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E-fiction reviews as of 12/28/2010.





Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: alexis

Deep plot, and an analytical piece. You have been able to depict the

personality of each character through individual quirks that make these

characters real. Keep writing, very enjoyable!Though you leave this story in

particular quite open, it seems very realistic.Human nature and emotions--do

we ever learn?

Date: 12/22/2010 05:21 PM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: kasjo_peja


The story was funny and sweet, but the ending was too open (especially that

the sequel - Worth A Shot - stays unfinished).

Date: 08/30/2010 08:36 AM

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Title: Chapter 7: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Reviewer: kasjo_peja


I loved how the conversation between Aaron and Ben played out.

Date: 08/30/2010 07:49 AM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: DragonFire


I have just finished reading this and just wanted to say what a wonderful

story you've created here. Really am looking forward to the sequel which I'll

start very soon. Well done :o)

Date: 06/13/2009 09:37 PM

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Title: Chapter 5: The Name Game

Reviewer: taina1959


"Ben hesitates, probably trying to decide whether I have a gross ear

infection or am simply full of shit" LMFAO!!!! I'm loving this story more and

more!!! LOL!

Date: 12/15/2008 02:39 PM

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Title: Chapter 4: The Eyes Have It

Reviewer: taina1959


Oh I can't stand that Giorgio!! He needs to mind his own damn business and

stop treating Ben like a child!! UGH!

Date: 12/15/2008 02:29 PM

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Title: Chapter 3: Make Over Madness

Reviewer: taina1959


Love the way Aaron starts talking like a kid! Makes him sound so funny and I

can hear him in my head! YIKES!! LOL!!!

"Yep, neeeever gonna talk about shoes with him again. I don’t care if his

puppy dies and his grandmother falls down a flight of stairs!"


Date: 12/15/2008 12:24 PM

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Title: Chapter 2: One For Later

Reviewer: taina1959


I like Cosmo, he seems like a cool, funny and caring guy! This was a funny

Chapter! LOVE IT!

Date: 12/15/2008 12:14 PM

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Title: Chapter 1: Hot Mess Reviewer: taina1959


Very good first chapter! I'm glad Aar didn't go up to Ben's apt!

Date: 12/15/2008 11:59 AM

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Title: Chapter 3: Make Over Madness

Reviewer: AFriendlyFace


Date: 08/21/2008 12:03 AM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: rbq4u


YAY!!!!!! I CANT WAIT FOR WORTH A SHOT...its probably alreaddy up :P

okAuthor's Response: It will be in like an hour! LOL, I can't wait to

see what you think about it :-)

Date: 08/18/2008 09:21 PM

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Title: Chapter 9: I Can't Even Think Straight

Reviewer: rbq4u


i kinda always thought mick was gay...idk, why would he be like the

sole providor for Aar's life?Author's Response: LOL, well read on and

you're bound to find out :-P

Date: 08/18/2008 09:18 PM

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Title: Chapter 8: Turning Japanese

Reviewer: rbq4u


at first, i didn't think twice bout mick being like MONEY PROVIDER BLAH BLAH,

but now


when you put it that way


i hope i'm not in that spot - maybe...BLAHAuthor's Response: I'm

really glad you said this. I was trying to make everything seem normal to the

reader because it seemed normal to Aaron. Then in this chapter I wanted the

reader - and Aaron - to suddenly re-evaluate everything. So awesome if you did

that! :-)

Date: 08/18/2008 09:13 PM

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Title: Chapter 7: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Reviewer: rbq4u



aww. i'm starting to like ben, sorta like daniel from ugly betty, cept he

would have to date betty - and she'd at least become OK looking!

horid comparison...Author's Response: LOL, to be honest I've

never seen Ugly Betty, but I'm glad if my characters inspire a comparison with

famous characters.

Date: 08/18/2008 09:07 PM

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Title: Chapter 6: The Truth Hurts

Reviewer: rbq4u

i think i'll have to go put on the shirt i was wearing in the begining of

the day - oh shoot, it's in the laundry, oh well, i guess i'll just have to read

on!Author's Response: *giggle* I had a lot of fun writing this chapter,

especially that scene. I love it when Mick and Aaron have dialogue together


Date: 08/18/2008 08:57 PM

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Title: Chapter 5: The Name Game

Reviewer: rbq4u

can't _wait_ to find out...!Author's Response: Yay! :-)

Date: 08/18/2008 08:51 PM

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Title: Chapter 4: The Eyes Have It

Reviewer: rbq4u

haha, i loved it! all your chapters are like oneshots - just with a plot

going through them all, magnificentAuthor's Response: I really

appreciate it! That's sort of what I was going for! Thank you very much


Date: 08/18/2008 08:45 PM

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Title: Chapter 3: Make Over Madness

Reviewer: rbq4u

haha, nice!

Date: 08/18/2008 08:37 PM

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Title: Chapter 2: One For Later

Reviewer: rbq4u

hardy, har, har, hilariousAuthor's Response: LOL, thanks :-)

Date: 08/18/2008 08:27 PM

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Title: Chapter 2: One For Later

Reviewer: rbq4u

hardy, har, har, hilarious

Date: 08/18/2008 08:27 PM

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Title: Chapter 1: Hot Mess Reviewer: rbq4u


Date: 08/18/2008 08:21 PM

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Title: Chapter 1: Hot Mess Reviewer: rbq4u

niceAuthor's Response: Thanks!

Date: 08/18/2008 08:21 PM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: canundra

Disclaimer: This isn't much of a review. More of a comment to the

author.If you didn't put that there was a sequel to this story, I swear

I would have hunted you down just so I could strangle you for leaving it like

this. :)But thank you for writing such a wonderful story. Personally, I

like Mick over Ben, but that's a personal thing. I really hope Mick will be able

to find someone. I hope, in the end, it'll be Aaron. But, as long as both Aaron

and Mick come out happy in the end, I should be fine ;PEagerly awaiting

the sequel. Keep it up :)Author's Response: Whew! Thank goodness I

remembered to put that there was a sequel then! :-P Thanks very much for the

review, canundra! :-D I'm glad the story resonated with you! I can't wait to see

what you think of the sequel :-)

Date: 08/06/2008 11:05 AM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: Marissa

Love it!! Can't wait to see what's next.Author's Response: Thanks

you so much, Marissa! I really appreciate the review! :-)

Date: 08/05/2008 03:09 PM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: Dion



Well... that was wonderfully written but woefully inadequate. I can barely

wait until the sequel appears.

Thanks for writing this and sharing it with us, Kevin!Author's

Response: Thanks Dion :)

Date: 07/30/2008 10:26 PM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: steph291

powerful chapter, kev. very intense. ^_^Author's Response: Thank

you so much, Steph! I was hoping for powerful, lol :-P :-)

Date: 07/29/2008 12:07 AM

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Title: Chapter 10: Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Reviewer: Windkaizer

Now I really can't wait until the next part of the story. Such a great

author, you are. (Sorry, Yoda moment. Happens to the best of us.) Really though,

this was a great story.SUSPENSE TIME!Author's Response: Thank you so

much, Wind! I really really appreciate that :) Just to let you know in case you

didn't. This was the final chapter of BMAD. HOWEVER, the sequel will be out in

less than a month :)

Date: 07/28/2008 10:53 PM

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Title: Chapter 9: I Can't Even Think Straight

Reviewer: Windkaizer

Such a great story, and I really can't wait what Aaron's reply is to the

question.Now, it's time for my internal thoughts (YAY THINKING!)I really

cannot decide on who I would want Aar to end up with: Mick or Ben?I mean,

the points that he gives about the two of them are all points that I have taken

into consideration. And my vote would be for...Mick, and it's because of the

history that hey already have with each other.The only possible problem that

I can make a theory about is: Would their relationship be able to stand with the

addition of romance, or would it crumble like a decripit building?Only time

(and you, of course) will be able to tell.Author's Response: Thank you

so much, Wind! I really hope you enjoy the next segments as well! :-D Thank so

much for the review!

Date: 07/22/2008 11:18 PM

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Title: Chapter 9: I Can't Even Think Straight

Reviewer: steph291

I like Jake. Can you maybe change his girlfriend's name to Stephanie?

=)Author's Response: LOL! Well, I'll see what I can do, but I'm not sure

how much I can slip by the readers (not to mention Sharon and Tim!) :-P

Date: 07/22/2008 08:52 AM

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Title: Chapter 9: I Can't Even Think Straight

Reviewer: Dion


Answer the damn question, Jake! Geez!Author's Response: Hehehe,

thanks Dion :)

Date: 07/22/2008 04:11 AM

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Title: Chapter 8: Turning Japanese

Reviewer: Nil


I can't help myself, I have disliked Aaron from the very start. And now,

after the who fuss he pulled simply because Aaron isn't rich enough to afford

sushis, well, I dislike him even more. He's gonna have to do way better for I

can have any good feeling toward him. Mike, well, he's another story. I find him

absolutely charming even though he's a little bit pushy sometimes.

But I'm ranting here. That's your story. And it's a great story. I can't wait

to read more of it.Author's Response: Thanks Nil :) Did you mean you

have disliked Ben from the beginning? Anyway thanks for the review and

thoughtful comments, they are *much* appreciated!

Date: 07/16/2008 04:11 PM

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Title: Chapter 8: Turning Japanese

Reviewer: Dion

Poor Aaron. ;) I'm glad you finally posted this!Author's

Response: Thanks Dion! :-)

Date: 07/14/2008 10:55 PM

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Title: Chapter 1: Hot Mess Reviewer: PlugInMatty

Really enjoying this one, dude. Keep up the good work.I'm really

liking the italicised 'inner thoughts' you're using as part of Aaron's

narration. When they're used for Aaron to provide commentary on what's

happening/just happened, they're great. Laugh out loud funny, even.That

said, although I think they definitely add to the story in parts, they almost

detract from the story in other sections. In particular, I felt uncomfortable

about the Nirvana ringtone sequence. That bit seemed unnecessary, to be

honest.I know it's a fine line, but if it doesn't comment on/add to the

action, does it really need to be there? Bits like that make Aaron seem like

just another run-of-the-mill smart ass. I might be wrong, but I don't think

that's how you really intend for Aaron to come across. Anyway, congrats

on a good story. You've held my attention for more than 5 minutes, so that's

gotta count for something.Author's Response: Thanks Matty! I appreciate

the thoughtful comments and review :)

Date: 07/14/2008 07:11 AM

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Title: Chapter 7: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Reviewer: steph291

awwwww =)Author's Response: :)

Date: 07/11/2008 09:37 PM

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Title: Reflections Over Coffee: Part 1

Reviewer: Dion

Aaron certainly is one confused little puppy. And Mick? I have my doubts

about his 'straightness'...Author's Response: LOL, Thanks Dion :) Aaron

definitely is confused! Hehe, we'll just have to wait and see what happens with

Mick :-P

Date: 07/08/2008 04:38 AM

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Title: Chapter 7: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Reviewer: Dion


Aww - sweet!Author's Response: Thanks Dion! :=D

Date: 07/06/2008 09:35 PM

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