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Super 8 is GREAT

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Spielberg magic + J.J. Abrams flair == knock out hit of the summer!


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Elle Fanning and Joel Courtney


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Super 8 has a delightful innocence and a feeling not caught on camera since Stand By Me.


You're Gonna Love It

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Not to be the debbie downer here, but I really didn't enjoy it that much. That's not to say it was bad, because it wasn't, but it definitely didn't blow me away either. The dialogue was nice and witty, but beyond that I didn't see much special with it. Kind of a cloverfield meets stand by me coming of age type story. Pretty standard fare as far as alien movies go. I would however say it's worth checking out, as the feedback I've gotten from others has been all over the place. Some love it, some, ehh, not so much, like me :P

Edited by Skyline
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I've got to side with Skyline. The basic idea of a 70's period piece - with the horror element and a talented cast of young un-knowns - is terrific. However, IMHO, the movie got off-track when it swung to CGI over-kill. I loved Elle Fanning and the young boys...but the film drifted into unnecessary explosions and violence at the end.

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I enjoyed it. It's kind of like E.T meets the goonies, meets close encounters.

Not the best film out there but worth a watch, and to say the cast was lead mainly by kids, and most of them the first role in a movie, they did very well.

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We liked it. It's an action flick with enough explosions and action to satisfy, very good kid actors, and a funny takeoff on 1970's SciFi films that had us laughing a lot. It's not going to win an Oscar for best film of 2011, but we found it thoroughly enjoyable. We saw the IMAX version, and watching that train wreck was totally amazing. When we came out of the theater we were all smiling. Hey, that's what entertainment should be all about, entertaining. We're recommending it to all of our friends, and those who've seen it liked it.


Colin B)

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We liked it. It's an action flick with enough explosions and action to satisfy, very good kid actors, and a funny takeoff on 1970's SciFi films that had us laughing a lot. It's not going to win an Oscar for best film of 2011, but we found it thoroughly enjoyable. We saw the IMAX version, and watching that train wreck was totally amazing. When we came out of the theater we were all smiling. Hey, that's what entertainment should be all about, entertaining. We're recommending it to all of our friends, and those who've seen it liked it.


Colin B)


B)........... I plan to see it Wednesday, early without a bunch of kids ruining it for me. 0:)

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