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Does anyone like to work in their flower garden?


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What kind of garden do you have? My house is surrounded by very large oaks and hickorys. So mostly I have a shade garden.


B)............Veggie garden, all I have left are the tomatoes and eggplant, harvested the sunflowers yesterday! Time to start working in the greenhouse. :2thumbs:

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My home is surrounded by about an acre of garden, both ornamental and vegetable. The garden is set among another 6.5 acres of property: pasture and forest. My total 7.5 acres is bordered by more woodland, pasture and scrubland. I bought this place because I love to garden (really love to, it's my vocation), but since being here, I've hit an emotional wall and haven't been out to even walk in it but once in the past 6 months. I hate admitting that in public. :huh:


deadsnake, you're surrounded by oak and hickory? The hickory must be turning yellow right now, while the oaks are going russet? It must be lovely!


It's a phenomenal fall in the PNW; we've had warm days and cool nights, meaning the fall color is better than usual. Yeah! There's a tupelo that's screaming scarlet right now, while the neighboring climbing hydrangea is mustard yellow. The katsura tree is yellow/orange and smelling like caramelized sugar. The red twig dogwoods are burgundy. The deciduous azaleas are burgundy as well. As for flowers: the meadow saffron (Colchicum bornmuelleri) are in full, cotton-candy-pink bloom, and the Cyclamen hederifolium are also in full bloom. The Cyclamen cilicium are also in full bloom while the Cyclamen purpureum has pushed up a couple flowers (only). I'm a Cyclamenaholic! (My C. coum and trocopteranthemum (isn't that a phenomenal specific name?! "wheel/wing/flower" in English) will bloom in January, and the C. repandum, in March.) The oak-leaved hydrangea is blooming. The eastern wood aster (Aster divaricatus) is finishing its bloom. Now I'm just bragging! :whistle:


Um, yeah, I like gardening. :rolleyes:

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My garden is mountain. We reclaimed it a couple of years ago by stepping it but it is very steep and, as I have been having health problems recently I have not been able to give it the attention it needs since Ian left. It's pretty much been reclaimed by the moutain now and is a wilderness of bramble. I have been able to maintain the bottom tier though which is mostly a herb garden. I love to be able to open my back door and smell the lavender and sage and I use my own herbs as much as I can in cooking and making my pills and potions. :)

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My home is surrounded... My total 7.5 acres... I bought this place because I love to garden... I've hit an emotional wall. huh.gif


It's a phenomenal fall in the PNW; Now I'm just bragging! whistle.gif


Um, yeah, I like gardening. rolleyes.gif



So, yours is bigger than mine. I have five acres. But I bet my nuts are bigger. The hickory and the chestnuts that is. Not to mention the millions of acorns and herds of deer that eat them. Georgia is home. So fall is beginning, but still mostly green. I bought my place because it is beautiful. I was alot younger too. Sometimes I hit walls, sometimes I built them. Sometimes they are what I need. Walls look good in a garden. Please brag away, I liked it. Please PM me and brag, brag, brag.

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