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The Wardroom

Mark Arbour

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Mark are you actually using real names of history for your story?? I have never took this in any classes so i wouldn't know. I do know you do your reshearch on the events you portray but is it actually history with your own made up twist?? One other thing....how come there's all these gay sailors and none have been hanged yet to make it more dangerous...??? I'm so confused...it's like losing it's potency of the threat...seems only wilcoxes are the ones who want to hang the gay guys.


Oh and i think this sentance is wronge when granger meets bell


“So you're still having a hard time keeping your dick in your pants eh?” Granger said, letting his eyes glance down at Granger's crotch.


Why did granger look at his own crotch to suggest something...lol

Hmmm. Maybe he was thinking of masturbating? LOL. Good catch..that's an error.


I try to stay as close to history as I can, and use historical figures where it seems realistic. For example, the seizure of Toulon was accomplished by Captain Elphinstone (later Lord Keith) without a shot being fired, and Horatio Nelson was dispatched to Sardinia and Naples to drum up reinforcements.

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What a way to wake up in the morning, do you know if he does requests? ;)


It always makes me chuckle, that despite it being war time, they still manage to go through all the pomp and ceremony in welcoming the British soldiers. Only the French and English would do such a thing! :lol:


I really hope Granger doesn't try to bed Nelson as well! Though on his past track record I certainly wouldn't put it past him!! :P You seemed to have summed up Nelson very well though, he was an extremely charismatic man who seemed to gain loyalty and respect through his presence alone. Apparently he had quite the sense of humour as well.


So, off to Sardinia to get reinforcements, and will they ever need them with what's coming up! It was good to see the return of Bell, though I imagine it's only a brief reunion. Seems our Mr Granger has a man on every ship!


Another great chapter Mark. :great:

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What a way to wake up in the morning, do you know if he does requests? ;)


It always makes me chuckle, that despite it being war time, they still manage to go through all the pomp and ceremony in welcoming the British soldiers. Only the French and English would do such a thing! :lol:


I really hope Granger doesn't try to bed Nelson as well! Though on his past track record I certainly wouldn't put it past him!! :P You seemed to have summed up Nelson very well though, he was an extremely charismatic man who seemed to gain loyalty and respect through his presence alone. Apparently he had quite the sense of humour as well.


So, off to Sardinia to get reinforcements, and will they ever need them with what's coming up! It was good to see the return of Bell, though I imagine it's only a brief reunion. Seems our Mr Granger has a man on every ship!


Another great chapter Mark. :great:

Maybe this is a spoiler, but there's no way I could have anyone sleep with Nelson. One of Britain's most venerated heroes...and one of the biggest naval heroes ever...seems a bit sacrilegious.

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Well as far as i'm concerned it's all made up....now i guess if i really wanted to i could catch up on history and see how this turns out, but why bother when u'll tell me anyway within the next so many chapters.


He could been thinking it! haha



But seriously. Hang someone already! lol

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Well as far as i'm concerned it's all made up....now i guess if i really wanted to i could catch up on history and see how this turns out, but why bother when u'll tell me anyway within the next so many chapters.


He could been thinking it! haha



But seriously. Hang someone already! lol

I've already given you lots of hung guys. :P

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Maybe this is a spoiler, but there's no way I could have anyone sleep with Nelson. One of Britain's most venerated heroes...and one of the biggest naval heroes ever...seems a bit sacrilegious.


Actually, that very thought crossed my mind (just incidentally....or innocently 0:) ), Granger having sex with Nelson. I remember thinking that if anyone would take that on, Mark would. :P


But you're right. Let's leave Lord Nelson's "reputation" intact. Mind you, he was such a great man in so many other ways, he was probably a lousy lay! :lmao: Where can we get our hands on Lady Nelson's memoirs? :read:


Great chapter, Mark! :worship::worship:

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But seriously. Hang someone already! lol


Listen up, laddie. Yes, I mean you Mark M. There'll be no neck stretching in this story....only ass stretching. :D

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Listen up, laddie. Yes, I mean you Mark M. There'll be no neck stretching in this story....only ass stretching. :D


How lame is that!! lol i think i best find a new read if someone important dosn't die yet! lol :o no big deal tho....i'm thinking of going back to reading the before be rad story anyway...give myself a break....maybe there's alot of action in 1963 :P

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How lame is that!! lol i think i best find a new read if someone important dosn't die yet! lol :o no big deal tho....i'm thinking of going back to reading the before be rad story anyway...give myself a break....maybe there's alot of action in 1963 :P

You want death and misery, try reading 1968.


You want death and misery in this story, you'll have to wait until Chapter 11


Guess who it is: The Wardroom Poll

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You want death and misery, try reading 1968.


You want death and misery in this story, you'll have to wait until Chapter 11


Guess who it is: The Wardroom Poll

whoa only a few chapters till then...dum dum dum...hopefully it won't be as morbid 1968...i lost my appetite to eat for two weeks (and that's saying a lot) after reading that..so depressing

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whoa only a few chapters till then...dum dum dum...hopefully it won't be as morbid 1968...i lost my appetite to eat for two weeks (and that's saying a lot) after reading that..so depressing

No. Shit, 1968 depressed me. But if you lost your appetite...well damn....now that could be valuable. Slogan: "Read my stories and lose weight!" :P

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No. Shit, 1968 depressed me. But if you lost your appetite...well damn....now that could be valuable. Slogan: "Read my stories and lose weight!" :P

lol that would be some great advertisement!! :D goes to show how good a writer is ;)


but getting getting back to mr. granger, i thought chapter 8 was awesome. history tells us what happens in Toulon 1793..i wonder what mr. granger's role will be...maybe meet a young frenchman named napoleon LOL. can't wait till for next chapters.

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wow looks like George is a busy man in chapter 9 LOL. a reunion with Iggy...something i definitely wasn't expecting..but then adding Paolo for a threesome was just beyond me hahaha. to top it all off he's gonna be a daddy!!!! (if the rumors are true). but alas it seems George is not the happiest camper going back to the Victory....hopefully he'll find someone to cheer him up :D


and now just 2 more chapters till.........

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wow looks like George is a busy man in chapter 9 LOL. a reunion with Iggy...something i definitely wasn't expecting..but then adding Paolo for a threesome was just beyond me hahaha. to top it all off he's gonna be a daddy!!!! (if the rumors are true). but alas it seems George is not the happiest camper going back to the Victory....hopefully he'll find someone to cheer him up :D


and now just 2 more chapters till.........

Yes, but 10 is an exciting chapter too. :D

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:worship: Excellent chapter Tiger.


It seems our Georgie has a harem of men at his beck & call, lucky boy! :wub: I did wonder when Iggy would make an appearance again, & when they were going to freshen up I thought that was code for make like bunnies! :P I was right. A man after my own heart, I think a thorough debriefing was totally in order. :D


So, it looks like Caroline is pregnant!! :blink: Does that mean the break out of WWIII in here, because I believe gentlemen, and you know who you are, that you've both made your points, several times! :P Don't make me come & use my lance to break it up! :lol:

George seems to be pleased though, and what a way to celebrate, a threesome. :lmao:


At least Granger managed to get through the ordeal of the Royal court the next day without barfing on their Majesties. Somehow, I think, that goes against protocol! :lol:

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So, it looks like Caroline is pregnant!! :blink: Does that mean the break out of WWIII in here.....

George seems to be pleased though, and what a way to celebrate, a threesome. :lmao:

would there be any suspicion about the biological paternity of the forthcoming kid ?


I was a bit disappointed in Caroline's reputation.... something George was not fully apprised earlier, I gather.


Their first heterosex took place in what it was, May or June ?

and pregnancy is heard of in the end of august - having taken place some week or more to become known as far as in Naples.

Okay, three months is a time when a pregnancy is getting to show a bit.... (and women occasionally are not yet aware of their own pregnancy yet sometime in the second month.)


The kid just might be sired by George. But, if not, then it's very obvious that Caroline actually would not have been a virgin there in the Carlton House scene [oh, if she were not, then exclamation: what duplicity, what an actress].... Because, it's so unlikely that she had been porked by someone else during their engagement period, a time when she would have been watched by her parents and presumably George would have kept some company to her and additionally, they appear to have liked each other and presumably had a good enough time without outside diversions.


Btw, in those days, to many aristocratic women, a marriage was pretty much a full permission to have lovers, whichever men took their fancy. Because, the virginity was no longer at risk, and it was often thought that no one will be the wiser...


In those days, there weren't genetic tests to determine paternity. But, some things can be deduced from the outlook of the kid (bone structure, shape of skull, some other features), when the kid grows up.


All that said, it's possible that George just is glad to have a kid, not bothering to harbor any suspicions of the paternity.

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WW III? That was barely a skirmish! :P Anyway, Sir Gally, your lance is welcome anytime...if you feel it will heighten the discussion. :D


Chapter 9 was excellent, Mark! :worship::worship:


If Granger has a son, will he name him John? Maybe Horatio? :lol: Imagine a young lad these days being saddled with the name Horatio! :P


I'm curious as well about the "foreboding" Granger is feeling on returning to the Victory. :(

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We're not sure about that yet.

does this mean that Caroline possibly got pregnant by a totally other man?


poor Georgie, suspicion of a cuckoo placed in his nest...

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does this mean that Caroline possibly got pregnant by a totally other man?


poor Georgie, suspicion of a cuckoo placed in his nest...

Unlikely. Caroline was a virgin when they got together. The only reason he'd have to worry is if she f**ked someone after he left, and she's been staying with his parents, so that may be a bit tough.

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