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Pleasure or Gain?


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I write for pleasure, and in a way therapy. to help me over my shit past.

It made me wonder, how many of you Poets and Authors out there, are working towards fame and fortune? Or is it just a joy to write?

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I love that people read what I've actually written. Seeing comments and reviews from readers makes my day! I write for pleasure and it makes me happy if other people find pleasure in something I have created. If something I've written gets published that's icing on the cake! :P

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I have a form of a story that I've been writing since about 7th grade, and have about 190 pages worth written. I've never shown it to anyone else before, nor do I ever plan to. I wrote it simply to satisfy myself, and because I enjoy doing it.

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Someday I'll probably write something and send it in to Amazon and see if it sells but right now I just write for me. But, as much as I do it for myself, I wouldn't be nearly as into it if I didn't get feedback from people. I love the feeling I get from knowing that someone likes something I've written, it gives me a sense of self worth that I don't usually have. Which sounds all kinds of pathetic, I know. :P

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I am therefore I write. I write because I have to write. I love writing. I live for it and spend every spare moment of the day when I'm not reading, to write. When i am not next to a computer I write on paper, or scraps of envelope or anything that's around and then type it up later. I LOVE to write. The fact that people read and review is more than I ever expected and it more than makes my day. It feeds my soul.


I have plans to publish a book but not for fame and fortune just for the absolute thrill of seeing it up there. I wouldn't mind if no one ever bought a copy... well yeah, I guess i would, but I really don't expect to ever make a living from it let alone a fortune.

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I write for myself. Sometimes it is simply because I can't find the type of stories I want to read. Sometimes because I just have these wild ideas in my head that if I don't get down will drive me up the wall.


I have had pieces I've written published before. However, I am never going to get rich off it. I don't see people flocking to my writing like they do Neil Giamen or JK Rowlings. I'm just happy that there seem to be a few people on this site who enjoy what my demented little mind can cook up.

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Well let me be the odd man out - I write for both. I would very much like to get published, and make a few shekels from it, enough that Mike and I and Baby Q can move somewhere away from the city - he can work at home - and I can write to pay for her college fund.


If that never happens, however, I'm happy enough to have found a place where other can read what I write and enjoy it. That way it isn't just '1's' and '0's' on my hard drive.


But the primary goal of writing is to get published for me.



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I write because I like to write. I think it's fun! I think about publishing sometimes and if that ever happened, it would be awesome, but that's not my main motivation. I write because it makes me happy.

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Personally, i write because i get the urge to. If i have an interesting dream and i want to remember it, i write it down. Or if i see something or experience something that is a little odd or off kilter, i will write it down and think of plot lines for it.

See, the main pleasure for me is giving life to these characters and events inside my mind. Setting out their life and giving them purpose and love, THAT makes me happy. Until i put them on paper, these people and creatures are nothing but thoughts that will fade away and never live. As soon as pen touches paper or keys strike, they are born and have a life. We create a brand new world, and we are the gods. They live, love, cry, and die by our hands and our minds. Who else can say that they gave birth to civilizations and worlds? Who else can say that they created an entire universe out of nothing? (p.s. here, please leave religious comments to yourselves >.< )

Now that my little ramble is done i will say that yes, i love getting critique and comments on my work and would love to see my world printed out there for the world to see and live in. yet, since that probably won't happen i am here, to see what others think of the world i am creating. so far the only comments i have received on other sites are ones of "it's good, keep going." and that aggravates me. Yes i want to know that you enjoyed it, but i would also like to know WHAT you liked about it. hence why i have joined this site.

*phew* ranting is done. now on with my forum prowling.

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