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Personal Pick-Me-Ups


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What I do when I'm feeling hopeless and super-isolated is try to find an on-line community to explore. Since I live in The Ozarks, my real-world community is not ripe with social opportunities.


And, as soon as I log out, there is a 1.5 litre bottle of California Chablis beckoning me from inside my Whirlpool refregerator.

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What I do when I'm feeling hopeless and super-isolated is try to find an on-line community to explore. Since I live in The Ozarks, my real-world community is not ripe with social opportunities.


And, as soon as I log out, there is a 1.5 litre bottle of California Chablis beckoning me from inside my Whirlpool refregerator.

Well we're happy to have you exploring our little online community! :D


Welcome to the site and I hope it has cheered you up :D


Have fun with the drink, but keep it healthy and responsible please! :D


-Kevin (whose drinking a pomegranate martini himself)

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Well we're happy to have you exploring our little online community! :D

Absolutely. Anyone who uses Dr. Strangelove for their avatar has got my attention.

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If I can't get out, and I'm stuck in side, I sit down, create some characters and then proceed to work on my torture writing skills. I've come out with some very bloody pieces that will never see the light of day.

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I sometimes write poetry. Sometimes it's anger, other times sad or a combination of the two. Regardless it is great therapy for me. One a side note, sometimes I do not post the poems in e-fiction, because they are too personal. :)

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I sometimes write poetry. Sometimes it's anger, other times sad or a combination of the two. Regardless it is great therapy for me. One a side note, sometimes I do not post the poems in e-fiction, because they are too personal. :)

Some of those poems are the best he's written. I've tried to get him to post those poems, but one can only push a tiger so far before he bites and uses his claws; yes even on me! ;)

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Some of those poems are the best he's written. I've tried to get him to post those poems, but one can only push a tiger so far before he bites and uses his claws; yes even on me! ;)

You know why they are not being posted. Besides, poems are personal therapy. They're for me. If people asked for them privately, I would probably let them (depending on who they were). :)

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Cathartic writing... cathartic reading... psychological inventory... wine & ice cream tonic... stranger abuse... musical therapy... online exploration... and Kevin's own method of personal pampering. ;)


I don't want the discussion to end - I'm enjoying this more than you'd think - but I want to thank everyone for their input.

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I sit alone in a box and wait it out. Then I do this.

Amen to that.


Wow :lol:

Where have you found this image ? I would like get others on the same kind !

One of my grandchildren has his birthday soon and he would be delighted with them.

Tanks in advance.

old bob

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I have to admit that chocolate is a nice pick me up. I happen to like chocolate pie and chocolate shakes the best. hungry.gif


Ah, you made me drool... Last sunday my little niece had her birthday party, and there were like 4 big pies... I'm embarrassed to say I didn't try the chocolate one... Because I was full with already having tried the other 3...

Oh, a more general nice pick me up: A dessert buffet :wub::wub::wub:

(Crap. I tried to input an image, but : Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed. While it isn't dynamic, or so I think. if you want to see it: Desert Buffet )

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Music is another. When I'm sad, I often listen to happy songs. Natasha Bedingfield has some good ones for that. Other times, I will listen to something instrumental like a Chopin nocturne. :)

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Ah, you made me drool... Last sunday my little niece had her birthday party, and there were like 4 big pies... I'm embarrassed to say I didn't try the chocolate one... Because I was full with already having tried the other 3...

Oh, a more general nice pick me up: A dessert buffet :wub::wub::wub:

(Crap. I tried to input an image, but : Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed. While it isn't dynamic, or so I think. if you want to see it: Desert Buffet )

That chocolate cake up front would make for a nice pick me up. I certainly need one; a pick me up that is. Today I'm gonna have to settle for some Oreo cheesecake.

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-Going to a museum (alone).



Personally I find the museum is more...satisfying alone. I can have a good time with other people too, but it doesn't feel as satisfying to me. This is probably because I'm very OCD about how I do museums. I like to stop and read everything and go in order. I also like to linger and ponder things. It's harder to do that with someone else. It is fun to discuss the stuff with other people, etc., but for a truly satisfying museum experience I prefer to go unaccompanied. If I'm doing it 'as a pick me up' then going alone is particularly necessary.


I'm a very social person and I love being with people...but I'm also a loner and I love being by myself! *shrug*


I think this general attitude is best expressed by something which happened to me about five years ago. I was all dressed up and on my way out. My roommate stopped me and asked where I was going. I said, "I'm going out to dinner, then probably a bit of shopping and a movie." She inquired, "Who are you going with?" I responded, "I thought it would be fun to go alone tonight." She answered, "Oh yeah, I've been wanting to go out to dinner by myself to see what it's like." Without thinking I responded, "You can come if you like." :blink:

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If I feel down, I simply love to write lyrics (not poems) as it made me feel better then lip-sync while trying to match my lyrics with the artist's tempo and personality. My favorite song to watch while being down is "Baila el Chiki Chiki" by Rodolfo Chikilicuatre... Chiki Chiki!!

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I think this general attitude is best expressed by something which happened to me about five years ago. I was all dressed up and on my way out. My roommate stopped me and asked where I was going. I said, "I'm going out to dinner, then probably a bit of shopping and a movie." She inquired, "Who are you going with?" I responded, "I thought it would be fun to go alone tonight." She answered, "Oh yeah, I've been wanting to go out to dinner by myself to see what it's like." Without thinking I responded, "You can come if you like." :blink:
Hehe. That was a great pick-me-up!



I agree with many of these pick-me-ups, they do help. Generally I don't exersise though, even though it does help it is not my preferred method.


Myself, I like to daydream. I write these fantastic stories in my head, in pictures and words. I play out characters both real and fictional and create the world that I want to live in. Everyone acts how they normally would, save one major change that would make my world okay. For example the boy I have a crush on would be in love with me, or I'd have a few thousand spare dollars.


Poetry used to be my main release, though now I tend to just write. It ends up not being anything or very interesting, but it helps.


Cleaning can help a lot, but mostly when I am angry, not sad. I listen to Sheryl Crow's self-titled album while I clean. I'm allergic to dust, so generally I'm a sneezing fit by the time I am done, and when I stop sneezing I am so relieved to breathe I've forgotten that I was angry.



Driving used to be a good one for me, but recently I've been associating my car with a friend lost that I was in love with. That and gas is expensive...


Violent video games are not a solution for me, I end up getting angry then I am sad and angry. Yet somehow I try anyway from time to time.

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My stress relief is to go jogging/running. At my most extreme, I took off for a run in the middle of a lighning storm, I made it a total of 6 miles. By the end of it my mood had improved significantly. As a result, I chose to cook myself a steak dinner in nothing buy my boxers, and boy was it ever delicious :)

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As a result, I chose to cook myself a steak dinner in nothing buy my boxers, and boy was it ever delicious :)


Boxers as steak flavoring? I've never tried that...


But you're all forgetting - you can't go out. It doesn't matter if you've surfed in a hurricane (GaryK :P ) or jogged in a lightning storm or whatever... You're stuck inside.


What would you do, Demetz?

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But you're all forgetting - you can't go out. It doesn't matter if you've surfed in a hurricane (GaryK :P ) or jogged in a lightning storm or whatever... You're stuck inside.

For that I would do a variation on this:

Myself, I like to daydream. I write these fantastic stories in my head, in pictures and words. I play out characters both real and fictional and create the world that I want to live in. Everyone acts how they normally would, save one major change that would make my world okay. For example the boy I have a crush on would be in love with me, or I'd have a few thousand spare dollars.

One of my best mood-stabilizers, and a great way to generally feel awesome emotionally is to just go to bed, put your problems and stress out of your mind and create a very nice fantasy. Personally, I don't create fantasies about myself (or out of the life of anyone else real). I create lovely little fantasies for people I make up. I guess it's sort of like writing a story actually. I give them a history, usually a conflict of some kind, then I insert wonderful, loving, caring, helpful people and/or amazing luck and great happenstance to make everything end up beautifully. The focus of my fantasies tend to be emotionally based and it's usually some sort of negative emotion the fantasy person has to overcome, or perhaps general negative emotional baggage. Of course this is probably in line with the fact that I prefer these types of songs, movies, books, etc. anyway.


I don't know how it would work for you, but it's great for me! My fantasies are usually on-going (I'll pick up where I left off last night on the one tonight), and eventually I just decide to create a new one with new people and situations. They're very different from my stories in that there's a pretty uniform positive progression, they aren't really realistic (well I hope my stories are realistic), and there's no concern about loose ends or strong story resolution, lol. I don't know why but it just feels weird and makes me uncomfortable if I make the fantasies about myself or anyone else real.


But yeah, works wonders and I do it all from the comfort of my bed as I snuggle in for the night. I attribute this activity to the fact that I rarely ever have trouble sleeping and usually fall asleep before I want to ('cause I'm having fun!). But yeah, great pick me up, and it promotes restful sleep which is also essential to good physical and emotional health.


Cleaning can help a lot, but mostly when I am angry, not sad. I listen to Sheryl Crow's self-titled album while I clean. I'm allergic to dust, so generally I'm a sneezing fit by the time I am done, and when I stop sneezing I am so relieved to breathe I've forgotten that I was angry.

I cleaned tonight. It did put me in a lovely mood. I felt so productive and I just love how everything looks. As usual it was an 'accidental cleaning'. I don't enjoy it if I plan it, but if I spontaneously start tidying something up I often find that I'll naturally decide to do something else and before I know it the whole place is done! :D


As a result, I chose to cook myself a steak dinner in nothing buy my boxers, and boy was it ever delicious :)

Do you not do this often? Well obviously I don't cook steak dinners particularly often either :boy: but to be honest most of the time I'm around my house I'm in a state of undress. Usually just underwear of some kind, or pajama pants, and a tee shirt. But often just one or the other, or neither. I know I shouldn't but I often tend to go out scantily clad as well. Not out out, but like out to my vehicle, to take out the trash, or check the mail or something. Tonight for example when I was done with the cleaning I took out the trash and I was just wearing my boxers and a tee shirt at the time.


I do routinely go out in PJ's though, and this time by "out" I do mean that I occasionally go to the nearby grocery store or even a little diner in the neighbourhood. Contrary to intuition I think it's actually the fact that I am into fashion that I do this. Basically I'm pretty used to dressing in ways that are often 'extreme' - or at least very noticeable - so I'm not shy about drawing attention to myself, particularly if it's because I'm dressed oddly. My PJ's are pretty cute I think though, and all my bits are covered. Most of the time people seem to get a kick out of it, so I figure everyone's a winner :)




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Well, at the time I was at college, with roomates who would probably not have appreciated finding me in that state of undress. For now, I'm back home, where I hardly ever cook at all. I kinda miss that though. At least when I was in charge of my own meals I had a good diet...

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Well, at the time I was at college, with roomates who would probably not have appreciated finding me in that state of undress. For now, I'm back home, where I hardly ever cook at all. I kinda miss that though. At least when I was in charge of my own meals I had a good diet...

That brings up another point: autonomy is a great pick me up!


I enjoyed my childhood a great deal, but I grew even healthier and happier once I moved out and could do my own thing.


I did forget that you didn't live alone. It's obviously much easier to parade about nude or near nude if you do :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to do a mess of things like read, write, or take a walk, and sometimes talk to my friends or do what I did about 2 days ago, Kill windows vista and redo my entire computer system (I now have 2 computers up and running and synced with each other one running windows 2000 and the other running linux). Even though I kinda missed out on the going ons of GA, I did get out a lot of stress because I proved I could do something that would be hard (you try setting up a SAMBA system having no idea what your doing lol).


I guess what I'm trying to say is make a project for yourself that'll be challenging and when you're done, it'll be rewarding in the end and you'll feel better about it!


As Always

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