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[Corvus] Poem - comments

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Title: He Laments for His Beloved Reviewer: ThePhallocrat


Ok, I wanted to write a review for every single one of your

poems, but I exercised a little self-restraint (a little). I just wanted

to say that now that I've read all of them, I think i am in love with

you. Thank you for a beautiful literary experience, and please keep

posting more.Author's Response: Aww, thanks so much for the lovely reviews. I'm deeply flattered. :)

Date: 07/12/2009 05:26 PM





Title: The Non-Encounter Reviewer: ThePhallocrat


Oh wow. I had to turn on the air conditioner in my room after

this one. Once again, an amazing array of tones and emotions wrapped

into a neat package. Delightful.

Date: 07/12/2009 05:23 PM





Title: Black Light Reviewer: ThePhallocrat


The symmetry! The beautiful, horrible, gut-wrenching symmetry!

Date: 07/12/2009 05:20 PM





Title: American Vaudeville Reviewer: ThePhallocrat


Wow. I keep reading it over and over, and it just keeps getting

more interesting and beautiful. There's a lot wrapped up in there.

Date: 07/12/2009 05:19 PM





Title: P.V., or the ghost that visited me Reviewer: ThePhallocrat


I really, really like this.

Date: 07/12/2009 05:14 PM





Title: Black Light Reviewer: Ieshwar


This is so touching! I don't know what to say except that I loved it! You deserve the award of Best Poem. Congrats! :)Cheerz!

Date: 02/27/2009 05:16 AM





Title: At the Coffeeshop Reviewer: Procyon White


This is a joy to read, every time. The ideas in it are

mind-boggling and the way you present them beautiful and sometimes

scary. Some great lines:

because I was too short for these roomsand too long for these rooms, and the moreI cried, the less I belonged in these rooms.


Alfredo, Alfredo, you cannot knowhow stretch those interminable hoursof hunger that are like hands, handsthat link, but cannot warm each other.

and lots more, but most of them too long for me to copy-paste of I'd

just cite the whole poem here. I love the four secret words, that is

such a great way of describing that particular feeling, or that truth,

maybe. Great that you posted this. :D

Date: 02/11/2009 06:30 PM





Title: The Non-Encounter Reviewer: Procyon White


This is so totally trainy, and since I travel by train so often I

can really identify with it. The way you notice these small, random

things just because you've too much time and too little space, and the

way your thoughts drift. You chose the perfect form for this btw. Very

good poem, so little happens, yet so much goes on.

Date: 12/29/2008 03:26 AM





Title: All the names Reviewer: J_Ross


I don't even think I should try to say anything about this 0_o I

suck and you rock and nothing I say will ever do this any justice, I

wouldn't even know where to start, but I did love it and I thought you

should know. Cheers.

Date: 12/17/2008 03:45 AM





Title: Black Light Reviewer: David McLeod


The poem appears in two columns. At first, I wondered why. Then I

saw the parallelism. Brilliant, actually (the author, not

I). "Splintering bells...mole...sheets...white...black light..." great

imagery. A mixture of the mundane and the sublime. I'm another one who

doesn't really get into poetry, but given more like this, and I could

easily change. Thank you for an enjoyable few minutes, and a lifetime of

memory.Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Date: 12/06/2008 03:05 PM





Title: Bell Pepper Reviewer: GaryInMiami


Sometimes the tablecloth is easier to hide behind than face that which we'd rather not deal with.

Date: 03/19/2008 11:54 PM





Title: Hurt has told him not to listen Reviewer: GaryInMiami


Emotional pain sometimes reminds us we are still alive even when

others we wish were still with us are dead. I'm not sure it really

serves any useful purpose and in fact is often like a self-inflicted

wound. This poem touched me on several levels. Well done.

Date: 03/19/2008 11:51 PM





Title: November in the Square Reviewer: GaryInMiami


I'm glad you included a description of what this was supposed to

mean because it was so oddly diametric I wouldn't have understood what

you meant.

Date: 03/19/2008 11:47 PM





Title: Mother China Reviewer: GaryInMiami


People need to be more discerning in terms of whom they condemn. The Chinese government is giving Tibet a hard time. I wonder if all Chinese people feel the same way or if they just want to live a peaceful life like most of us do.

Date: 03/19/2008 11:38 PM





Title: Night Song Reviewer: Procyon White


Great poem. The moonlight is so vivid and beautiful in it in

spite of the narrator's loneliness and feigned sleep in that desperate

hour before dawn. The rhythm and rhyme scheme, also, is perfect, beyond

something you merely create for the sake of it. Certainly my fav of

these right now. Unlike Bondwriter I thought your end notes were

interesting, especially the ones telling where you got your ideas --

although the one for 'Hurt has told him not to listen' was perhaps the

most obvious one (hence, I suppose, Bondwriter's comment). But I'm sure

there are people out there who haven't read Li Bai, just as I haven't

read Whitman and didn't know whatever it was you said about him in the

end notes to 'Alfredo'. And there was a lot of other stuff that I didn't

know either.Anyway, looking forward to your selected! As you know. With comments, harhar.

Date: 03/07/2008 05:00 PM





Title: Hurt has told him not to listen Reviewer: Bondwriter


A very nice poem. I like the way you work your ideas out. The end

notes are unnecessary, IMO, since you've conveyed these ideas very well

in the poem.

Date: 02/17/2008 02:56 PM





Title: Alfredo Reviewer: Duncan Ryder


This is spectacularly good. It does make me think of Whitman. Are you familiar with Lorca, the Spanish poet? I

wonder if you have thought of parsing it a little further back,

eliminating some of of the articles, stripping the tenses a little

further? Just a thought....

Date: 02/17/2008 11:29 AM





Title: Bell Pepper Reviewer: AFriendlyFace


I like this

Date: 02/08/2008 04:12 PM

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