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Survey Response: Nancy Grace of Headline News


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The good people at Headline News sent me a survey to discuss Nancy Grace. I thought that I might share my thoughts with you.


In general what do you think of Nancy Grace and her show?


Her name is an oxymoron in that she has all the "grace" of a charging rhino. I can't stand her: she's an insufferable bitch. Her show panders to the worst sort of morbid curiosity about crimes in which she and her "experts" have absolutely no more information than anyone else and yet they speculate endlessly. She uses sex crimes to titillate her viewers and its nauseating. I mean if they ever find Natalie Holloway's corpse, what will she have to talk about? Will she apologize to all the innocent people she has slandered with her wild speculations?



What do you think of the choice of subject mater?


It is not news. It's gossip, speculation and a waste of time.



What would you like to see more of in the show?


A special FINAL episode.



What you like to see less of in the show?


Nancy Grace.



Does this show make you feel better informed?


No. It makes me feel like I need a shower.



Does this show fit the network?


Not unless Headline News using gossip and speculation to report the news.



Any General Comments?


Pull the handle and flush this stinker and reclaim the dignity of Headline News.

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It's weird how she has an almost cult like following. I can't imagine who her show would appeal to, though. I mean, she's a mean, spiteful woman in desperate need of liposuction and a face job. I guess she's bitter because her fianc

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I'm with Kevin on this one. I have watched it once or twice, and quite frankly I wasn't impressed, but I haven't watched it enough to hate it quite as much as some others. :P

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Thanks to Jack Frost (may his biological offspring rot in hell for the next 666 generations), who posted a link to a video of this woman in the humor section (Poconos+Quebec=weird sense of humor), I wasted 6 hours of my time, thanks to the links at Youtube (may the designers of such an evil system be overwhelmed by chlamydia...) watching a couple of her videos, then tons of Bill O'Reilly, then loads of Anne Coulter's. The devil is fascinating, let's face it.

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