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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Supernatural fans?!


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Hi there,

Fellow Sup fan, I got hooked after renting the entire series from Netflix. The men are easy on the eyes as well. I'm not sure if the series is supposed to end this season (do you know?) I mean after the Apocalypse is dealt with...what else could there be.


They've really gone into pseudo Christian mythology as a predominant theme. I'm wondering if they'll have a resolution involving the angels and demons getting put in their place by the big Daddy; they'd be castigated for interfering with natural evolution...(Darwin rules...ha ha)


The whole series seems to be very sons and father issues doesn't it?

I have a feeling the boys will beat the odds with no repeating of the Cain and Abel drama.


I love how they've acknowledged the "homoerotic subtext" on the show with the fan girls/boys at the convention. (cool)


[i nearly fell out of my chair when they brought that up in the first episode with Chuck and the fangirl character (awesome) eh?]

btw, check out the "twincest" and Castiel/Dean slash stories on LiveJournal...(if you haven't already wink, wink, nudge, nudge)



here's to at least two Supernatural fans here in GA

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Love this show, the boys are very good looking and i got to meet them both at a convention they are even hotter in person.


Do you know they have offcially renewed for the 6th season so i don't see any death scene at the end of the 5th season as both boys have died now and been bought back.


I think I will have to see where they take the 6th season to see how it will end, not sure if they will wrap up this storyline in season 5 as i see it still having much more to come but then they do like the big climatic season endings so i see some big showdown but i don't see either brother dying. Maybe bobby will :(


I do know for certain that both boys will be in season 6 as they said at the convention they would never do the series without the other one :D so sweet.


I do think in the showdown for this storyline that the brothers relationship will save them, that the fact that they will do anything for eachother but wont kill eachother will help them end this.


I do think the series will end with the brothers still fighting and just walking off into the sunset to fight another day kind of thing after a big battle.

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I seem to be an anomoly in terms of my fannishness with Supernatural; I'm a Sam/Jared fan! He's so taaaallll and those cheekbones and that jawline and... /puddle of goo


As far as the show itself goes, I really like the first season but it goes downhill from there. I haven't even watched any of the latest season becuase I was not fond of the Evil!Sam storyline.

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I seem to be an anomoly in terms of my fannishness with Supernatural; I'm a Sam/Jared fan! He's so taaaallll and those cheekbones and that jawline and... /puddle of goo


As far as the show itself goes, I really like the first season but it goes downhill from there. I haven't even watched any of the latest season becuase I was not fond of the Evil!Sam storyline.


not so fast there lass, I'd put Sam/Jared first if I had my druthers...

he is so tall, but dah-em, I'm sure he'd be worth the climb...

Edited by aikirangel
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  • 6 years later...

Let there be light, to this topic again....


11 seasons going on to 12, Supernatural is now the longest running series of fantasy/horror in the US, even outgunning the X-files and Fringe.


LGBT writers have written some really fun and sometimes disturbing fan fictions of the Winchester boys and their friends, but I think the show is definitely part of our culture now, especially with fans.


Last week, Supernatural fans finally got the big reveal, we now know for certain without a doubt or supposition or any other issue that God is....bisexual :P (If he were gay, it would turn the world upside down, but bi makes a lot of sense for a being that loves all. I'd prefer to think pan-sexual is a better term, but that raises some bizarre things that we as human beings cannot accept.)


Also he's....

Chuck Shurley



The episode "Don't call me Shurley" was really good, but it probably is even better for GA writers and fans, because it touches on some interesting points from our writing and our creations points of view. God is a bitter narcissistic bisexual writer, who has a lot of regents over his creations and unhappiness over what has happened. He's basically like a lot GA writers that have come and gone over the years here; filled with creative energy, angst, bitterness, and a lot of wishful regrets that they couldn't do more or thing did not turn out the way they wanted. It's meta in the best way possible.

Edited by W_L
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NOt a Supernatural fan though I'm a Jensen Ackles fan. I'll take him to go please. MMMMMMM.



I'll second that one!



I'll third it. All the way!


Jensen is annoyingly perfect. Hot, funny, charming, multi-talented... Hog all the best spots in the gene pool, why doesn't he just?  :P

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