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Have you ever kissed in a broom cupboard?


Broom cupboard kissing  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you done it?

    • Hasn't everyone?
    • I tried but could never find a big enough broom cupboard.
    • I've never kissed anyone.
    • Eww, no!!
    • No, but I've kissed in a ... [tell us all about it, but spare us the sordid details]

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I was telling someone at lunch about how a guy named Alex (from Eritrea) and I kissed in a broom cupboard when I was about 20 and (suitably) worked at the museum of natural history.


Kissing in a broom cupboard is such a classic -- and it's also such a clich

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Broom closets are poo.. lol. I'm a tall girl and so not that many are large enough for me and another person. Also, they're dark, probably the least dusted place in the whole house, and yeah.. I voted eew no... I'm a clean freak/germ freak so no deal.

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Nah, I didn't start kissing until I came out of the closet ;)




A few cliche' but perhaps unorthodox places that I've kissed: a bathroom stall, on top of a pool table, in a car. Hmm, I think that's about it as far as salacious places go.

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Sorry, his closet is too small and full of other stuff. We've kissed in his room, on his bed, on his roommate's bed, in my car, in his dorm parking garage, in the Union Station parking garage, in a park next to the Lincoln Memorial, walking alongside the lake bordering the FDR memorial, DuPont Circle Park, an ice cream parlor near DCP, the entrance to his school, through my driver's window, in front of the mirror in his floor's bathroom, and some other places that need not be mentioned.


Before he reads this and I get into trouble, none of these kisses were intense/sexual. Many of them were sweet, and many of them were simple quick lip kisses, kinda like married couples kissing each other farewell while one goes out for a little while. Not hot and passionate and animalistic. You don't need to know about those kisses. 0:)


... and all of the kisses I've shared with other people have been with just one guy. :wub:

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third base in a church parking lot.




as for kissing: add an additional church parking lot, under a bridge, in a k-mart parking lot, underwater, and in the back of more than one movie theater.

Why do you frequent church parking lots? I've never even seen one.

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Why do you frequent church parking lots?

To kiss it would seem :boy:



Billy's got good taste; nothing's hotter than the son of a preacher man :wub:



It's the underwater thing that I'm incredulous over. How did you open your mouth the water rushing in? How did you manage to keep holding your breath while kissing? Eh, it doesn't all seem physically possible, but then I can't swim so what do I know? *shrug*

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It's the underwater thing that I'm incredulous over. How did you open your mouth the water rushing in? How did you manage to keep holding your breath while kissing? Eh, it doesn't all seem physically possible, but then I can't swim so what do I know? *shrug*


You know, I see it all the times in movies, and I'm not quite sure how it happens either. My friends tell me it's not that hard, as I saw them attempting it. In MY pool no less.


Though honestly, that's something I hope to figure out.

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It's the underwater thing that I'm incredulous over. How did you open your mouth the water rushing in? How did you manage to keep holding your breath while kissing? Eh, it doesn't all seem physically possible, but then I can't swim so what do I know? *shrug*


we were thirteen and willing to make it work.

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It's the underwater thing that I'm incredulous over. How did you open your mouth the water rushing in? How did you manage to keep holding your breath while kissing? Eh, it doesn't all seem physically possible, but then I can't swim so what do I know? *shrug*

He didn't specify that it was a long kiss. Quick kisses are easy underwater.

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