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Hey there, friends ;)


So we're all aware of the stereotype there is about gays having amazing fashion sense, yes? Well, my friend was talking to me today and revealed that he loves wearing crocs. I was quite shocked about this, but then he went on to say that he thinks they genuinely look good. This revelation has shaken me to my very core. Thank God I was there to set him straight (so to speak). However, I was wondering if any of you gents and ladies have made any atrocious fashion mistakes in the past? May it be some horrible attire or a hairstyle that just wasn't as nifty as you thought at the time. Pictorial evidence would be a sexy addition! haha At the same time, we've all learnt from this former disasters, right? Well, I'm hoping that's the case haha So are there any fashion advice or beauty/lifestyle tips that you swear by?


So I've come up with a few that I think are quite ok;


  • Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day (although I wouldn't drink much more than that). It does wonders for your skin. I usually take about 1-2 zinc capsules of zinc every day as well. My skin is pretty decent with all that. I'm quite prone to headaches and water is amazing for stopping all that bollox from occuring. You weight watchers could also benefit from water, but I'm sure that you already knew that it was pretty vital in weight loss.
  • Watches. Ok, so maybe you fail at everything else, but having a decent watch makes up for all of your other disasters. A shiny watch adds a touch of taste to one's 'look', don't you think? I usually wear Fossil. But apparently gold watches are really in at the minute.
  • BLACK SOCKS. No, you don't look quirky in your pink socks, you just look like a twat XD
  • Hair gel. Keep it to a minimum. It's a clinically proven by my team of expert scientists that men and women love touchable hair. Trust me, we're all vain in some way or another, but your overly styled hair is making it painfully obvious. It's a turn off.
  • Short? Don't wear horizontal stripes. You're making us want to watch Lord of the Rings.
  • Don't go around showing your boxers/knickers/ass etc. XDD Yes, it's kind of sexy, but have a little class!
  • Match your belt and shoes. Don't mix the colour of your leathers.
  • Make sure that your clothes fit. Tight isn't always sexy. Sometimes it can just look like a desperate attempt to look younger XD
  • Fragrance! Please stop wearing so much, guys. I find myself walking into gay bars and being hit by a multitude of scents. And sperm. Obviously. But hey, there is no need to wear so much! Body odour has turned into some sort of competition. The guy that's obviously wearing the most aftershave is only going to be impressing idiots and virgins. You only need a hint of the good stuff. So one or two sprays, ja? Neck preferably.
  • SHAVE. Ok, yes, I personally like a guy with a bit of facial hair. In reality it's all wrong. Only the French can pull off facial hair. Sadly, the rest of us need a shave.
  • Speaking of hair, don't show your chest hair. Yes, I will find you extremely sexy. Most guys don't like it for some odd reason. Wear an undershirt with your v-necks, hairy men!
  • To those of us sexy enough to wear spectacles; update them at least once every couple of years. If you don't need to wear glasses, then don't. The logic is there. You're just making my blood boil.I WILL HURT YOU.
  • Socks and sandals don't mix. Yes, I'm talking to you, my croc wearing amigo.
  • Good manners impress. Don't go overboard as people will think of you as a push over. But still, the small things count.
  • And lastly, yes, I'll admit that I'm hardly an expert when it comes to fashion. I know, you are shocked. So I advise using websites like 'lookbook'. Fashion students are always posting their hip outfits. It's worth a look over just to see what's on trend and whatnot.

Annnnnd I hope that was helpful to at least one person. Now, start dishing out your own advice ;)

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I had Duran Duran hair in the 80s and always wore a suit for a while, even in middle school.


And once (a couple of years ago) I had a pair of shoes I just loved like crazy, they were bright copper on the sides with a blue tongue and green paisley soled. Loved those shoes. In the USA, I got asked if I were crazy. In Germany, I got asked where they could buy some LOL


I suppose my only "beauty" tip I personally do is that I never wash my face with anything but warm water. I get remarked upon for my skin, tone and health often, considering my age. Hmm, I don't have to shave very often.


For clothing, I don't give a damn what I wear really, but only that it strikes me as interesting occasionally. I no longer have a distinct style, but usually I wear black. Since my "day" job which is actually at night is as a private chef, I usually have my chef coat on and most would associate me with it now.


Hair is very, very important to me. A bit of a strange obsession still. I have very fine but thick hair (my son says its like fur) and it tends to have cowlicks, and its naturally black and copper. It is always crazy, and even water, gel, wax, nothing makes it lay down unless I grow it very long. As boring as my personality may seem, my hair makes up for it. I've given up trying to tame it. I laugh at myself in the mirror and go out anyway.


I am somewhat an herbalist, so I always take my herbs as necessary: right now its gingko and blessed thistle, and have a variety of teas I regularly consume to help detox, liver function, blood cleansers, for calmer sleep, digestion, etc.

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I disagree with you on one thing. Socks and sandles. Yes, generally it looks terrible because old people always do this with their strap on sandles. But if you have ever been around jocks, every single one of them wears socks with the athletic style flip flops, and it doesn't look bad at all. But maybe you didn't include flip flops when you said sandles.

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Hey there, friends ;)


So we're all aware of the stereotype there is about gays having amazing fashion sense, yes? Well, my friend was talking to me today and revealed that he loves wearing crocs. I was quite shocked about this, but then he went on to say that he thinks they genuinely look good. This revelation has shaken me to my very core. Thank God I was there to set him straight (so to speak). However, I was wondering if any of you gents and ladies have made any atrocious fashion mistakes in the past? May it be some horrible attire or a hairstyle that just wasn't as nifty as you thought at the time. Pictorial evidence would be a sexy addition! haha At the same time, we've all learnt from this former disasters, right? Well, I'm hoping that's the case haha So are there any fashion advice or beauty/lifestyle tips that you swear by?


So I've come up with a few that I think are quite ok;


  • Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day (although I wouldn't drink much more than that). It does wonders for your skin. I usually take about 1-2 zinc capsules of zinc every day as well. My skin is pretty decent with all that. I'm quite prone to headaches and water is amazing for stopping all that bollox from occuring. You weight watchers could also benefit from water, but I'm sure that you already knew that it was pretty vital in weight loss.
  • Watches. Ok, so maybe you fail at everything else, but having a decent watch makes up for all of your other disasters. A shiny watch adds a touch of taste to one's 'look', don't you think? I usually wear Fossil. But apparently gold watches are really in at the minute.
  • BLACK SOCKS. No, you don't look quirky in your pink socks, you just look like a twat XD
  • Hair gel. Keep it to a minimum. It's a clinically proven by my team of expert scientists that men and women love touchable hair. Trust me, we're all vain in some way or another, but your overly styled hair is making it painfully obvious. It's a turn off.
  • Short? Don't wear horizontal stripes. You're making us want to watch Lord of the Rings.
  • Don't go around showing your boxers/knickers/ass etc. XDD Yes, it's kind of sexy, but have a little class!
  • Match your belt and shoes. Don't mix the colour of your leathers.
  • Make sure that your clothes fit. Tight isn't always sexy. Sometimes it can just look like a desperate attempt to look younger XD
  • Fragrance! Please stop wearing so much, guys. I find myself walking into gay bars and being hit by a multitude of scents. And sperm. Obviously. But hey, there is no need to wear so much! Body odour has turned into some sort of competition. The guy that's obviously wearing the most aftershave is only going to be impressing idiots and virgins. You only need a hint of the good stuff. So one or two sprays, ja? Neck preferably.
  • SHAVE. Ok, yes, I personally like a guy with a bit of facial hair. In reality it's all wrong. Only the French can pull off facial hair. Sadly, the rest of us need a shave.
  • Speaking of hair, don't show your chest hair. Yes, I will find you extremely sexy. Most guys don't like it for some odd reason. Wear an undershirt with your v-necks, hairy men!
  • To those of us sexy enough to wear spectacles; update them at least once every couple of years. If you don't need to wear glasses, then don't. The logic is there. You're just making my blood boil.I WILL HURT YOU.
  • Socks and sandals don't mix. Yes, I'm talking to you, my croc wearing amigo.
  • Good manners impress. Don't go overboard as people will think of you as a push over. But still, the small things count.
  • And lastly, yes, I'll admit that I'm hardly an expert when it comes to fashion. I know, you are shocked. So I advise using websites like 'lookbook'. Fashion students are always posting their hip outfits. It's worth a look over just to see what's on trend and whatnot.

Annnnnd I hope that was helpful to at least one person. Now, start dishing out your own advice ;)


So the collar and leash have to match too?:P


1281466735[/url]' post='259268']

I disagree with you on one thing. Socks and sandles. Yes, generally it looks terrible because old people always do this with their strap on sandles. But if you have ever been around jocks, every single one of them wears socks with the athletic style flip flops, and it doesn't look bad at all. But maybe you didn't include flip flops when you said sandles.


I'm around a lot of jocks, young ones, and I've never seen this. I'm with Meno on this one. No socks with sandles, flip flops, etc.

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So the collar and leash have to match too?:P


Well of course! We are talking fashion here.


I'm around a lot of jocks, young ones, and I've never seen this. I'm with Meno on this one. No socks with sandles, flip flops, etc.


And they do it with black socks! White is bad enough! Maybe if you used the Japanese socks with the toe notch which are made to be worn with flip-flops . . .


The worst is leather shoes, black socks and shorts. Not even the English can pull it off.

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Considering the fact that I already find this sort of footwear unattractive in the first place, seeing people wearing socks with them makes me want to pull out my eyes. To put it simply, it's just not a good look. There's no excuse for doing so. Don't make me call the fashion police!

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Considering the fact that I already find this sort of footwear unattractive in the first place, seeing people wearing socks with them makes me want to pull out my eyes. To put it simply, it's just not a good look. There's no excuse for doing so. Don't make me call the fashion police!


What's wrong with flip-flops? They are really the ultimate in shoes. Simple, comfortable, revealing (if you're into that).

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But, Meno! He looked awesome wearing crocs + socks! Like an actual stacking superhero. You can be so mean :o


  • Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day (although I wouldn't drink much more than that). It does wonders for your skin. I usually take about 1-2 zinc capsules of zinc every day as well. My skin is pretty decent with all that. I'm quite prone to headaches and water is amazing for stopping all that bollox from occuring. You weight watchers could also benefit from water, but I'm sure that you already knew that it was pretty vital in weight loss.

I really ought to start drinking more water. I only have 2-4 glasses a day D:

My skin likes me, though. It's incredibly generous so i rarely get pimples or other blemishes. woot!


  • Hair gel. Keep it to a minimum. It's a clinically proven by my team of expert scientists that men and women love touchable hair. Trust me, we're all vain in some way or another, but your overly styled hair is making it painfully obvious. It's a turn off.


If you really want to use something, stick with hair mousse. Looks softer and much more touchable.


  • Don't go around showing your boxers/knickers/ass etc. XDD Yes, it's kind of sexy, but have a little class!

My biggest pet peeve.



I'm not particularly trendy, i just can't wear mismatched clothes. I usually just go out in chucks, shorts/jeans, a T and jacket/hoodie. Or if it's a party i'll wear a dress and heels. And despite how unattractive flip-flops are (on some), they're still ideal for Summer since you can't go to the beach in shoes D: so i basically live in flip-flops during the summer.

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flip-flops....... WTF guys they are called thongs!!!!!!! thongs!!!!! argh!!


i dont really care what i wear, as long as i can wear it when im working


t-shirts are a big thing though, i cant wear bright colours and if its got a stain of any size then i cant wear it


my fashion advice is this.......... i have great skin for a teen, because i dont wear makeup, yes you orange cake faced wannabe sluts, that much makeup is a major turn off!!

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I wear boat shoes a lot. They are comfortable, stylish, and a nice summer shoe. Of course, you don't wear socks when wearing boat shoes. I absolutely hate people who do.


Boat shoes are sexy, man! In fact, I'm wearing a pair right now. I wouldn't say that it's a complete and utter shambles if someone decides to wear socks with them, but I personally would not.

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flip-flops....... WTF guys they are called thongs!!!!!!! thongs!!!!! argh!! . . .



Sorry, in the states if we said "thong" they would think we were talking about our underwear.

Edited by jon-jon
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I'm pretty simple when it comes to style. I kinda like bright colours occasionally, but not too much. I generally colour co-ordinate. I've found recently I've been wearing alot of primary colours. Blue, red, yellow.


Jeans are nearly always raw indigo washed, and selvedge, with a slim straight/fitted cut. Works out well enough for me I'd say :P


Oh and shoes. Gotta love my kicks :D

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I wear boat shoes a lot. They are comfortable, stylish, and a nice summer shoe. Of course, you don't wear socks when wearing boat shoes. I absolutely hate people who do.


*rolls over laughing*


Because of course they serve no purpose whatsoever. I mean, socks and sailor shoes, pleaze!




I need more fashion sense. Someone to take me shopping and tell me what to buy :lol:

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I use to have bad cases of pimples on my face but my mum bought this vitamin C and in less than 2 days, my face was free of blemishes and pimples but I do still have some pimples on my backs ==

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Unless you're a chick needing hair done for homecoming, avoid me and my fashions at all cost. They get looks of all the wrong kinds. Usually I'm colour-coordinated, but I tend to wear stuff a bit baggy and intentionally outdated, unless I've been suckered into loving a particular shirt (right now it's my black Batman T-shirt and my Jeff Dunham shirt). Let me give an example (however, I don't have pictures.)


It is not unusual for me to appear downtown in my hometown wearing a homespun tunic, honest-to-god breeches, black leather boots, swordbelt with or without broadsword attached but always at least one small self-defense weapon, black leather gloves, and a riding cloak, all with my hair left to fall in my eyes or wherever else it wants to. This isn't what you wear when you're hoping for a date, I've been noticing.


The next day, I'll be wearing everything a size too big with chains all over, cruising around on my skateboard. Again, it's screaming "RUN AWAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1one!"

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