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Webpage Positioning Help

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OKay considering since this question many not be a GayAuthors webpage issue, I've decided to post it here in the general discussion forums. Here's my issue: All my other webpages when i browse them are centered... and GA used to be that way for me too... but not its left aligned and for some odd reason it bothers me that it's left aligned... I wanted it centered on my browser... I've tried looking everywhere to fix it... in settings on both windows and internet and I can't seem to change it... so I'm thinking maybe someone has changed GA to be left aligned? Or am I just not getting it? I want my equalibrium (I probs spelt that wrong) back. I want an even nice pale baby bluish border on boths side and not one thick band down one... so yeah just asking around to figure it out... many thanks!!!! Oh and I asked here in GA cause there are so many nice folks here rather than some tech forum where there are snotty tech geeks who thinks they are superior and would make me feel stupid... Thanks again!!

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As far as I’m aware it’s always been aligned to the left, I’m struggling to even remember when it wasn’t. Maybe before the new software was brought in?


First time I’ve actually thought about it is when you mentioned it, still can’t say it bothers me any! :P



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah ha so I was crazy!! Thanks for the responses... the view settings was one of the first things I checked... but I guess it seems I was just crazy and remembered something of my imagination... see what happened when you thingk too much about stuff! Thanks again you both.

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