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Crying hysterically after reading The Kite Runner


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Read half of "The Kite Runner" and I am already crying hysterically (for Hassan, of course). I am not sure if I will be able to go through the rest - as the first half is depressing enough to shatter me into pieces. But I will finish it either way.


Anyone out there who read that book with whom I can discuss?

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Sigh................the kite runner :(


It's a good book, i'm not going to lie, but like eh.


Hehe, i had to read it sophomore year for summer reading. So the week before school starts I buy the audio book and put it on every night as i'm going to sleep. OMG! i heard the rape part while i was half a sleep and bolted out of the bed to make sure i wasn't making stuff up or dreaming. Very uncomfortable to discuss in an all boys school with 15 year olds

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Wow! I am totally into this book! Thanks for creating a thread for this! :2thumbs:


Without you having read the whole thing just yet, I don't want to say anything that'll mess things up, but A LOT happens in the last chapters! Definitely finish the story, you've read that far, you HAVE to finish it now!


Once you're done, we'll talk again! ;) /jk


Out of curiosity, are you studying it in school, or reading it of your own accord?


And Chase, what do you mean by irony? Anything in specific? (My mind has drawn a blank here)


Update: I have no idea what I was thinking when I asked Chase that. :huh: My mind must have been more than blank...

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Alright well, remember when he runs into the old man or something who was his mothers professor? Something like that, still, how on earth can those stars line up and make that happen? Also during the stoning scene, or the whole time when they happen to come across that German/Arab guy who happens to have whats his names son? Pfffttttt.


My favorite part was when he was in the US, falling in love and shit. I dunno, just those parts kind of ported me out of the actual storyline, the ironic-esq ones. I'd probably say that is what I didn't like about it. The father character was annoying, probably because he was so strict and just 'that way'.

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Wow! I am totally into this book! Thanks for creating a thread for this! :2thumbs:


Without you having read the whole thing just yet, I don't want to say anything that'll mess things up, but A LOT happens in the last chapters! Definitely finish the story, you've read that far, you HAVE to finish it now!


Once you're done, we'll talk again! ;) /jk


Out of curiosity, are you studying it in school, or reading it of your own accord?


And Chase, what do you mean by irony? Anything in specific? (My mind has drawn a blank here)


Thank you. The book is extremely special, so thought it deserve its own place in the forum. I cannot remember ever shedding so much of tears before while reading a book - and it's not only at specific places - I cried through out the entire story (upto where I read). As they say, it would take the hardest of hard heart to not cry. A heart-rendering read, very enlightening, and eye-opening. But it's mostly Hassan who brought water to my eyes everytime his name is mentioned; such a beautiful character! As much as my heart bleeds down reading every single page of it, I do think it's worth the read, and that I won't regret reading it later.


I had to put the book down, though - I couldn't take it anymore, and I needed a break from all the sobbings and all. I am feeling a lot better now, though, and I will start it again - and will try to finish it by day after tomorrow.


And yes...reading it by my own accord; don't know if it was the right thing to do though.


And I agree...we will discuss it thoroughly once I get finished. So you may have to wait another day or two, I'm afraid. But I will try to finish it as quickly as I can.


Take care, and PM me if you feel like.


By the way, just out of curiousity - when did you read the book? I mean how old were you, and what was its impact on you?

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Omg, my exbf was totally into this book. He told me he had cried at least seven times reading it :P He gave me the book before he left for China and I have it sitting in my bookcase. I dont really have the time to read it now because I've so many other books to read. Perhaps one day.<br>

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Omg, my exbf was totally into this book. He told me he had cried at least seven times reading it :P He gave me the book before he left for China and I have it sitting in my bookcase. I dont really have the time to read it now because I've so many other books to read. Perhaps one day.<br>


I highly recommend you to read the book. It's a great piece of writing, and you are not going to regret reading it.

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I still remember the rape part. The first thing I did was take a deep breath, shut the book and throw it across the room.


I continued only the next day. I didn't want to keep on reading. But I didn't want to get stuck and end on that part. So I kept on. It is a good book. I loved the ending and especially the last line. And it made up for that bit. But still, it remains quite upsetting.



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