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virginity n gay

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So if people consider penetration as losing your virginity, does that mean all lesbians are virgins then? unsure.gif


It's funny. I always considered a "virgin" someone who hadn't penetrated or been penetrated. But, some gay men never have anal sex (either as a top or a bottom) and I certainly wouldn't consider them virgins. Many lesbians have sex with penetration, its just not necessarily a flesh and blood penis that does the penetrating.


However, I know I considered myself a virgin until I had intercourse for the first time and I had had oral sex previously. Soooo.... do we need to have different definitions of virginity based on sexual orientation? Or do we just think of the term "virgin" as a thing of the past. Really, does virginity really matter? Hopefully, we are moving beyond the whole "no sex until marriage" crap. Virginity used to carry a great deal of weight due to religious and cultural stigmas. Are we moving past that?

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until I had intercourse for the first time and I had had oral sex previously


I never count it either. It's more of a fun thing to do with friends to pass the time. :lol:


And I tend to dislike people who hold their virginity out like a trophy. :mellow:

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it seems like it's a state of mind more than anything.


it's weird for me because i did oral at thirteen, but no anal until eighteen, so depending on how i define it i take a five year jump.


to be a virgin and to be virginal are definitely different things in common speech.


but i'm gonna jump on the "it doesn't matter" train, because the truth is i would've sat on someone or bent him over as early as twelve if i had the chance.

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