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If Only In My Dreams


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Hi all,


I couldn't find a thread for this story, but I may have missed it so forgive me if this is a duplicate.


I just read the story and really enjoyed it! I was very much taken surprise by Steven. I didn't expect that he was gay and as fixated on Jeremy. It was a really sweet, romantic story. Great job, Com :)


Take care all and have a great day,


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Thanks a lot, dude! :)


Actually, you wanna know a little hidden info about this story? This is the one and only story on the entire site that I've ever written for someone else! Jeremy is quite real, and so is Steven. We were talking through email, and he was sure that Steven hated him, just as it was in the story. So I wrote the story for him based on the details he gave me, and gave it a very 'happy' ending. Hehehe!


Now, in REAL life, Jeremy did talk to Steven after the story was released, and they became good friends for a while. (Didn't hate him at all) Did they become a 'couple'? No. But who knows what might have happened if things were different. Hehehe!


I just recently heard from Jeremy again for the 10h anniversary of the site, and he's still beautiful, still doing well, and still having 'hot buttered sex' (HIS term, which I picked up from him through emails, hehehe) with a very cute live-in boyfriend!


And where else can you find dark haired Jeremy, sarcastic and lovable as ever? Right there in the pages of "GFD"....helping Justin get his blood fix when he's too scared to hunt for his own supply! ::Nods::

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