland (Appalachian Spring, Fanfare for the Common Man), Samuel Barber (Adagio for Strings), and others.


We've a lot to be proud of. :D

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Excellent! Someone else who loves opera! :D I'm not too familiar with Gluck, but I did listen to his Alceste the other day. And that is sweet, Orestes returning to rule with Pylade... That certainly ends better than the only other opera I can think of that has a gay subtext, which is Peter Grimes. And I notice you're from SF -- do you go to the SF opera? I never had the chance to, even though I've lived quite close for most of my life.

We saw Iphigenie en Tauride at the SF Opera this summer, about a week after I graduated from HS. My folks took me and Doug.


The Metropolitan Opera is simulcasting their operas on Saturday mornings to 118 movie theaters in the US, 20 in Canada, and about half a dozen in England by live satellite transmission. That includes the Cinemark theater in my home town. It's shown using digital projection, so it's good video quality and the sound is great. Tickets are only $22. Today they showed Verdi's Macbeth. Doug and I went with my folks. My brother Chris passed, he's not an opera fan. I saw the play Macbeth, so seeing the opera was interesting. I like listening to Verdi's operas, they're very musical. So, how was the performance? It was absolutely fantastic! I loved it. Macbeth was played by baritone

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when i think of gay music, i think of this (gay) kid in my french class last year who took it upon himself to dance dramatically to techno when it came on this movie we were watching. it's like, god, of course the gay kid would do that.


i get irritated like how he plays his role to the rich catholic girls. his job (and i'm not judging, i've seen him do all these things) as a gay man is to dance to techno, compliment the girls on their outfits "oh my god, you look SO cute today", and talk about people behind their backs, stuff like how they're annoying or ugly or dress out of style.


why do some people hate gays? because look at the ones who stand out.


anyway, to contribute - my exboyfriend got me kind of hooked on imogen heap. six feet of british female talent.

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