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Bookburning Lunatics

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I've only got one comment to make, James -- why were you so mellow in that email? You were almost pleasant to them.... :P


Seriously, there's nothing you wrote that I disagree with. If anything, I think you may have been too lenient. This is a complete idiocy and I hope it turns out to be a complete disaster for them. Maybe then they'll start to come to their senses.

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You have some fairly good arguments, but I could throw in a few more. Some references to Farenheit 451, and questioning why the (relatively inaccurate, if rather poetical) King James translation is the 'true' word of God, but you hit a bunch of the real high points. Overall, you probably did better than I would!


Oh, and remaining restrained is good, it makes you sound less like a lunatic, and their maniacal raving the insanity it really is.

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'Pastor Marc Grizzard told a local news station of his 14-member parish.'


I think that says it all. I mean the fact that there are only 14 members of his parish. Sensationalism in it's worst form. I have long since given up trying to work out why people do what they do, especially Christians, at least Christians like these.


There is a scriptual base for almost anything... including genocide, infanticide, murder, rape, stoning adulterers, beating epileptics to drive out demons... and that's just off the top of my head.


I also think that you showed admirable restraint in your response... more than I would have.

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  • Site Administrator

I have to agree with you James... I also think you were remarkably rational in your response...unfortunately they are not. Fanatics like that only take opposition and use it to fan their fervor. While I believe that burning any book is a crime against society, I think there would have been far less damage done by this event if it had been ignored!!! 14-15 people coming together to spew their hateful rhetoric and misguided ideas to each other is unfortunate but the media in any form discussing this event only encourages them to continue their idiocy. That is not aimed at you posting this topic in any forum, however...please don't think I am saying that. Once this was brought to the public's attention debate on the topic is inevitable and it is important to share the rational response!!!

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USA is a wonderful country, full of contrasts.

From "books-burning" to all the follower of the creationism's theories (see here), I couldnt imagine another country in the Western World with so many people living and acting like at the times of the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century.

Could somebody explain me why the religion and "God purposes" are so important in the mind of the majority of the inhabitants of this country ?

I know that we europeans were the same a few centuries ago, but fortunately no more today :P .

Concerning this topic, I agree with all the comments posted here. BTW, all the comments made on the site "the raw story" are also funny and interesting to read :great: .

Edited by old bob
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They claim that the United States is a Christian Nation and that the founding fathers were too.


This is one of the most ridiculous claims, and it is repeated constantly. The "Founding Fathers" were a diverse bunch, so it's erroneous to characterize them as "Christians," at least in the modern context. These men were, for the most part, products of the enlightenment. They had grave doubts about the tenets of Christianity, and certainly weren't zealots. Christianity was, in that era, a way to control the masses. In that it was a social institution, they respected and used it.


Jefferson is perhaps the most interesting enigma. If you read his public statements, you'll come off thinking he's a devout Christian. If you read his letters, he sounds more like an Atheist, or an Agnostic at best.

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I think your letter to them is very mild. But that is good. Better yet to write one that tells them to go and burn all the books that they think contain satan. You might also mention that the publicity given to book burning always incerases the readership of the books burned as people what to see what they are not allowed to see and read what they are not allowed to read. Also, if you burn a copy of a book, then someone had to purchase it and that increases the sales of the book.


Why is this poor fool declaring that the KJV of the Bible is correct. Shouldn't he and his followers go back to the original Hebrew and Greek texts and other languages. Remember the Pope excommunicated Martin Luther because he translated the Bible into German. That was his sin. Remember that the Catholic Church does not tell its believers to read their Bibles. They tell them what they want them to know.


Actually, what we need to do is the same thing that you do to a small child throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store. Let his or her parents handle it and totally ignore it. My sister did this with her child and when he got no response, he was upset. She just walked away and left him kicking, screaming and hollering on the floor. When she did not respond to him, he came and found her. She told him she had shopping to do and didn't have time to worry about him. That ended the grocery store problem.


The only thing this guy wants is publicity. If he gets none, then perhaps he will pick on some other new topic, like homosexuals. We are not protected, but book are protected from censorship. You can burn books as long as you own them, but not censor them. I can live with that nicely.


My problem is that you can't literally burn homosexuals, but you can blame anything else on them and keep them from having equal civil rights. That is the Reverend (and I use the word begrudgingly) Phelps and his church which is mostly composed of his children and grandchildren. He is the one that pickets the funerals of American soldiers and blames their deaths on the fact that God Hates Fags. The soldiers are not even gay. He says that this nation is no longer favored by God because we tolerate homosexuality.


If he feels that way he could always emigrate to Saudia arabia, Lybia, Iran or any of the other countries where they do not tolerate homosexuals. Of course they execute Christians too, but that should be a small price to pay for getting right in the eyes of God. However, apparently he and his followers are not willing to pay that price.


I would suggest you send something like the following.


Dear Reverend XXXX

I read with interest your desire to burn all the Books of Satan. I suggest that you start with the King James Version of the Bible as the Bible warns us against those who would use the word of God and change it to their purposes. You need to only use Bibles printed in the original languages of the Bible so there is no mistake. If you and your followers do not know them, I would suggest that you give your followers courses in those languages. Remember, that Martin Luther, who started the Protestant Reformation was excommunicated for translating the Bible into German.


I think it would be a good idea to burn all those books that you disagree with including the infidel translations of the Bible. Remember, all translation are according to the Bible false and therefore made by infidels. I propose that you raise money to buy the books and then burn them. I do not put any stock in the claim that banning and burning a book just increases its readership and popularity. it is just a silly notion that people want to read what they are forbidden to read. You need to publish a list of the banned books of Satan. We need to rid the world of these crazy ideas and what better way than to call undue attention to them. Good luck in your project. I have a collection of these Satan books myself. However, I found it necessary to read each one in detail to make sure I can identify the passages that call for their destruction. I just wondered if you use a yellow highlighter to mark the passages or do you prefer to underline them. And do you find that blue, black or red ink is better for this purpose. Again, good luck in your project. I will try and keep you informed of how my reading of the ban the books project is progressing. Best luck.




this guy is an idiot and the more creditability we give him and other like him the more they like it. I think we ought to give him our immoral support and that would really get him to thinking. What he is dooning just plays into our hand in the long run. Take care


Louisiana Writer







That made me giggle :)

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Burning books is just such a nauseating concept to me.


I have read books that were bad, badly written and expressed bad ideas.


I would never seek to burn them and often if you read your adversaries books, you'll understand him better.


I have read the Turner Dairies and the Communist Manifesto.


I have read Mien Kamp and the Egyptian Book of the Dead.


They have not turned me into a racist, communist, Nazi or a mummy.


Go figure.

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Burning books is just such a nauseating concept to me....

...They have not turned me into a racist, communist, Nazi or a mummy.

Go figure.

James, you are a wise man. I suppose to be one also 0:).

Unfortunately, it seems we are a minority from all the inhabitants of this planet, but fortunately, we are a majority in GA :great: .

BTW, when I say "men", it doesnt mean I forget the women under us :D .

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Thanks for starting this topic, James. I enjoyed your original post as well as Louisiana Writer's tongue-in-cheek suggestions. I see the "reverend" and his actions as another example of the extremes to which our society is moving. Sorry...can't finish. The cat just came in, and wants out.

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James, you are a wise man. I suppose to be one also innocent.gif.

Unfortunately, it seems we are a minority from all the inhabitants of this planet, but fortunately, we are a majority in GA specool.gif .

BTW, when I say "men", it doesnt mean I forget the women under us biggrin.gif .



I prefer to be on top myself :)

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  • Site Administrator

I prefer to be on top myself smile.gif



Umm Hmm!! Pfft.. women under us...Bob you are playing with fire!!!





I have to say that I agree. Books being burned is enough to make anyone sick, even when the book is not one I agree with or would wish to read. Books are valuable in themselves and mean something to someone, even if only the author who wrote it. It only does society as a whole a disservice to attempt to stifle other opinions and views.

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Umm Hmm!! Pfft.. women under us...Bob you are playing with fire!!!





I have to say that I agree. Books being burned is enough to make anyone sick, even when the book is not one I agree with or would wish to read. Books are valuable in themselves and mean something to someone, even if only the author who wrote it. It only does society as a whole a disservice to attempt to stifle other opinions and views.



I agree with you there CIA. I'm not a fan of the Bible in any form but to burn them as "Satans works" is going a bit far. Personally I don't see what the Reverend and his followers hoped to accomplish by such an action. I mean I am sure they had some *glory to God* mentality about the whole thing but logically what did theyhope to accomplish. Instead of making them Martyers for *the cause* this action will likely turn more people AWAY from their idiology then it attracts.

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