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My Only Escape


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I just started to read this story, I like it so far, reading about abuse is hard,, very real.


Hopefully the dad will eventually go to jail or he gets away.

Edited by Drewbie
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Thanks so much, Drewbie! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. And believe me, it's hard to write about too. (I tried earlier with "New Kid", but it was touching a nerve with me. Bad times.) But, hopefully, there will be enough bright spots to keep it from being depressing. Hehehe, SAD is ok! ut depressing might drive people away.




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I really like this story. I completely empathize with Zack. I was so hoping he was gunna stab his father with that knife. He was thinking it but he didn't.


I do hope he gets out of the situation soon.



Eagerly waiting 13, and 14 and 15...



PS. I understand about things being hard to write.

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I suppose it comes as no surprise to anyone that I love this story. Writing about bad things has never been a problem for me. In fact writing about bad things is sometimes easier than writing sunshine and flowers. I suppose it's because when I write the bad things they leave me and it's kind of therapeutic. I have experienced abuse in my life and lived through stronger and smarter so I have no problem writing it or reading it. I absolutely love this story and hope there is more of it soon.


Apart from this story GFD is my favourite and there is fair amount of angst and pain in that too. Call me twisted if you like... I do like it after all ;)

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Hehehe, nothing wrong with having a love for the 'dark side'. Believe me, I was weened on it. I love it.


But with this particular story...I don't know. It just brings up bad memories. Sometimes a LOT of bad memories, and all at once. It's like going to get a glass of water, and suddenly having 25 giant BUCKETS worth splashing dow on you out of the ceiling. And you're orta left standing there thinking, "Wow...I was REALLY not prepared for that." And that's really entertaining for other people to watch, I'm sure. But THEY don't have to get all nakey now, and dry off, and redress from scratch like I do. :P


Yeah...I had a point in there somewhere. I think too much.





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There is no such thing as thinking too much :) I can understand what you're saying. I have never had that from writing but I have sometimes experienced it from reading. Some things are hard and they stir up the waters. However, I am the person who pokes at a hole in my tooth until I have to get out the clove oil and serious painkillers... and then poke it again just for the hell of it. The more difficult something is to read... or write... the more I HAVE to do it.


I can understand why you find it hard to poke the sore point though and if it's that hard maybe you shouldn't do it for a while. Although writing can be therapeutic when it hurts that much perhaps it's more like psychotic :P


From a purely selfish point of view though... the harder it is to write the more punch it packs and the more real the emotions are when they are captured on paper... or the screen. There was always something about this story that hit right in the gut... which is probably why I like it so much :)


I got over my own pain in talking about the abuse in my past a long time ago... although abuse of various kinds seems to be an ongoing theme in my writing... so perhaps I am not over it as much as I thought I was. There is a part of me that doesn't want to be because it provides a core that gives me my passion to write. I don't think I would be happy writing 'ordinary' stories.


Perhaps it is like that for you, or perhaps you have wandered into territory you would be better of wandering back out of. Writing shouldn't be an ordeal. Aren't we supposed to do it for fun... although if you are as twisted as I am pain IS fun :)devilsmiley.gif

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Maybe it's a hidden need for all of us to kinda poke at the sore spots from time to time. You know, to feel alive. How strange that life gets so easily associated with pain. But I will have to admit that I have caught myself doing that from time to time.


There were two stories that I wrote (FINISHED series, by the way) when I was EXTREMELY heartbroken! I mean drifting between wanting to cry my eyes out and wanting to put my fist through a wall. And those were really emotional. When I look back at them, they still kinda hurt a little bit. ("Never Again" and "Save Or Sacrifice") But that was really my 'release' from those emotions, so it felt better to get it out than bottle it up anymore. I can't understand why "My Only Escape" is so different. Weird.


Do you have any places that you just don't go to, Neph? Like a certain taboo that you don't touch on. Curious.

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Children. Being a mother I just can't write bad things happening to children. Children do occasionally crop up in my stories, but always to bring lightness.


Apart from that... no, I don't think so. Have you READ Love in Chains? :):P

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I don't know how to do links. A kind friend gave me a link to my stories generally so that's the only one I can put in. All my stories are twisted in some ways but Love in Chains was my biggest walk on the dark side... hmm... so was To Have and to Hold actually... and that was a vampire one :) kind of :) :)


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