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Apostrophes abolished

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*LOL*. Reminds me of how the Quebec government has been waging a war on the apostrophe for a few decades now. You see, in the infinite wisdom of the separatists, an English word isn't really English if the apostrophe is removed. So Eaton's (while it was open) became Eaton, and that was okay because it was a name, not a possessive, and that could count as French.


If Birmingham Council and the OLF were to team up, together, they could rid the world of the dreaded apostrophe once and for all.

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One ridiculous sign at a cafe' I frequent reads:


"Smile, your on camera!"




Technically I suppose they're demanding, and quite strongly at that, that I make my on camera (as opposed to my 'off camera') smile. Regrettably I never bring my camera to that cafe, and even if I did I probably wouldn't turn it on and try to make it smile.

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