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^ totally


luv you mommykins!!!! hugzz kisses yay!!


Ok, so like somehow I think my relationship with my mom would get a little better/healthier if I didn't have to see her everyday and vice versa probably. I'm a total pansy-ass mama's boy, I'll admit that straight up, but like...as much as I love her, I don't always like her, esp when she goes all banging on the door "did you brush yo teeth boii?!", does that make any sense? The other day over dinner, I was like "weren't we all saner when I was in school?" and they were like "......yeah....please move out soon" (Ashi, I just gave you ammunition)

Edited by Y_B
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Enh. I dislike my 'mothers' completely and I rarely ever see them. :P Right now my kids still love me, though 2 days ago my daughter literally told me, "You piss me off! It just can't take you anymore." She's 8. First I told her not to use that phrase, I didn't care she was mad and she had to re-write her paragraph anyway, and then I went to my room and giggled my ass off.

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I have the exactly same relationship with my mom as Y_B with his.... Freaky. I guess it's some sort of symbiotic relationship.... Should we update Wikipedia's entry on "List of Symbiotic Relationships" to include Asian moms and their gay sons? Do they constantly ask you why you don't have a girlfriend, Y_B? Even after I told her I am gay, she still has some thread of hope that I would marry a girl.... It's both massively infuriating and at the same time I feel bad for her.... Gay boys and their moms' relationship is like a convoluted mess....

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Posted Image Posted Image


Makes me think of my mom...

and my deceased grandmother Posted Image


(*hugs*) My grandma was really nice. I was her favorite grand children.... My grandma from mother's side was also very nice. Funny thing is, I think people from my grandparents' generation probably would accept homosexuality more than my parents' generation....

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While I was back in school she did...more like my whole family went "pshh he's got a gf he's just not telling" nosy ass cousins trying to get me to dish. but yeah it probably made no sense to them, i went to a huge ass school, how did 4 and 1/2 years not land me some boobage, something like that. but yeah hmm sorry...no gf. I almost had that "coming out" convo with my parents, God that was a f*cked up couple of days...totally different story, I'll tell you more about it if you wanna hear but basically I was just like "hmm me gay? da f*ck? no no no no x 1000". I don't know if they bought it. Everyone in my family's pretty good with each other though, my mom and I are gurllzz...sorta. Like I said, I'm a mama's boy. You'll see me and her at the Outlets sometimes where she waits outside the changing room and lets me know how something fits....something like that.

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Have you noticed how girls who are gurlzz with their moms have really f*cked up relationships? Like they're more often than not raging b*tches and their moms are those types of age-inappropriate women who try to live vicariously through their daughters. Like one time at Whole Foods I saw this sorority girl with her mom and they were wearing like the exact same nike shorts with their chio shirts or whatever and it's like...ok lady, you're like...old, your sorostitute ruffie dependent lifestyle is over...cover up those cellulites and stop whipping your hair like youre willow smith.

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Have you noticed how girls who are gurlzz with their moms have really f*cked up relationships? Like they're more often than not raging b*tches and their moms are those types of age-inappropriate women who try to live vicariously through their daughters. Like one time at Whole Foods I saw this sorority girl with her mom and they were wearing like the exact same nike shorts with their chio shirts or whatever and it's like...ok lady, you're like...old, your sorostitute ruffie dependent lifestyle is over...cover up those cellulites and stop whipping your hair like youre willow smith.


You mean like Mrs. George from Mean Girls? :P


Posted Image

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While I was back in school she did...more like my whole family went "pshh he's got a gf he's just not telling" nosy ass cousins trying to get me to dish. but yeah it probably made no sense to them, i went to a huge ass school, how did 4 and 1/2 years not land me some boobage, something like that. but yeah hmm sorry...no gf. I almost had that "coming out" convo with my parents, God that was a f*cked up couple of days...totally different story, I'll tell you more about it if you wanna hear but basically I was just like "hmm me gay? da f*ck? no no no no x 1000". I don't know if they bought it. Everyone in my family's pretty good with each other though, my mom and I are gurllzz...sorta. Like I said, I'm a mama's boy. You'll see me and her at the Outlets sometimes where she waits outside the changing room and lets me know how something fits....something like that.


When I didn't go to my high school prom, I was pretty much unofficially out to the world. I think I even pulled a stunt by inviting a girl who was unavailable, so I had an excuse.... Anyways, all that happened before I was consciously aware/admit I am gay.... Funny isn't it? Who am I kidding except myself? I remember my school actually made a fuss because it was like the first time they actually said it's okay to have same sex prom date. Keep in mind this was in the 90's, so yeah, my school was pretty cool and forward thinking. And unlike some weird parents in the 2000's, no parent actually protested. I had a feeling it's because of the suicide that had just happened right around that time. They didn't want to tell people why the guy committed suicide, but even the pre-out Ashi knew the reason probably had to do with sexuality (why else would a star student shot his brain out and told his parents he's sorry with a suicide note?). It was the 90's, the age of reason, and people were 10x smarter. After the dot.com boom, people were caught in the easy money game and their kids became jaded and lots of dysfunctional family problems began to surface..., and Facebook made school gossips 100x worse (I bet the speculation of why he committed suicide would be all we heard about in school had Facebook existed..., instead of let the poor sod RIP. Even high school kids had manner and respect for the deceased back then...). Life were much better.


Anyways, yeah, me and my mom are like BFF..., but we have our share of bickering.... My mom treated me like her fashion adviser also.... I have always been the daughter she wanted, but never had even before I was out to her.... After out, it was only worse.... I have to remind her that I am actually a guy (gay /= girl!!! Even when I am a bottom pansy boy..., I don't feel like a girl! I don't even look androgynous). And she would just say "let's go home" after she did her shopping, and I would be like, "Umm..., aren't you forgetting something?" Then she'd offer to pay for the pants, which were the reason we were in the mall to begin with.... So it's only right that she paid, because of all the work I did for her (hey, fashion advice isn't easy when she doesn't even want to listen to me, unless I agree with her...). LOL! Just kidding, I am not ungracious like that. I only buy clothes when necessary, and usually I look at price tag when I am using her money (I am really Taurus...). Sometimes I would talk like really disrespectful to her in eyes of others, but I always have a soft spot for her, especially when my dad is such an *ss. All that "this skirt would look good on you if you would eat less" really is my way of concerning for her health....


I would love to see you telling that F*CKED UP lie to your parents. You...? Y_B is straight? hahahaha100x You're like a foul-mouthed bottom.... If you were a Chinese dish, you'd be mabo tofu.... Spicy and hot outside, but soft inside.


Anyways..., I should really stop talking to you, or I'd never able to leave here....

Edited by Ashi
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When I didn't go to my high school prom, I was pretty much unofficially out to the world. I think I even pulled a stunt by inviting a girl who was unavailable, so I had an excuse.... Anyways, all that happened before I was consciously aware/admit I am gay.... Funny isn't it? Who am I kidding except myself? I remember my school actually made a fuss because it was like the first time they actually said it's okay to have same sex prom date. Keep in mind this was in the 90's, so yeah, my school was pretty cool and forward thinking. And unlike some weird parents in the 2000's, no parent actually protested. I had a feeling it's because of the suicide that had just happened right around that time. They didn't want to tell people why the guy committed suicide, but even the pre-out Ashi knew the reason probably had to do with sexuality (why else would a star student shot his brain out and told his parents he's sorry with a suicide note?). It was the 90's, the age of reason, and people were 10x smarter. After the dot.com boom, people were caught in the easy money game and their kids became jaded and lots of dysfunctional family problems began to surface..., and Facebook made school gossips 100x worse (I bet the speculation of why he committed suicide would be all we heard about in school had Facebook existed..., instead of let the poor sod RIP. Even high school kids had manner and respect for the deceased back then...). Life were much better.


Yeah FB is notorious for stuff like that and Ive stepped off for the time being which makes me spend more time on GA I guess. There was a time back in high school I got in a little misunderstanding with the whores at the front office and it lead to this annoying road-to-redemption kinda thing where I had to basically sit in a corner of the room with that cone hat and staple papers til the school says its ok to re-join the rest of the zoo again. My FB blew up with stuff like "where u @??" or "callzzz me!" and then this guy who I use to know who GRADUATED...PMed me and was like "soo...I heard....." I was like "da f*q is this..." and then when I did go back to school which hasn't even been that long of a hiatus, people I barely knew would like...look at me funny...and of course there was the "omg sooo glad you're back hugz" and I'd just be like "bitch I don't even know you".


I almost didn't go to my prom. by that time I had sorta turned into one of those loser outcast types who thought prom was no longer appealing cuz it was time to go and we basically had to go unless we plan on being reclusive or something plus I didn't have a date in mind so I almost didn't attend...which in a way didn't make sense cuz I was one of the faux-high-school-level-popular homecoming king runner ups back in the fall...anyhooo I changed my mind, decided that I'm not gonna stay home...cuz I'm one of those people who gets huuugely depressed if I'm home and I know people are out having fun and I'm not, which is why I don't miss gamedays...ever...so I just walked up and was like "yup ticket for UNO pleez". Yup, I didn't have a date to prom. NOT that big of a deal. I still went with a group of friends and it was MAD fun. No same-sex anything whatsoever. This is TX....and even though I did go to one of the more up-and-running kinda schools, it was basically ran by conservative suburban old/new money that didn't like that kinda stuff. I'm sure nobody woulda MINDED if some gay dude brought his boyfriend to prom and they certainly wouldn't have gotten kicked out but like...in that kinda environment nobody was ballsy enough to do it plus we really didn't have the kind of out-there homos who didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of them. it didn't stop gay stuff from happening behind close doors and away from the open scene obviously. We had like 1 or 2 openly gay guys in my class of ^500, and they were weird, but there was a like this wave of FB coming-out post-graduation and some trickled out of the closet a couple years into college....I'm not one of them, but I ought to be...give people something to talk about. pshhh.


I would love to see you telling that F*CKED UP lie to your parents. You...? Y_B is straight? hahahaha100x You're like a foul-mouthed bottom.... If you were a Chinese dish, you'd be mabo tofu.... Spicy and hot outside, but soft inside.


I know right? you really ought to check out my xtooobe channel Posted Image Posted Image hahhahahahahha mabo tofu, tru tru

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Darn you Yanger :(


My mom, when we were growing up, was at everyone of my hockey games, the older sisters soccer games and to top it off the other sister was a National Level Gymnast and Mom drove her everyday, 6 days a week back and forth to practice.


She definitely was portrayed in that commercial.


But thanks for giving me a smile and the great memories :)


(P.S. I've passed the link onto my sisters to make them cry :P )

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lol my mom and I...we are both quite domineering, stubborn and argumentative so our relationship is volatile. But there's probably nothing I wouldnt do for her, even if she's a b*tch sometimes. ^^

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(*hugs*) My grandma was really nice. I was her favorite grand children.... My grandma from mother's side was also very nice. Funny thing is, I think people from my grandparents' generation probably would accept homosexuality more than my parents' generation....


*hugs back* My grandmother wasn't nessarilly nice, but I was partially raised by her... AND she wasn't nessarilly ok with the thought...lol. Edited by Celethiel
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i love my mommy so much :) shes always there for me and i've always been there for when through the good times and the bad times. she was the first person i told being gay and she took it really well we both cried and hugged but anyway this on the other topic it was really hard because i was in the hospital. but yeah when i need money for the week to get by she's always there for me i love you mom <3

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My mom died at my age. 52. I had great parents. Mom was great, even in death. She hung on until my youngest brother got in from overseas, and she was like " lights out". My babies are all here. So yeah, I had a great one

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Team Moms: World Champs since foreva


Well, doesn't that just make you tear up and miss your mom.



My mom just died so having hard time with anything mom related Posted Image

I'm sending you lots of Posted Image 'cause I've been there and know how hard it is, especially when you have a good relationship with her. I know this is cliche, but it does get easier but I have to admit it takes time.



On Nov 21. 2006 my grandma (age 84) died from pneumonia complications. Nineteen days later (the weekend of my g'ma's service), my mother (age 69) lost her battle with with lung cancer. They both were the best. My g'ma was like another mother because she took care of me (and my brother) a lot during our younger years. Mom was a best friend and was always there for me, even when I made stupid choices. Both were loving and caring people that would do most anything for you. I still feel the loss and it's been almost 7 years. But every once in a while my subconcious pops them into my dreams and I get to "interact" with them again. Posted Image I guess I'll never lose them 'cause they'll always be in my heart and mind.

Edited by rockyroads
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lol my mom and I...we are both quite domineering, stubborn and argumentative so our relationship is volatile. But there's probably nothing I wouldnt do for her, even if she's a b*tch sometimes. ^^


So she is the butch and you're the queen? Just kidding.... (*runs away and hides under a rock*)


My mom just died so having hard time with anything mom related Posted Image


:( I hope you feel better soon.

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