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Self Assessment Tool

Linxe Termoil

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So I took this test for one of my classes tonight and I'm interested in seeing other people's results and how, as a group of individuals that for the most part have something in common, we all compare on our scores. The best way to do it is to right our your answers on a piece of paper.


My link


I scored a .75 in Moral Rights and a .75 in Justice.


How'd you all do? For a breakdown of the three categories we have:


The IEP measures a person's preferences in terms of three primary sets of ethical concepts. The first set is called utilitarian because it is based on the premise that actions must be judged good or bad in terms of their effects, especially the effect of producing the greatest good for the greatest number. Although this value set is consistent with the common organizational aims of efficiency and effectiveness, it may be limited in that affected parties who are not heard from can be easily ignored. The utilitarian concept is consistent with what many believe to be a dangerous premise, that is, that the ends can justify the means.

The second ethical concept is called moral rights. It is based on the idea that individuals' personal rights must not be violated. Such rights include the right to life and safety, the right to know information that directly affects them and their choice of actions, the right to privacy, the right to act in line with their beliefs or conscience without fear of reprisal, the right to speak freely (including the right to speak about illegal or unethical actions by their employer, without fear of reprisal), and the right to private property. Clearly in some cases the moral rights' concept may conflict with the utilitarian concept.

The third ethical concept is called justice. It is based on the belief that benefits and burdens should be allocated fairly, that is, based on equity and impartiality. In other words, each person has a right to the greatest possible freedom consistent with similar freedom for all others. Further, justice demands that social and economic inequities be dealt with so that those who are the most disadvantaged receive the greatest benefits. The concept of affirmative action is one illustration of this value in action. At the same time, the justice concept set calls for all persons to be treated equitably and not arbitrarily. Thus one employee should not be paid more than another who has the same skills and is doing the same job because of gender or race.


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why did I get 666?


James, you must be the ultimate prankster, that is just too funny! Try taking it, they're actually a good tool to help you understand you yourself.




I'm at:


.125 Utilitarian

.500 Moral Rights

.875 Justice

Edited by KJames
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