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April Fool's Day

Prince Duchess

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Maybe not the best prank ever, but by far my favorite. It was my graduating class' senior prank. One of our class mates lived on a working farm. So one day towards the end of the school year he "borrowed" 3 piglets from his farm and painted bright red numbers on their sides. He number his three piglets "1", "2", and "4" and then set them loose in the school. Hilarity and mayhem ensued as three piglets went screaming through the hallways and the faculty spent hours searching for the phantom 4th piglet numbered "3".


It was a very funny day.

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We did this a couple of years ago. There's this girl in our office & she's really anally retentive about cleanliness, hates bugs & is a bit of a prude!

So, me & a couple of co workers thought it would be a good idea to really freak her out with a wind-up & pretend we had crabs! Every time we went near her or passed her desk we would start having a good scratch. Kept leaning against her or getting really close.

Didn't take her long to ask why I was scratching so much, so I said that as long as she kept it to herself I'd tell her.

So I told her that I & a couple of the other guys in the office had hooked up a couple of weeks ago, & someone had passed on a dose of crabs, this said whilst holding her hand. :D

She sorta looked at my hand on hers snatched it away, & scurried off somewhere! The look on her face was priceless. lol

Every time I looked over towards her for the rest of the day she'd be scratching & giving us dirty looks. :lmao:

We did put her out of her misery when it came time to go home, & I have never heard such language pass those lips of hers, ever!

Edited by Sir_Galahad
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there was the time i broke into the board room, took the chairs apart and put whoopie cushions in the seats


the next day I appeared before the board to discuss a budget matter


I managed to keep a poker face despite all the stuffed shirts making farting noises every time they moved.


By the time the meeting was over, I was biting my lip and sweating.


Finally I made out to my car to go to lunch I laughed until I had tears in my eyes.


Then I pulled out the micro cassette recorder that I had in my coat and listened:


Chairman: I here by call *poot* this meeting of the board *whomp, brappel* of directors {braaap} to order... {burrrummnp}

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By the time the meeting was over, I was biting my lip and sweating.


Finally I made out to my car to go to lunch I laughed until I had tears in my eyes.



And this is why you no longer work there? :D

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Nope- got away clean on that one.


B) ..........Hehehe! Mr. Bobo I call him, him actually wound up being the Director of Planning at another Government site. When he was a planner like me, I had a coffee club running from my spot in the department, I noticed that my plant looked ill and wondered what the hell that was all about. One day I caught him, he was dumping his creamora sugar laden cup from 'yesterdays' cup intop the planter. It killed my plant and it smelled real bad, I had to throw it away. I called him 'Bobo' for his antics and for destroying my plant. I always got to work early, usually an hour before others, so I snuck up to his cubicle and took out 4 of his business cards, I took a taping machine and wrote 'Mr. Bobo" on them, and placed them strategically within his 'bx'f cards. Two months later I heard him yell my name out, he was in a meeting with developers and handed out his cards. One of them said, ' I thought your name was ------, he replied it was, 'then why does it say Mr. Bobo'?

Edited by Benji
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B) ..........Hehehe! Mr. Bobo I call him, him actually wound up being the Director of Planning at another Government site. When he was a planner like me, I had a coffee club running from my spot in the department, I noticed that my plant looked ill and wondered what the hell that was all about. One day I caught him, he was dumping his creamora sugar laden cup from 'yesterdays' cup intop the planter. It killed my plant and it smelled real bad, I had to throw it away. I called him 'Bobo' for his antics and for destroying my plant. I always got to work early, usually an hour before others, so I snuck up to his cubicle and took out 4 of his business cards, I took a taping machine and wrote 'Mr. Bobo" on them, and placed them strategically within his 'bx'f cards. Two months later I heard him yell my name out, he was in a meeting with developers and handed out his cards. One of them said, ' I thought your name was ------, he replied it was, 'then why does it say Mr. Bobo'?

:lmao: That's sweet revenge

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One time I made a fake letter and sent it to my old hubby.


It was a government letter telling him that he was being tracked by the police for music downloading. They fined him $1,523.65.


He had a major stroke and freaked out at his mother about paying it off.


Then I told him. He nearly wanted to murder me.

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One time I made a fake letter and sent it to my old hubby.


It was a government letter telling him that he was being tracked by the police for music downloading. They fined him $1,523.65.


He had a major stroke and freaked out at his mother about paying it off.


Then I told him. He nearly wanted to murder me.



OMG thats hella hilarious dude...i woulda died of laughter on the spot

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