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When I grow up, I want to be...


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Can't believe I missed this!


When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher, then I got older and wanted to be a social worker that specialized in different areas.


Shocking? Yes. A Pain? You bet. Worth it? Always.


:) Eric

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When i was younger i always wanted to be a squirrel.


Now that i'm a bit older and have accepted the fact that's not gonna happen (failed the squirrel test :/ ) i dunno what i want to be.


When i'm older i want to be happy. That's all that counts methinks.

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When i was younger i always wanted to be a squirrel.


Now that i'm a bit older and have accepted the fact that's not gonna happen (failed the squirrel test :/ ) i dunno what i want to be.


When i'm older i want to be happy. That's all that counts methinks.


LMFAO oh i do love you tom!


well if not a squirrel why not a mole?

you do enjoy the mole too much anyways... so i think its a sign

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I always wanted to be an actor since I was little, now I'm going for teacher ><


Teaching is rather a lot like acting actually. You're on stage all day and people scrutinise you and notice every single mistake you make, and if you're not convincing in the role you're playing you'll get slaughtered by the critics (read: students). :P I used to be a teacher so I know. But don't let me discourage you, it can be a rewarding job too. :D

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I want to be god-emperor of the multiverse.

Then, if you're nice to me, I'll maybe appoint you ruler of Earth.




I'll be nice to you. Just tell me exactly how nice to be. I can even be naughty if you want. 0:)

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Growing up, my ambitions changed from time to time. Some day, I wanted to be an actor, others I wanted to be a doctor. I remember wanting to be an astronaut, an army officer, a porn star (yes, that is correct!), a politician, a civil servant, a journalist, a teacher...


Now, though, I want to become a diplomat....


Guess, life changes perspective a lot, doesn't it?


BeaStKid :devil:

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Growing up, my ambitions changed from time to time. Some day, I wanted to be an actor, others I wanted to be a doctor. I remember wanting to be an astronaut, an army officer, a porn star (yes, that is correct!) a politician, a civil servant, a journalist, a teacher...


Now, though, I want to become a diplomat....


Guess, life changes perspective a lot, doesn't it?


BeaStKid :devil:


Lol. It does. When I was around...thirteen, I think...ish...I told my mother I wanted to be a stripper. I got my comp, tv, and phone privileges taken away.


A week later, I wanted to be a spy.


I wasn't exactly a realistic type of kid...but the point is, I definitely was changing my mind all the time. Even now, I have moments where I stop and wonder whether I really picked the right major and have brief panic attacks when I ask myself whether I REALLY want to be a ________ for the rest of my life...o_O

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When I was little I think I changed my mind every week about what I wanted to be. Ranging from, ballerina to doctor to teacher to mad scientist. But when you're a kid, your attention span is short and therefore you get distracted by other job interests lol.


Right now I'm in school for my Associates Degree in Social Sciences and then maybe to get my Bachelors in Sociology. I kind of want to be a school counselor. Us crazy people have to help each other out :lol:


Although, in middle school and high school you really don't want to be called "crazy." I don't think anyone got that memo where I'm from because everyone was calling everyone else crazy about a million times a day :P

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When i'm older i want to be happy. That's all that counts methinks.


A man after me own heart. :)


Sadly, not everyone realizes that that's the true Goal of Life... including one's parents, sometimes, and one's academic advisors, who want you to take thermodynamics and lovely stuff like that....


Besides the Monkey King, I don't think I wanted to be anything else. Unless I said so otherwise in an earlier post that I've forgotten about. Hmm. Meh. Too lazy to check.

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I never really figured out anything I wanted to do when I grew up. Maybe that's why I never really grew up, other than physically.


I do have an ambition now: to be retired. I doubt I'll grow up much at that stage, either.

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I had always been a reader and the group home I lived in had a small room full of books so they never took us to a library. When I was 7, my sister's mother (Robin) took me to one and I was like "WOW! I wanna work here."


"They dont just read all day. They actually work, you know." Robin told me and I answered with, "Never mind." Hey I was 7!


There was the "princess phase", then for a short while I wanted to be a special education teacher.


Then when I was 15 my mom told me I needed to stop lounging around the house. It was summer and she gave me a few options and one of them was volunteering at my tiny local library. I loved it! Yep, wanted to be a librarian again.


After summer, I kept volunteering and after high-school I got into my community college and I am still taking classes for the Library Technition Certificate. I had a job at the big library where I currently live but got fired(was late 3 times), so now Im Working at the library I orignaly volunteered at.


(Im sure that was way more info than you wanted but aww well.)

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

Today, after 79 years of a life full of a lot of decisions to be taken, its no so easy to remember what I wanted. At the beginning, when I was 16, it was just the end of WWII, I wanted to be independant, working for and with people and ready to choose anything what life would offer. Each time I was not happy with my momentary work, fate gave my an opportunity to change. I used it. Sometimes it was a good choice, sometimes it wasnt ! But always I did what I wanted to do. So now I can pretend I fulfilled all my wishes. It was successively an engineer, a filmdistributor, a management consultant, a teacher, a lawyer, I earned and lost a lot of money. Looking back, I think it was more fun to loose than to earn it !

In one word, I dont regret any of the choices I made.

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

Today, after 79 years of a life full of a lot of decisions to be taken, its no so easy to remember what I wanted. At the beginning, when I was 16, it was just the end of WWII, I wanted to be independant, working for and with people and ready to choose anything what life would offer. Each time I was not happy with my momentary work, fate gave my an opportunity to change. I used it. Sometimes it was a good choice, sometimes it wasnt ! But always I did what I wanted to do. So now I can pretend I fulfilled all my wishes. It was successively an engineer, a filmdistributor, a management consultant, a teacher, a lawyer, I earned and lost a lot of money. Looking back, I think it was more fun to loose than to earn it !

In one word, I dont regret any of the choices I made.


Wow sounds like you've had a good time doing all that :P

but that is like amazing, and totally what i want to be able to do... look back and have no regrets, welll not none at all, but to be happy and it sounds like you've done just that :)

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

Today, after 79 years of a life full of a lot of decisions to be taken, its no so easy to remember what I wanted. At the beginning, when I was 16, it was just the end of WWII, I wanted to be independant, working for and with people and ready to choose anything what life would offer. Each time I was not happy with my momentary work, fate gave my an opportunity to change. I used it. Sometimes it was a good choice, sometimes it wasnt ! But always I did what I wanted to do. So now I can pretend I fulfilled all my wishes. It was successively an engineer, a filmdistributor, a management consultant, a teacher, a lawyer, I earned and lost a lot of money. Looking back, I think it was more fun to loose than to earn it !

In one word, I dont regret any of the choices I made.



That is awsome to have no regrets at 79. I have so many regrets now, at 23, I cant imagine how many Im going to have at that age. Stay happy.

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

Today, after 79 years of a life full of a lot of decisions to be taken, its no so easy to remember what I wanted. At the beginning, when I was 16, it was just the end of WWII, I wanted to be independant, working for and with people and ready to choose anything what life would offer. Each time I was not happy with my momentary work, fate gave my an opportunity to change. I used it. Sometimes it was a good choice, sometimes it wasnt ! But always I did what I wanted to do. So now I can pretend I fulfilled all my wishes. It was successively an engineer, a filmdistributor, a management consultant, a teacher, a lawyer, I earned and lost a lot of money. Looking back, I think it was more fun to loose than to earn it !

In one word, I dont regret any of the choices I made.


This was great to hear. :D I've (still) been thinking that I need to choose something to be for 'the rest of my life', but maybe that's actually not the way to do it. Maybe I should just go on the way I have and switch occupations now and then to avoid stagnation. After all, there are so many interesting things to do.


I studied science to begin with (chemistry, microbiology) and had a part-time job at the museum of national history, which was really cool. The museum was an amazing place when you had access to places the visitors couldn't go to, such as the attic. Then I switched to languages -- Irish of all 'stupid' things to learn. But I had a great time, got a B.A. in Ireland, and then decided to go back to Sweden. With languages there's only two things you can do, really, so I began with teaching, which was horrible in some ways but very rewarding in others. Well, I see that now that I've given it up. ;) But I definitely learned a lot while doing that and I don't regret having done it. Now I'm doing the other thing you can do with languages -- I translate. But it's more interesting than one might think since I'm at the national police and get to see things I used to know nothing about, mainly in my translations but also 'for real' sometimes. I kind of want to go back to doing science now, and did a summer project at the university here, which was great -- but I don't know what I'll end up doing. Hopefully I'll be doing a lot of interesting things... soon... :D



That is awsome to have no regrets at 79. I have so many regrets now, at 23, I cant imagine how many Im going to have at that age. Stay happy.


They fade eventually, that's the good thing about getting older. But if you want to and can change your situation, do! It's never too late. :)

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When I was real little I wanted to be a bodybuilder just like my first dad.


My stepdad were a policeman and we hated each other when I were bout nine I got it in my head to tell him I want be a career criminal. He were not happy hehe.


I dint do a life of crime hehe an now I try to be an internet marketer. I did this challenge where you make a dollar in a month an now I hooked. I gonna be rich.



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When I was growing up, for the most part, I wanted to be a forensic pathologist. I still do, but I doubt that I'll be able to do so, so I've switched to something a little easier, to a point. I've switched to history teacher.

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