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Agh I hate interviews


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hello all,


just wanted to moan for a little bit, so thought I'd start a new topic to indulge myself. I hate interviews. I have one tomorrow and its making me procrasinate way more than I really should. Its not just a simple interview, its an assessment day which includes, group exercises, informal interviews, psychometric tests, and a 3min 'creative' presentation on why they should hire me. so in all its going to be hell, especially if I don't get on with actually writing the damn thing. my main motto, 'fail to prepare, prepare to fail' is looking more and more likely if I don't just get on with it. oh well, think I'm going to leave it there and actually go do something rather than continue trawling this site trying to find something interesting and worthy of distracting me :) .


but what have some people's worst and best interviews/selection processes been? any major (and funny, now that you look back :) ) gaffes or tales?



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hello all,


just wanted to moan for a little bit, so thought I'd start a new topic to indulge myself. I hate interviews. I have one tomorrow and its making me procrasinate way more than I really should. Its not just a simple interview, its an assessment day which includes, group exercises, informal interviews, psychometric tests, and a 3min 'creative' presentation on why they should hire me. so in all its going to be hell, especially if I don't get on with actually writing the damn thing. my main motto, 'fail to prepare, prepare to fail' is looking more and more likely if I don't just get on with it. oh well, think I'm going to leave it there and actually go do something rather than continue trawling this site trying to find something interesting and worthy of distracting me :) .


but what have some people's worst and best interviews/selection processes been? any major (and funny, now that you look back :) ) gaffes or tales?



The only man-to-man interview I had was this past April, where I was interviewed by this REALLY cute assistant manager for my local Staples store (office supply store). I was already having a hard time keeping myself in order, trying to get the job, but his strikingly good looks made it tougher, lol. They never called me back, so f- them haha.

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The only man-to-man interview I had was this past April, where I was interviewed by this REALLY cute assistant manager for my local Staples store (office supply store). I was already having a hard time keeping myself in order, trying to get the job, but his strikingly good looks made it tougher, lol. They never called me back, so f- them haha.


:) like the attitide. Ive heard of Staples, they have them in the uk too.


Good luck on the interview, Celia! Be sure to let us know how it goes.


Hmm, I don't think I have any interview stories...nope can't think of any. But yeah, good luck!


Think ive decided that since I don't actually want the damn job (or jobs) Im just going to ring the lady early in the morn and cancel (I had only being filling another cancellation anyway).


just typical of me to get myself into these things! I decided a few days ago to do a masters starting late sept and sent an email confirming it. then friday afternoon i get this call from a top recruitment agency who'd gotten my name from a graduate fair i once went to, so I went along with the call to see what she wanted, didnt mention the masters when she asked if i had any plans, chatted for awhile, did a surprise telephone interview and bam had a place on this assessment day. thought it may be good practise, but oh well, im simply not prepared, and i don't.. want.. the job. ive learnt stuff about myself while trying to write this presentation and tailoring my CV so its not a complete waste (I hope). ooh well, I'll see what I think in the morn, but its too late really, I havent got time to practise even a mediocore presentation (its in the afternoon) and don't want to look like a complete fool. right, need to be decisive -- im cancelling. argh, thats my worst personal trait.


thanks for the support regardless, hows your courses going?


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Sounds like you're making the right decision then! On the other hand, if you did just want the practice and you don't care about actually getting the job, there's no reason not to go in anyway and give a crummy interview. You'll still get the experience and the results won't matter. Although I can certainly see how it's tempting to cancel. LOL, I'm really not trying to make your decision harder! Just saying :)


My course went pretty well, slid out with an A when no one was looking :lol: Which really was quite remarkable considering I never bought the book or studied at all :P I've got my next class starting on the 27th (which happens to be my birthday, what a present eh? :boy: ). It'll be better though, only have to go once a week :)

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Sounds like you're making the right decision then! On the other hand, if you did just want the practice and you don't care about actually getting the job, there's no reason not to go in anyway and give a crummy interview. You'll still get the experience and the results won't matter. Although I can certainly see how it's tempting to cancel. LOL, I'm really not trying to make your decision harder! Just saying :)


My course went pretty well, slid out with an A when no one was looking :lol: Which really was quite remarkable considering I never bought the book or studied at all :P I've got my next class starting on the 27th (which happens to be my birthday, what a present eh? :boy: ). It'll be better though, only have to go once a week :)


:)yeah .....thanks. :D . Yep, Ive already thought of what you just typed. i know from friends how hard they can be, especially your 1st time so thought I might as well get my 1st time out of the way for the future. but now its getting closer its just seeming like a really really hard afternoons work (well, it did at the begining too). even if it will benefit me in the long run. so yep, Im running scared. I may decide differently in the morn, but this sales presentation on myself (to a sales team) is abit daunting without a proper script, or even a basic one. so its my fault I may miss out on an opportunity. (another really bad quality, procrasination when under pressure!!)


I'll try and get up really early and see if I get inspiration.


congrats on your A, am sure it was deserved! goodluck with the next one. once a week is easy peasssy. anyway, thanks for the pep talk


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One thing I've found over the years with interviews is that they are two-way deals. That is, it's as much of a chance for you to interview them as for them to interview you. And you can tell a lot about a company or a work environment from the type of interview they conduct. I, for one, have no interest in working anyplace that would make me jump through so many hoops for the interview. I prefer smaller, more informal work environments, and the best jobs I've had have been the ones where I've just "clicked" with the people interviewing me. Of course, that's typical for my field, and it may not be for yours. But it can help your confidence if you figure that the interview process is as much for you as it is for them, and you have a right to reject them, too. After all, life's way too short to spend most of your waking hours at a job you hate.

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Of course, that's typical for my field, and it may not be for yours. But it can help your confidence if you figure that the interview process is as much for you as it is for them, and you have a right to reject them, too. After all, life's way too short to spend most of your waking hours at a job you hate.


Thanks. Thats why I've ultimatley decided not to bother with the day. I called the lady (who was actually very nice on the phone (but she is a highly skilled sales person)) and explained I hadnt been entirely truthfull about my plans and that she could call me in a year. I'm actually quite glad this happened because its made it clear that the masters (which isnt ever likely to make me lots of money) is what I really want to do, I'm not ready to give up so easily or be distracted from what I really love and want to spend my life doing. I need to get on with finding new accomodation instead.


glad you sound like you've found your ideal vocation,


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When I had my interview to be accepted into the Physical therapy program at my University I step into the room. There are three interviewers watching me and I'm not a nervous person at all so as I turned to close the door behind me I so fell flat on my face. They all jumped to their feet and I turned around as I stood and saw them all looking at me... and they were frowning. So I smoothed out my clothes and shook all their hands and waited for them to sit back down... lol.


I guess I made an impression... :P It's important though if something doesn't go right not to let it show. :P I'm also infamous for making a 'clutz' out of myself during times like these.

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When I had my interview to be accepted into the Physical therapy program at my University I step into the room. There are three interviewers watching me and I'm not a nervous person at all so as I turned to close the door behind me I so fell flat on my face. They all jumped to their feet and I turned around as I stood and saw them all looking at me... and they were frowning. So I smoothed out my clothes and shook all their hands and waited for them to sit back down... lol.


I guess I made an impression... :P It's important though if something doesn't go right not to let it show. :P I'm also infamous for making a 'clutz' out of myself during times like these.


Haha, you think that's bad? I remember back in my student days, I worked retail. Now, the store that had hired me was a new store about to open, and they had an employee orientation session for all the new hires. I not only arrived to the first session late (ensuring that everyone was staring at me), but as I entered the room, there were these dishes of candy on the ground that they had set up for some sort of activity. I proceeded to trip over one of the dishes, landing on my face and sending candy flying everywhere. Talk about a first impression!


(I worked at the store for four years... longer than just about everyone in that room including the manager. And yes, I am a very major klutz.)

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