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22 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of Backpacking

    • Its a fun way to enjoy the world!
    • Its an adventure
    • Its a waste of money
    • It's seems fun but I wouldn't want to go by myself!
    • Its high maintenance!
    • As long as I was with my friends I could live like that for years
    • Other will tell you in my comment

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Backpacking is a wonderful & cheep way to view the world! This idea is wonderful to do by yourself or with friends! Explore the world and have a laugh!


What I want to know is your views on possible future backpacking trips or even past ones!


Express your thoughts and opinions on this subject!

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I saw this episode of two brothers backpacking in europe. One is normal size and the other is a dwarf.

It was really interesting to see how life is through their adventure. Food they tried and people they met.

The traditions they tried. I think they have irish roots. they tried wearing the kilt and the tradition to freeball. lol

It really is something to try the strange things that you don't normally experience.

But as brothers, its great to share the experience together.

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I've been on several backpacking trips in the White Mountains. Its absolute heaven. No cell phones, no internet, no distractions. Just beautiful outdoors. If you're looking for a way to relieve stress and just get away, backpacking/camping is the best way to do it.

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Nature and me don't get along but for some reason the thought of going on a long, multi-state bicycle sounds like a lot of fun. Just as long as I could stay on roads and sleep in chain hotels.

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You guys are awesome!

I'm saveing up moneys for a backpacking trip! (some how! XD)

It might be a while before I can go! but I defiantly don't want to go by myself!


I'm buying Tent & camping gear to go in the back of the car! XD

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Back in the early 70's, I want backpacking with a youth group to the Smokey Mountains. We started the hike on a Sunday afternoon with a short hike to our first campsite. Wednesday was to be our last night out on the trail. Some how, going thru a picnic ground we lost the trail that would take us to our last campsite. It was starting to get dark, so we turned around and went back to the picnic area.


Since it was dark, the decision was made to not pitch the tents. That was a mistake. Around mid-night, a drenching rain hit us. We spent the rest of the night just trying to keep warm.


Despite that, it was still a fun time.

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Let me simply say that I have lots of camping and backpacking experience in the mountains of southern Colorado, northern New Mexico, or near El Paso, Texas. On the 'con' side, it can be painful (think blisters), exhausting (hours to get up the sides of mountains), and sometimes scary (in thunderstorms or too close to a bear, or when you get lost or low on food). And weather is always a problem (we Americans are getting too used to the indoor temperature range of 65-78).


However, when you get to the top of that mountain or cross that stream in an area where very few get to go, all those worries are completely forgotten. On tops of mountains, you can see for miles and miles (I've seen as far as 85 miles), and the sunsets/sunrises are even more spectacular because you actually get to see the sun on the horizon (yeah, beaches are a good alternative). Backpacking through massive forests in the fall (oh my God the colors...) or across that special little stream/river is also special, especially when you get to see the wildlife in and around it. (Of course, there's a least one of you reading this who's thinking about shooting Bambi. To that I say "Shame on you!")


But the two things that stick in my mind are these. First, standing on top of a mountain near El Paso at sunset and seeing a light in a little town that seems to be right below you--but in reality, it's nearly 30 miles away. It was then I realized that the only man-made light within a 30-mile radius was the flashlight I was carrying. Second, on the top of that same mountain, gazing up at the stars and realizing how small and insignificant we really are in this vast universe. While some may not think this way, standing there made me realize how special we humans are here on Earth--we have a full range of sensory inputs (and emotions and thinking abilities and ...) that very few others are in our universe probably have.


So, would I do it again? HELL YES!!! I'd love to lose about 40 pounds of fat and add 30 pounds of trail-tested muscle, and spend March through October backpacking the Appalachian trail (all 2181 miles of it) or the Pacific Crest Trail (all 2,663 miles of it). But why am I not doing that now? Well, probably like most people, I really need a job to support me and my offspring. But through all the hub-bub of daily life, I still have those quiet, but spectacular, memories of times spent backpacking. If you don't those memories, you should get some. But always go with a group and make sure you keep your food separate from you when you're sleeping....


If you want more info on what to buy and where to go, check out your local camping/backpacking store. I recommend REI (www.rei.com), but other stores are good too. And, no, I'm not a salesman at REI.

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I didn't fill in the poll because there are two quite distinct variations of what 'backpacking' means, being used in this thread.

The first one, which seems to be what Freddyness means, is the travel variation, where it's almost a lifestyle and a way of visiting places or countries outside your home community.

The second is what I'm used to thinking of as the hiking variation, where you head for wild or beautiful places and your pack carries all your living necessities.


As I see it, both variations require a sense of adventure and initiative, but their purposes are very different.

I love the hiking variation as it's the only way to see some of the wonderful wilderness places of our world. I'm blessed in this regard as I live in Australia with it's unique and varied landscapes.(a bit of bias showing here)

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I haven't thought about backpacking in so long! My brother and I have done it in the US from Maryland to California/Colorado/Mexico and **gulp** yes, we were also hitchhicking too, which I would NOT recommend to anyone. The backpacking was fun but it was summertime in the late 80's early 90's the times we went. We did 3 major trips which is why I have the 3 different ending locations. Things have changed so much since then.

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It'll be fun to travel around with just what's on your back, but I love trains as well, so it wouldn't be a complete backpacking trip.

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I went backpacking in Europe for 7 months over 2008-2009 on my own (for the most post) - and it was one of the best things i've ever done. I stayed in youth hostels, caught overnight buses and ferries, trains... I visited something like 11 countries and had the absolute time of my life.

Doing it on my own was one of the things i was most worried about, but in the end, it was great. I could do what i liked, when i liked, without having to make compromises or get annoyed at friends.

I also backpacked again for a few months earlier this year with my sister and then with some friends. Loved it, again. Travelling with my sister was great because we could get cross at each other and then go back to normal without it affecting our relationship. Travelling with my friends was also heaps of fun- BUT i don't think their friendship survived it. You have to be careful!!!

If you're considering backpacking, some things to consider. It usually invariably costs more than you think it will. You will invariably need about 50 percent less clothes and STUFF than you think you will. There are laundrettes and shops wherever you are going. Pack light. You have to carry that bag everywhere. Pick who you go with wisely. Also, pick your time of year. Summer, great, the weather is good. BUT bookings are harder to make at short notice and there are lots of queues. Don't be afraid to talk to people in hostels or who look like they might be backpacking too. I was seriously surprised by how many people DO backpack on their own - and i've made a heap of friends from around the world just by talking to people. Also- be completely open to experiences, to changing your plans, to enjoying everything. Love it all!

LOVE travelling - but i'm having a break for now....

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I'm not sure what you mean by "backpacking" exactly, but I LOOOVE travel, and these past few months have been traveling on my own to a nearby island. I get to talk to strangers, and was surprised how most of them are actually quite helpful. Makes you wonder why your parents used to tell you not to talk to strangers. :/ Although there are very few rude ones, but so far they're at a minimum ^_^

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