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Oprah reported on the local news (no joke)


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I found it fascinating. Oprah taped her show at the Texas State Fair the other day, and after that, she went to the local ABC station, and she reported the news. I thought it was really awesome! I mean, here is this woman who is richer than God, but she was right there at the news desk reporting local news as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. Here's more about her visit. It was awesome. :D

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Oprah Winfrey was the first African American woman to work as a news reporter and anchor at WTVF-TV (CBS) in Nashville. She was only 19 at the time.

Edited by MikeL
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Oprah Winfrey was the first African American woman to work as a news reporter and anchor at WTVF-TV (CBS) in Nashville. She was only 19 at the time.

That is fascinating. She is simply an amazing woman. I admire her a great deal. She went from being a poor girl in Mississippi to be the wealthiest African American. She built an empire, yet she is one of the most generous people when it comes to her causes. She has a genuineness that is rare among people in general. That she would drop by a local TV studio in Dallas and report the news says a lot about her. I admire her even more than I did before. :)

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Ugh it's called propaganda people.


I'm not saying that Oprah isn't a good person with good intentions who does things just out of the goodness of her heart or just because she doesn't have too, but of course she is going to do these small things that no one considers small, of course she's going to go to a local news studio as if it were nothing...


All because if you think it's for nothing you'll see her as a good noble person, which is what they want, because then you'll listen to her opinions and her causes and pretty much do and agree with whatever she says just because 'she looks like a good person'


Again, not saying she's not, just saying that's how they want her to look.

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