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2010 Winter


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in holland the salt that is used to keep the streets clean has been used within 3 weeks, while normally their stock would have lasted for the winter.... a lot of villages only salt their main roads because of it.


but I don't really mind, only thing I mind is the coooooold :(

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I am loving the snow. Court got cancelled yesterday in the middle of a nightmare hearing and we all got sent home and today I can't go to work because we're all at a standstill. Isn't it great how a little snow brings everything to a stop.




Although, having said that I am particularly lucky because I have the means to always ensure that the house is warm and has plenty of food. I suppose that for some people this weather is not only a difficulty but a danger.

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Well, there's been over 50 inches of snow somewhere in New York state, so I'd say it's dangerous.

That's one of the things about being around the Great Lakes, you get lots of lake effect snow.


It's 30 degrees F at noon! And the wind is 12 mph. And it's been this way for a week. I should of brought stock in Long Johns.

We've been having at 20 to 30 mph, gusting to 40-45 in this area. We've got a cold front coming in from the north Thursday night into the weekend.

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I hate being cold.. and I hate bundling up.... and I also do my morning and afternoon jogs outside.. I've lost a lot of motivation doing them on the treadmill.. heh.


But yes, this winter's frigid temperatures are more of a worry than the actual snow.. its supposed to be -1 later in the week here and that's damn cold..

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in holland the salt that is used to keep the streets clean has been used within 3 weeks, while normally their stock would have lasted for the winter.... a lot of villages only salt their main roads because of it.


but I don't really mind, only thing I mind is the coooooold :(


same here. they are having problems with the stocks.


as I said in the other post, the worst winter for decades is being said by old people. definitely in terms of the dates its been cold and snowing.


the roads are so dangerously icy at the moment. the car park outside our flat is like an ice rink. it snowed and then it froze. there's been a huge increase in the number of people going into hospital due to accidents, such as slipping on ice and breaking bones and such.


it's not just europe though.

Asia's been hit quite bad as well.

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Well, there's been over 50 inches of snow somewhere in New York state, so I'd say it's dangerous.

That's nothing. The Upstaters are quite used to the cold and lake-effect snow.


And Europe is not suffering from the worst in 100 years, but in 30 years.


I'd admit it's colder than seasonal normal, but nothing too new. It happens once or twice per decade as the weather is well known for being extreme at times. If you look at the record lows in Dallas and compare them to current temperatures, you'll see that cold snaps flirting 5 to 10 to 15 degrees over the record lows always happen once or twice every decade (or two depending on some regions). In a 15 years period, it shows that Dallas only experienced two nights at/under 15F, but does fall below 20F once per year.


Just enjoy it... You don't get it very often, so you could try making a small ice rink out in the backyard, let it freeze overnight, and have fun ice skating (you can just use your shoes...) in the morning feeling so-so Canadian and Northern. :P




It's nice here so far. It's 20F, so I didn't need my gloves today. It snowed... it was nice. Apparently we'll see a cold front coming this weekend and it is expected that the temperatures will struggle trying get out of the single digits F and out of -10s at nights. The wind chill is going to make it feel like -30/-35F... so I'm SO not looking forward to the wind chill. I hate... hate... hate the wind during winters and Montreal is too known for it. ¬¬

Edited by Jack Frost
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That's nothing. The Upstaters are quite used to the cold and lake-effect snow.


And Europe is not suffering from the worst in 100 years, but in 30 years.


I'd admit it's colder than seasonal normal, but nothing too new. It happens once or twice per decade as the weather is well known for being extreme at times. If you look at the record lows in Dallas and compare them to current temperatures, you'll see that cold snaps flirting 5 to 10 to 15 degrees over the record lows always happen once or twice every decade (or two depending on some regions).


where my dad lives the old people are comparing back to the 40's I think it was. or it could have been the 60's. But they were specifically referencing the dates that it snows and such.


but yeah, we as country are just not used to snow. but saying that we did used to get drifts across the country lanes which were up to say 2m's high at my dads. Where I am now there was only 2 inches of snow and it's managed to cause problems.

Edited by Smarties
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Up here it hasn't been to bad, actually, we had a late start to tell the truth. The coldest temp here was about -15 to -20, that isn't bad considering it has hit -40 before.


We've normally had several weeks of frigid temps, and we've barelly had over a weeks worth.

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I hate everything about winter- except its absence! I actually LIKE running around with almost nothing on (at most) and I actually LIKE seeing others run around with almost nothing on (at most)!


It's sad to see everything all dead and buried and NOT see all the animals that I would normally see in summer.


I generally hibernate as much as I can - and dream of sun-drenched beaches.

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As a matter of economy and practicality, I suggest that everyone find someone to keep them warm at night. lmaosmiley.gif


Economy and practicality aside, James, isn't that just common sense?!? innocent.gifdevilsmiley.gif

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even the winter of 96/97 didn't have this much snow, cause it's not simply the freezing that is causing the problems as is the daily snow, we normally don't have this much snow.....


or like I told my lil bro, it looks like a snow entity finally broke free :P

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where my dad lives the old people are comparing back to the 40's I think it was. or it could have been the 60's. But they were specifically referencing the dates that it snows and such.


but yeah, we as country are just not used to snow. but saying that we did used to get drifts across the country lanes which were up to say 2m's high at my dads. Where I am now there was only 2 inches of snow and it's managed to cause problems.

I'm a daily reader of BBC and pretty much I hear it's the worse since 1981. Not so long ago in a normal human lifetime. I did hear few tales there like a woman, aged 35, saying it was the worse since she was a girl about ice forming very hard on the sidewalks, roads, and so on, and actually sticking around for such a long time (UK-wise).


Prolly the worst for your own generation. That's living memory. I'd reckon the eldery saw worse many decades ago anyways. Like you just mentioned... May have been just for your own region. We'll see as the worst hasn't truly ended yet.


If I'm too badly informed, please do help me to correct my conclusions! :)

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New England people learn to expect this type of weather, so we have extra thermals ready just in case. There's a saying around here, "your day might start out with sun, but next thing you know you're stuck in your car with three feet of snow, welcome to New England"


I am still waiting for the monster snow storm like the historic snow storm of 1978 that I keep hearing horror stories about from people that lived through it, but I have never seen such a storm.


If you see some homeless person on the street in this cold, guide them to the nearest shelter or church, where they can keep warm. This is the type of weather where people can die from exposure if they are under-dressed and possibly malnourished.

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Im disappointed so far with the snow totals here in New Hampshire. We've only gotten one big storm so far. All the big storms seem to just miss us and hit the parts that usually dont get that much snow. :( I've only had to use my snowblower once this year. Last year I used it almost every week. But the skiing has been decent this year so I guess I cant complain. :)

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I remember the blizzard of 78 quite well as I went thru it in Indiana. It might make an interesting blog entry. Especially since I had a house guest for 3 days.

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