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What would you call your gay anthem


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LOL!! :D That's so funny. It's the sort of thing I would do. I bumped into a big display stand in the supermarket and turned round and apologised to it! My daughter walked away cos she was so embarrased.


hahaha, i apologise to inanimate objects as well... its like a reflex or something... it does get embaressing when you're apologising to the settee for walking into it... :|

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Aww, you guys! I'm sure the objects didn't mind... :lol:


Anyways, my gay anthem would have to be "Nobody's Fool" by Avril Lavigne. I don't know if anyone's heard of it but I find the lyrics very uplifting especially when I'm down. It's about being yourself and not letting anyone change you.


"You don't know

You think you know me like yourself

But I fear

That you're only telling me what I wanna hear

But do you give a damn


That I can't not be what I am"

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A song from a movie that I saw recently called 'Were the World Mine'. I didn't end up liking the movie, just the music in it (and the guys :P ). Regardless, this song which, oddly enough, takes most of its lyrics from Shakespeare, could be my gay anthem.



Oh, and ignore the lady singing. She's annoying. The guy singing is much better.

Edited by canundra
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Greta Garbo, and Monroe

Dietrich and DiMaggio

Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean

On the cover of a magazine


Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean

Picture of a beauty queen

Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire

Ginger Rogers, dance on air


They had style, they had grace

Rita Hayworth gave good face

Lauren, Katherine, Lana too

Bette Davis, we love you

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I'm so old school that I'll bet I was spitting my pants on the dance floor before half of you whipper-snappers were even born!


I went completely mental when The Weathers Girls came out with It's Raining Men.


Patrick Hernandez, Born to Be Alive.

Bonnie Tyler, Holding Out For for A Hero.

Laura Brannigan, Gloria.

2 Unlimited, Tribal Dance.

Billy Idol, Mony Mony.

Carlos Ponce, Rezo, (club mix)

Exile, Kiss You All Over.


The seventies had a lot of good music too...

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