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Finally reaching the surface again! :)


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It has been MONTHS of struggling and frustration, but I'm finally getting things back to the way I want them. And I still have a few weeks to go before it's anywhere CLOSE to perfect again (If ever), but for now...it's better than it has been in a looooong time! So I'm thankful for that!


I can post on the Cafe again! Yay!!! AND...I fixed the glitch that kept me from posting my stories on GA! So there are *FIVE* new chapters of "Billy chase" here if you wanna check 'em out! Expect the latest "GFD" chapter to be up by the end of the day! I'll go through and see if anything else is missing, so I can update that too!


I know it's been forever, but I've spent an entire week trying to get everything working again. It'sbeen screwed up for months now! Ugh!


Anyway, I'll talk to you guys soon! And thanks for being patient with me while I've been working through this mess! Posted Image


PS- I still have a lot of files to look through to find everything that I was working on, but "Empty Corners" is done! And that's my next priority!

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Pssst. How's the best romance story on GA doing? Y'know that one with the name "A Class by Himself.". I speak for many when I say I am eagerly waiting on the next chapter! Aha anywho best of luck getting your stuff back together.

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Hehehe, thanks you guys! Love you lots!


Thanks Neph! :)


And "Class" will be posted soon. I have to go out of town for a week and a half, which sucks, but when I come back, that's all I wanna do!


as for "empty Corners", it's finished! :) I have to go through my files and find them all. But I've found 6 out of 11 chapters so far. And when I get back, it's just a matter of formatting them all and sending them in. which will be EASY! Can't wait either!


Thanks for being infinitely patient with me this summer. I've been like a monkey trying to figure out brain surgery for the past two months! LOL! thanks for even remembering that I exist! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I still haven't seen "Shelter" yet. But I liked "Brokeback Mountain". I just think it wasa bit overhyped, is all. I guess if you're not gay, then that movie was probably shocking and brave and blah blah blah. Heehe, but gay people were just like...yeah...secret relationship between two guys. It happens. :: shrugs ::


Anyway, I got home last night! So the stories start Monday with a new "Savage Moon" for Halloween! Cool? :)


Enjoy! MUCH more to come!

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I'll definitely do that. So far, my favorites have been "Beautiful Thing", "Get Real", Edge Of Seventeen", and "Broken Hearts Club". But I'm always looking to see some I haven't seen before. :)

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