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Dating Policy


36 members have voted

  1. 1. How many dates until you give it up?

    • 2 dates
    • 3 dates
    • month
    • 2 or more months
    • Until you feel ready
    • Until marriage
    • No policy but dont push things to happen
    • First night...getting it in

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My track record makes me look like a slut. devilsmiley.gifinnocent.gif


Does that mean you have sex before the first date? :D As one of the interview processes to qualify for a date?


You little vix, you... devilsmiley.gif

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Um, I don't really have a dating policy.... of course I haven't dated much either, just slept around a lot the last two years.


With my bf, we were kinda fooling around before either of us agreed we were dating, and we when we called it serious, we had sex. Of course, I had known him for about a year then. lol


I doubt I would make a policy anyways. I go on emotions. o_O

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Does that mean you have sex before the first date? :D As one of the interview processes to qualify for a date?


You little vix, you... devilsmiley.gif


Well, test driving before committing, you know. Even though the commitment is just another test drive. :blink:


But -- no regrets. :) At least, not yet...

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I don't have a policy. I've only slept with two people so I don't really don't have anything to base a policy on.


I lost my virginity to a close, male, friend when I was 14 and the next person I slept with was my girlfriend when we were 16 and that just sorta happened after a couple months of use being together.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest JohnnyPoo

Never dated :(


But I'm old fashioned, so prolly not on the first date, esp not with someone I don't know.

However, if it's someone I've liked for a while, then I'd prolly jump in the sack right away :lol:

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If I'm attracted to a guy and that's mutual, then over the course of the first date I try to gauge whether they are a decent human being. If so... I'm typically up for a good sexing. On the other hand if I'm not so attracted or they give me reason to think they are of questionable character, I'll pass. One time I had an amazing date with someone, felt all the right chemistry, hadn't even cuddled yet and just wanted claim him right there in the video store but at the same time having that much attraction to him also set off a light in my head that said "don't f**k this one on the first date, he's a keeper! - Make it last!" ... well we had a great time cuddling with the movie, kissing and all that good stuff, we probably would have fallen asleep cuddling each other if he didn't have to be at work the next day and he left... sadly never to return. You see it seems he also was getting a ping on his 'this could be a relationship' sensor and that scared him because he didn't feel ready for a relationship. Its really sad too... if he had been willing to go with it I have no doubt he'd be my boyfriend right now instead of being homeless >_>


Wow did that ever get off track. Umm.... Oh yeah, I'll have sex on a first date if I'm into a guy... but if I'm really really into him.. i'll attempt to wait for a second date... but who knows if he had stayed that night whether I could have restrained myself from diving into those pants of his >_>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I take it as it comes, no hard and fast rules

that being said ive never had sex on the first date though ive had plenty of one night stands (mainly while traveling though)

i guess if i want to date someone im more inclined to wait a little but that is by no means certain

so basicly i do whatever feels right at the time

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When I was dating, I usually put out after the 1st or 2nd date. -blushes-

But when it came to my current boyfriend, whom I have been with for almost 3 years, we didn't "do it" til we had been together almost 5 months

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  • 1 month later...

You are 19 and can afford to have rules, regulations and lots of things about how life is supposed to be. life, love and everything is what it is. You can live by your rules, I will live by my head and my heart. I dated someone for six months and he had moved in with me and I never had sex with him. I am glad too.


the man of my life and we were together for 15 years until his death we were in love on the first day we met and we had sex within a week and we never had anyone else and stayed together from the time we met until his death.


life and love is where you find it and you can't use rules to locate it. You can use your head to figure out if it is real. the rules don't work, but hopefully your intelligence does. Take care.


Louisiana Writer.



you're right... love provides the exception to the rule every time... very much a 'suck it and see' situation

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