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Heroes TV Series


Heroes Season III - Villains main characters  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite hero (with abilities)? (As of season 3 - Villains)

    • Claire Bennet (regenerative ability)
    • Elle Bishop (electric manipulation)
    • Maya Herrera (generates deadly disease)
    • Linderman (ability to heal)
    • Hiro Nakamura (ability to manipulate the space-time continuum)
    • Matt Parkman (ability to hear and manipulate people's thoughts)
    • Nathan Petrelli (ability to fly)
    • Peter Petrelli (ability to mimic)
    • Niki Sanders A.K.A Tracy Strauss (superhuman strength and a new-found cryokinesis ability)
    • Mohinder Suresh (new-found bug-like ability)
    • Sylar A.K.A The serial killer named Gabriel Gray (multiple acquired abilities)

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1) Who is your favourite hero?

2) Who is the most powerful amongst them?

3) Who would you want to be?

4) Who do you think would manifest more hidden abilities?

5) Who is the most interesting character?

6) Would Sylar prevail? Or would there be another "better villain"?

7) Where is Nikki Sanders and Micah Sanders?

8) If you were given a chance to write a scene for "Heroes", what plot would you give?




If you love "Heroes", run around in your room and scream "I LOVE HEROES" three times :D or more if you like hehehehe :P




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OMFG! I'm so glad someone is talking about Heroes. I absolutely love this show! lol. I just watched the premiere yesterday online since mi madre made me miss it on Monday (holy alliteration batman) lol. I'm so excited to see the rest of the season, especially after what happened so far.


1) My fav hero is def Peter and then Hiro comes at a very very close second.

2) I would have to say that Sylar is the most powerful among them, I mean come on, he takes everyone's abilities. It would be a close fight between him and Peter for sure.

3) I wouldn't want to be any of them, although I wouldn't mind dating one or two haha.

4) Well seeing as how Nikki/Jessica/Tracy has found a new power, who knows who else could.

5) I think they are all equally interesting.

6) Right now I think Sylar is the up and up with the villians, although there could be a better one that we haven't met yet.

7) I asked the same thing. No clue. I could have sworn she blew up at the end of last season.

8) Oh I don't know about that one lol.


And btw, I already run around screaming I LOVE HEROES! whenever I see something on TV for it haha. :P

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Well I seem to be in the minority; I find Hiro to be annoying.. though I love me some dark brooding Peter. But the best would have to be Mohinder, love the voice, love the serious dour face; we'll just have to see how

Edited by Umbathri
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Love this show! I do think that there is a possibility that there haven't been any new powers manifested (Mohinder's being artificially created). Do we know for sure that that is REALLY Nikki? Didn't she have a twin that "died" at a young age? I guess we'll just have to watch to find out.

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Love this show! I do think that there is a possibility that there haven't been any new powers manifested (Mohinder's being artificially created). Do we know for sure that that is REALLY Nikki? Didn't she have a twin that "died" at a young age? I guess we'll just have to watch to find out.


I'm glad I'm not the only who is thinking this. My thought is that Niki did die in the fire, but Tracy is really Jessica, Niki's twin that she thought was killed. So the strength was always Niki's - but she was inhibited only only used it when her "Jessica" persona took over, whereas the real Jessica has a cryo-power...

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1) Who is your favourite hero?

2) Who is the most powerful amongst them?

3) Who would you want to be?

4) Who do you think would manifest more hidden abilities?

5) Who is the most interesting character?

6) Would Sylar prevail? Or would there be another "better villain"?

7) Where is Nikki Sanders and Micah Sanders?

8) If you were given a chance to write a scene for "Heroes", what plot would you give?




If you love "Heroes", run around in your room and scream "I LOVE HEROES" three times :D or more if you like hehehehe :P




1. Elle. She's the only good thing about season two, imo.

2. Peter. He's also the most annoying one.

3. Elle. :wub:

4. The way they keep making the show about Claire, I'll have to go with her.

5. Sylar, Claire and Elle. They should get way more air time(and while they're at it, they could kill of the Petrelli family too).

6. I think he'll stick around, but he's probably not the "big bad".

7. I hope they are both dead... Or at least irrelevant and won't be featured on the show a lot in the future.

8. Sylar kills Peter and his almost as annoying brother. Claire stop whining and takes her rightful place as queen of the world. Elle becomes Claire's bodyguard. Oh, and a lot of gay slash, lmao. :lol:


As for the running around; Nah. I don't run. B)

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^I think you love Kristen Bell as much as I do XD

I was like "Omg Veronica Mars on Heroes lol"


1) Who is your favourite hero?



2) Who is the most powerful amongst them?



3) Who would you want to be?


4) Who do you think would manifest more hidden abilities?

I'm not sure


5) Who is the most interesting character?



6) Would Sylar prevail? Or would there be another "better villain"?

I'd rather a better villain


7) Where is Nikki Sanders and Micah Sanders?

No idea.

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Back to number 7, obvi in episode 3 this season (the most recent episode) we find out that Nikki Sanders is truely dead. Apparently Tracy Strauss is who she says she is. I think she was a clone of Nikki/Jessica by that Dr. Zimmerman man. But we shall have to wait and find out.


And Pai-chan, Peter may be annoying but he sure is sexy as hell lol. I envy Hayden for actually dating Milo in real life :P But I do agree that Nathan is almost as annoying sometimes.


I completely agree with Alex that there needs to be a better villain than Sylar. He's starting to get played out, and frankly, I'm bored of seeing him slice open people's heads and steal their powers. I kinda wanna see him spontaneously combust from all the powers he's taken lol.

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Hehe yeah! Didnt Sylar acquire two new abilities in this episode. Oooo what about the liquefaction ability he acquired from a victim in season 1 or the Alchemic ability from Robert Bishop? He didn't put them to good use, except to intimidate others. For instance, during episode 1, when Claire locked herself in the room, he could have liquidized the locked door to pull her out. And I totally agree with you Anna, I'm too am already bored of him slicing people's head open, but then again, it's his trademark. :)


OOOOO can't wait to find out who Zimmerman is. And strangely, Mohinder and Maya didn't appear in the recent episode. Hmmm...

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1) Who is your favourite hero?

Sylar (I know he's evil but I like him)


2) Who is the most powerful amongst them?

Peter (because he can mimic other abilities which could provide useful, especially against ones like Sylar)


3) Who would you want to be?

Peter (because I would love to be able to mimic abilities)


4) Who do you think would manifest more hidden abilities?

Sylar (only cus he eats brains :) )


5) Who is the most interesting character?

It's a dead heat between Peter and Sylar


6) Would Sylar prevail? Or would there be another "better villain"?

Yes, because it seems like of Sylar has no morals when it comes to getting what he wants


7) Where is Nikki Sanders and Micah Sanders?

Who knows :P


8) If you were given a chance to write a scene for "Heroes", what plot would you give?

Hmmm... I think I would include a plot where Sylar has a moral dilemma and has to choose between someone he cares for and himself

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Warning: There are spoilers in my response. If you haven't yet seen the latest episode or any of the seasons, 1) GO WATCH 'EM! and 2) Don't go any further.





1) Who is your favourite hero?

-- Nathan Petrelli. Okay, his power sucks. But he is my favorite.


2) Who is the most powerful amongst them?

-- Peter Petrelli, obviously. Too powerful, in my opinion.


3) Who would you want to be?

-- Peter Petrelli, obviously. He has all the power :P


4) Who do you think would manifest more hidden abilities?

-- Better not be Peter. I think no one should get any more powers. They'll make it more complicated if more people get more powers.


5) Who is the most interesting character?

-- Season 1: Nathan Petrelli; Season 2: Adam Monroe a.k.a. Kensei; Season 3: Right now it's Angela Petrelli


6) Would Sylar prevail? Or would there be another "better villain"?

-- I'm tired of Sylar. Really. I think he's overrated. I want to know more about the fear guy or the guy who shoots blue flames. Or rather, BRING BACK ADAM MONROE! He was, by far, the best villain on the show. I hope he comes back.


7) Where is Nikki Sanders and Micah Sanders?

-- Nikki = dead. Micah...He can die to. I don't think he's necessary.


8) If you were given a chance to write a scene for "Heroes", what plot would you give?

-- Someone has to die. It has to be a major character too. One of the biggest problems I had with last season (besides the fact that it was pretty slow), was the introduction of Claire's blood as being able to bring back the dead. After that, I feel that every main character, particularly those Claire cares about, will be invincible because of her blood. In shows like this, where people have super powers and are stronger/better than the average human being, I believe that it would make the show more suspenseful and a lot more interesting, if all these characters were vulnerable to death. Those characters who can never die are boring.



One personal qualm I have with the show: WAAAAAY too many characters. Again, another reason why I advocate the death of one or two main characters. Kill off Parkman. He's worthless. And what was up with him painting the future in the last episode? There needs to be conflict between Ando and Hiro, and I'm glad that the season seems to be headed in that direction. Hiro should kill off Ando. Now THAT would be interesting.


I also am one of the people who don't find Hiro that interesting at all. Claire and Peter, in my opinion, are on the lower rungs of the interesting ladder. His brother and mom are pretty up there. Mohinder has moved up. The first two seasons I thought he was the worse.


What happened to the mimic girl from New Orleans? And plague girl is boring. I wanna see Kristen Bell again. I like her.


I have more to say, but I can't think of it right now.


Looking forward to the next episode.

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Mohinder has always been hot to me. You just never knew what was under those clothes haha. And his "power" seems to have made him more bold, what with going after Maya like that haha. I wonder why his skin was coming off like that though, sooo gross.

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