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Disparity in censorship in GA stories


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Okay, before I get started, this is only an observation I have made. In no way, shape, or form, is this a complaint.


Anyways, we all know the fire-truck word. The intercourse word. The 4 letter word that starts with "F". And I have noticed that in some stories, the word and some of its brethren are clearly spelled out (ex. Second Shot); while in others, the F and K come through, but two asterisks are placed in the middle (ex. Bill W's Boy For Hire).


Why would there be a discrepancy? Could it be a software thing? Some stories are obviously older than others, so maybe that's it?


For me, when I read a story (and it involves college age guys), swearing is a natural part of the flow of the story. I can read a word like "shit" or "damn" and not even think twice about it. But if I come across the intercourse word with asterisks, it stands out like a turd in a punch bowl. Posted Image

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Why would there be a discrepancy?

Perhaps it is the individual authors themselves choosing how to spell (or not spell) the word out.


I remember Dom using 'Nucking Futs'. It certainly got the point across.

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I curse in my stories, I haven't noticed anyone else practising censorship on them but me, myself and I.


If I think my story has too much "questionable" language :P , I might consider a warning in the chapter note, but I haven't seen that nessesary yet. I think the rules in chat and forums and blogs are slightly different with stories maybe? Artistic freedom or something? I might be wrong... wonder if some rule has gone pass me... 0:)

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As far as I’m aware there’s no censorship. Asterisks are down to the individual author.


I never hold back in mine, and if you read Mark Arbours work you can be left in no doubt! :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nope, the only censorship in the stories as far as this goes seems to be author imposed. Personally I agree with Trevor that asterisks stand out ... though I hate his analogy ... ewch dude! :)


I actually made a bit of a study of this when I was doing some linguistics research for my PhD. Some cultures seem to swear more. I am almost certain that the Scots do so much more in the UK. A famous broadcaster here once told a story about this where a guy in the crowd at a football match shouted 'oh refe f**kin ree'. And for me that underlines it. Some sociolinguistic cultures have a greater tendency. For me it is about the feel of the shape of the expression flowing over my tongue. There is a flow and a grace and a punctuation afforded that is not by other words in the same context. It's a weird one, this, but I kinda refuse to be bullied into toning it down.


There's a difference in the chatroom, though, where young people are present, and someone else is responsible for their linguistic tuition. Better not to interfere with a parents' function in there.

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When it comes the stories, it's probably up to the author as to what they post, some do, some don't use vulgar language.


When it comes to chat and the forums, it has no place there. From the Rules we have this,

Vulgarity and Sexual Explicitness: As a community with a diversity of members and readers, we ask our members to post without using vulgar language and pictures. In addition, the "masking" of vulgarity by inserting * or another keystroke in place of one or more letters is unacceptable in most cases. We realize that there's a "grey area", but we ask that you will respect others by avoiding vulgarity and sexual explicitness. When in doubt, if you do not hear or see it on Prime Time Radio or Television, do not post it here.

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My stand on censorship is the same as with mistakes (any writing mistake, that is), if it's visually disappealing then it shouldn't be there.


I'm just saying that a misspelled word would be just as big a buzzkill as a word censored with asteriks.


When in doubt, if you do not hear or see it on Prime Time Radio or Television, do not post it here.

I don't know if Prime Time media is a good reference point considering how far the "lines" are pushed in TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and Glee with the same-sex kisses and all...



... but then again I've never heard an f-bomb on either two.



Edited by XBadboyX
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