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Pet Peeves


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What are yours? Or what is a surefire way to annoy you? Recent events in my life have led me to post this thread just out of curiosity :P


1. People who complain about something, while making zero effort to change it.

2. People who break my trust, or abuse my kindness.

3. When people pretend to be my friend, when they actually dislike me. Whats the point? just tell me you dont like me, and we can stop being "friends". Works for me lol

4. People who are too "free spirited". I'm kind of a scheduling hardass. I like to have a good portion of events planned in advance. People who would rather "go with the flow" make me pull my hair out.

5. People acting stupid on purpose (for reasons beyond being funny or something)


Besides that I'm pretty laid back and easy to get along with. What about you? :P



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My pet peeves...



1. People who don't clean up after themselves, especially in the lab (Yes, it IS appearantly THAT hard to wash a spatula)

2. Couples that can't communicate and seriously need it to improve their relationship

3. General traffic - I've given up hope that I'll ever like traffic LOL

4. People complaining to me, especially those first 30 mins of the day before I had my shower or any foosd :P



Those are the ones off the top of my head ;)


Curious to see other people's pet peeves?

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My pet peeves (based on last week).


1. Wannabe gangsters (or is it gangsta?). Do I even need to explain why this is annoying?

2. Talking in class (especially when they try to mask it as participation). Obviously I'm not a big fan of the whole "there are no dumb questions" concept because my classmates ask a lot of them. Maybe I'm quick to judge or maybe they're just stupid, I don't know.

3. People telling me how well I speak in English. It's insulting.

4. Switching lanes without a signal. Is it really that difficult to flick your turn signal on?

Edited by tjajcj
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1. Tjajc

2. Topics like these (just kidding)

3. Stupid your mom jokes that don't work

4. Narcissistic people (like me--just don't get along with them).

5. When people complain about hating reading!



and i could go on. those are just silly off the top of my head ones. I'll be back people!

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4. People who are too "free spirited". I'm kind of a scheduling hardass. I like to have a good portion of events planned in advance. People who would rather "go with the flow" make me pull my hair out.


-nods-. Right so you are annoyed by A LOT of people. You scheduling types are the exception, us "flowers" are the norm. Deal with it :P


Besides that I'm pretty laid back and easy to get along with. What about you?


-reads above statement-


uhhh. Sure about that, are you?

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-nods-. Right so you are annoyed by A LOT of people. You scheduling types are the exception, us "flowers" are the norm. Deal with it :P



No not really. I find most people have learned that it isnt a bad idea to have some sort of plan to things, to make sure it goes smoothly. Either that or I take charge and plan it myself. Not a big deal overall.



uhhh. Sure about that, are you?



You know it is possible to be both laid back and organized lol. Just because people like that annoy me doesnt mean I have a high tolerance for it :P I could care less what someone does with their own life. Its only when other peoples laziness or refusal to plan out some event or occurance interferes with my life that I have a problem with it. Besides that it means nothing to me if you wanna go be a freespirited hippy in the woods lol.

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Mine.... playing games... not the fun types but the stupid, pointless games that people play with each other to screw up heads. I an not averse to sex in any form but mindf**ks do nothing for me.


Unlike sex I like my relationships with others to be simple, straight and honest. I don't like having to constantly be wondering what's on the other person's agenda.

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  1. People who throw around the the word "hate" without thinking about its implications
  2. People who decide they don't like something without trying it first
  3. People who unnecessarily reinforce every point
  4. People who don't use signal lights
  5. Fidgety passengers when I'm driving
  6. People who say stupid things and get angry when you point out that what they said was, indeed, stupid

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I'll probably have to edit this a few times as I think of new things


1) People who are perpetually late. If you want to meet 15 minutes AFTER the time we agreed on, why didn't you say so?

2) Entitled people. Especially adults. Including undergrads who expect me to GIVE them a grade, instead of them earning one.

3) People who aren't interested in self-awareness or self-improvement

4) Being minimized or ignored. Why aren't my ideas/thoughts acknowledged unless a man repeats them after I've already voiced them?

5) People with no work-ethic.

6) Being stuck in traffic. I'd rather drive out of the way if it means I can keep moving.

7) Being asked "where are you from?" when what they really want to know is "what's your ethnicity?"

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1. Fidgeting. Gods I hate watching someone twitch. Not like occasionally but those who swing their legs or tap or click a pen. It's annoying as all freaking get out.


2. People who touch me even when they know I hate it. Seriously, if I don't like getting hugged and I've told you that then it's just sadistic to do it.


3. Like others on here, people who are late or don't show up for plans with calling or letting me know. Seriously, how hard is it?

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-nods-. Right so you are annoyed by A LOT of people. You scheduling types are the exception, us "flowers" are the norm. Deal with it :P




I wouldn't call us "scheduling types". More appropriately would be "Efficient types"

Most people plan at least their weeks accordingly.

At least the smart ones wink.gif

Not saying every last detail of the day should be decided in advance, but contrary to popular belief, people who go through life without ever knowing what is next and what to do are boring, unproductive, and/or tend to be behind in life.





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I wouldn't call us "scheduling types". More appropriately would be "Efficient types"

Most people plan at least their weeks accordingly.

At least the smart ones wink.gif

Not saying every last detail of the day should be decided in advance, but contrary to popular belief, people who go through life without ever knowing what is next and what to do are boring, unproductive, and/or tend to be behind in life.





Also to agree with Cia, people who touch me when I dont want it are gonna get karate chopped. Dont ever touch my face :| Unless we're smexing :P

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Also to agree with Cia, people who touch me when I dont want it are gonna get karate chopped. Dont ever touch my face :| Unless we're smexing :P


*pokes cheeks*




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1. Don't stand in my personal space. If I can touch you without stretching my arm out to *here* you are too close. Back AWAY.

2. Don't stand over my shoulder either.


3. Don't hold pieces of a story hostage. If we're discussing something, and you want my opinion, give me the whole story. Don't cherry pick:


Customer: "Do you think I should reinstall Windows?"

Me: "I don't know. What problems are you having?"

Customer: "I can't use Adobe on the web."

Me: "??"

Me: "Did you try reinstalling Acrobat Reader?"

Customer: Oh, I can't get on the internet, something's wrong with my Foxfire."

Me (slow burn commencing): "We should probably fix that first."

Customer: "My son tried to, he uninstalled that Explorer blue thing, now I get these error messages".

Me: ::rage::

4. Don't talk over me and don't interrupt. It's rude and it's disrespectful.


5. Call waiting does not mean you don't finish the conversation with me before you have a conversation with someone else. I was here first. If you're on the phone with me, and tell me you'll call me back because you "have to take this call", it's a guarantee that when you call ME back, I'm going to "have to take this call" right back. And I won't call you back, either.


6. Don't sit there and text when we're trying to have a conversation. You keep groping that cell phone like you're expecting the launch codes from the Pentagon.


I feel better. :)

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Recruiters who claim they looked at my resume, then tell me to look at job that I'm obviously no where near qualified for. Gets me no where, thank you very much.

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Customer: "Do you think I should reinstall Windows?"

Me: "I don't know. What problems are you having?"

Customer: "I can't use Adobe on the web."

Me: "??"

Me: "Did you try reinstalling Acrobat Reader?"

Customer: Oh, I can't get on the internet, something's wrong with my Foxfire."

Me (slow burn commencing): "We should probably fix that first."

Customer: "My son tried to, he uninstalled that Explorer blue thing, now I get these error messages".

Me: ::rage::



Seem like legi questions to me...

When things get really messy, I just backup my files and restore to factory setting....nothing wrong with that.


You customer service representatives should learn some patience wink.gif

If people knew everything you knew, they wouldn't be calling you now would they?

Edited by Yang Bang
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My favorite comeback from when I used to work at Radio Shack Computer Centers (before they closed them) when people would call the store expecting techie support, which we weren't allowed to do at the retail level:


Me: Let me go pull out an owner's manual and we'll go through that together.

Telephone: <Click!>




The one time I was having problems with IE, and had to reinstall it, I uninstalled it first, and used Outlook to download the new version's installation routine. worshippy.gif

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Customer: "Do you think I should reinstall Windows?"

Me: "I don't know. What problems are you having?"

Customer: "I can't use Adobe on the web."

Me: "??"

Me: "Did you try reinstalling Acrobat Reader?"

Customer: Oh, I can't get on the internet, something's wrong with my Foxfire."

Me (slow burn commencing): "We should probably fix that first."

Customer: "My son tried to, he uninstalled that Explorer blue thing, now I get these error messages".

Me: ::rage::



Seem like legi questions to me...

When things get really messy, I just backup my files and restore to factory setting....nothing wrong with that.


You customer service representatives should learn some patience wink.gif

If people knew everything you knew, they wouldn't be calling you now would they?


Yang, I agree that each one of those questions are valid on their own. The peeve comes in not telling me up front what had happened to get the computer to that state to begin with. I actually distilled the example above down from an even longer exchange.


A good conversation (and this is for those of you who expect us to read your minds) goes like this:

"Hi. My son tried to install this foxfire thing and he took off the blue e on my desktop, and now I can't read the internet or use Adobe."


From that statement, I can deduce what happened and what needs to happen now. The customer didn't want to admit their kid had screwed up the computer. They wasted my time and theirs. Drives me nuts, especially when I don't charge for email support.


And most of my residential customers would have no idea how to to back up their files and restore to a factory state...

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I could probably come up with dozens, but here's the top, uh, four.


1. People who start or finish a statement with 'no offense meant' and expect that be some kind of Get Out Of Being Told You're An Arsehole Free card. (You know damn well that what you just said was rude/snide/overly personal or you wouldn't have added the sodding qualifier.)


2. Friends who seem to hear "Uh, can we move? The lighting's fritzing out my ability to focus and giving me a stonking headache" as "But I want a pony! I waaaant one!"

(I have some rather interesting sensory problems. I ignore them up until I can no longer compensate and I dislike bringing them up unless it's absolutely necessary. My friends know this. Many of them are no longer my friends.)


3. "It's my opinion! I'm entitled to my opinion!" Yes, yes you are. My opinion is that you're a flaming idiot.


4. Attempted mind games/emotionally abusive behaviour. This goes double if the perpetrator cries when their target refuses to play nice. Your astonishingly plentiful tears do not move me.

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1) People who tailgate

2) That sound you make when your knife scratches the plate are you're eating, I just hate it.

3) Not being able to finish a sex dream, it just really really annoys me.


Those are the one's I have so far.

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B).............A couple for me;


1) People that think they can drive and talk on a cell phone at the same time! ( I can't count how many near miss's accidents I avoided by pulling back)

2) Automated political calls ('nuff said)

3) Standing in line at a bank and the person at the teller has no clue what a deposit or withdrawal means and engages in a 20 minute conversation about it! :blink:

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