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Hallmark Promotes unhealthy lifestyles


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My sister just sent me this link.




If you're too lazy to click the link:


Hallmark pushes same-sex marriage

Ask them to stop promoting a lifestyle that is not only unhealthy, but is also illegal in 48 states.


Hallmark Greeting Cards has announced it will begin selling same-sex wedding cards, even though same-sex marriage is legal in only two states. The purpose, they say, is to satisfy consumer demand. It appears that their purpose is also to push same-sex marriage. Last year Hallmark began offering "coming out" cards - as in "coming out of the closet" -- a euphemism for announcing homosexuality.


We've all given or received Hallmark Cards

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*coos at the cuteness*

Okay, now that I've done my girly thing...

Hallmark has hit on a gold mine for them. It's because of the fact that more and more gay couples are doing the marriage thing, semi or not.

It's so wrong...really to promote love and companion ship, really it is.

The guy is an IDIOT who is backwards in his thinking. I'm still so surprised when I find people like this being able to speak at all...no matter how mean that sounds, it's true.

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Eric, I am aware of civil unions here. I merely stated that we are one of the states who not turn away a gay couple seeking marital rights of some form. It's not full marriage, but it's better than total rejection.

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This is clearly another examply of a bunch of hypocritical people who have nothing better to do than to tell people what the hell they can do in their bedrooms. I wonder how many of these morons go around cheating on their wives on Saturday and then go to church Sunday morning spewing how wonderful Jesus is when they are just as sinful as the people like us that they hate. As for Hallmark, I think they should start making cards that are are a lot more obvious than those three, because I really like making the hypocrites sweat. The ones they do have are quite nice, but I would love to see one with two men embracing or something like that. I will say no more, because I'll start getting too political. :*)

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Same-sex wedding cards are perfect for Canada and other countries where unions are allowed (including partnerships, civil unions, etc.).


Even though it's not too hard for me to find a card for my spouse. I just look for "husband" and there are plenty.


It's just a matter of getting a card where it doesn't say "husband and wife" on every one of them.


Cards aren't illegal. Having an unsanctioned same-sex marriage is not illegal.


It's just a ploy to impose one group's will on a company that thinks of the market. That's free market and the very group is most likely all for freedom of market. Yet they go promote restricting it what they don't like. If they don't like it, then don't shop there. No one is forcing them to. Again, free market...you've the right to choose where to do business with and business has the right to make business to a specific market.


Yahyahyah. :)

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Eric, I am aware of civil unions here. I merely stated that we are one of the states who not turn away a gay couple seeking marital rights of some form. It's not full marriage, but it's better than total rejection.

I know I just wanted to bust your chops :P


Same-sex wedding cards are perfect for Canada and other countries where unions are allowed (including partnerships, civil unions, etc.).


Yea I can see a big market for that.


It just seems that groups like this only see the small picture instead of the big picture. I hope one day the get the blinders taken off their heads and see that marriage is about love not a man and woman.



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The cards are cute. :)



Now I've already got a stupid thing from my preacher, pretty much the same thing Robbie linked, and I hate that people have to resort to drastic measures when it's not really hurting them... I mean, I can understand things a lot better if they want to try and block anything that interferes with their every day existence... like smoking in public restaurants and such.. as that affects the health of everyone around the smoker... but as far as gay wedding hallmark cards.. those don't hurt... one may get a paper cut from them... but please... people need to get a life it seems. :P



I like that Hallmark has taken on Gay wedding cards. I hope more card companies do the same.

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I find this amusing. I mean, greeting cards exist for everything from "Hug Your Cat Day" to "Congratulations on your Divorce". And they're complaining about cards for gay weddings? Give me a break! The AFA needs to get a life.


By the way, if you ever want to send someone a card for an odd or totally pointless occasion, there's a great list of weird and wacky holidays here. (Left Handers day was August 13th, and I got disappointingly few greeting cards from you folks... what's wrong, you got a problem with lefties or something? :D )

Edited by Cynical Romantic
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The AFA needs to get a life.


By the way, if you ever want to send someone a card for an odd or totally pointless occasion, there's a great list of weird and wacky holidays here. (Left Handers day was August 13th, and I got disappointingly few greeting cards from you folks... what's wrong, you got a problem with lefties or something? :D )

Maybe Hallmark will tell them to do just that.


I don't find a thing wrong with left handers. A couple of my boyfriends were left handed.

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I think those cards are great! Hallmark is awesome. Times are changing, the laws are changing--the greeting cards need to change along with it! There's a backlash because traditional people or whatever are not used to it, and most people hate change, especially ignorant people with ample time on their hands. I hope Hallmark continues making cards like these and does not back down. And for the most part, I think a lot of people are in favor of these cards, gay and straight alike. I mean, even a straight person could have a ton of gay friends. We need to buy them the proper cards, people! We don't want to commit a social faux-pas and buy "his and her"/ "husband and wife" cards. Hallmark is really doing us, the consumer, a favor. :D

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Consumerism. Supply and demand. A niche market. Hallmark will make a bundle while American Greetings will sit on their raft of righteousness and hope they stay afloat.


Next time I need to buy a card, I know where my money's going...

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Well, I must say I was pleased that the AFA offered a link to the chairman of Hallmark's email address. I used it to send him a pleasant email thanking him for his company's continued dedication to equality and sensitivity.


I did the same. Hallmark deserve our thanks.


Then I got a disposable email address and... uh... slightly modified the AFA text 0:) and sent my "information". I clicked on the "confirmation" email then deleted my disposable email address. :P


I think the AFA form is automated and the messages are not reviewed by humans. Won't Hallmark be surprised when they receive an email from AFA in favor of their gay cards. :lol:


Colin B)

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Well, I must say I was pleased that the AFA offered a link to the chairman of Hallmark's email address. I used it to send him a pleasant email thanking him for his company's continued dedication to equality and sensitivity.


See Kevin, your a brilliant guy because I never would've thought of doing that :)


*Rushes off to open Thunderbird and email away*

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Then I got a disposable email address and... uh... slightly modified the AFA text 0:) and sent my "information". I clicked on the "confirmation" email then deleted my disposable email address. :P


I think the AFA form is automated and the messages are not reviewed by humans. Won't Hallmark be surprised when they receive an email from AFA in favor of their gay cards. :lol:


Colin B)


I'mma go type away now too! :D Can't have too many thanks I'd say ;)

Do you really need to press the confirmation e-mail?

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I'mma go type away now too! :D Can't have too many thanks I'd say ;)

Do you really need to press the confirmation e-mail?

I think if you don't click the confirmation email they will sutomatically deep-six your message after some period of time (like 30 days). Be sure to use a disposable email address otherwise you'll get crap email from the AFA. Just go to a webmail site you don't use and sign up for an account, then after clicking the confirmation email close the account.


Colin B)

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I think if you don't click the confirmation email they will sutomatically deep-six your message after some period of time (like 30 days). Be sure to use a disposable email address otherwise you'll get crap email from the AFA. Just go to a webmail site you don't use and sign up for an account, then after clicking the confirmation email close the account.


Colin B)


Is it normal I didn't get that confirmation? :o

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I haven't gotten one either. *shrugs* But, I've sent my thanks. Hopefully the support will outweigh the complaints. I remember - not too long ago - Heinz pulled a commercial (This one) that featured two men kissing after about two hundred complaints. Mommies and Daddies don't want to explain to poor little Jane why two men are kissing each other. Silly parents. I fear for Jane.

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