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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Brokeback Mountain


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Robert and I went to see the movie this weekend. If there's any way you can find a theater, even if it's a long a drive, make the effort to see this movie.


I could go into a long spiel about the movie, except it all sums up to a simple principle. If you've ever wondered what the guff about 'gay rights' or 'equality' was ever about, if you've ever wondered what life is like without the gay community or the level of acceptance we've achieved so far, this movie will show it to you in a way that is beyond the ability of words to describe.


Make the effort, take the time, see this movie.

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I found this quite moving (interview with the author of the original short story):




The current newsstand issue of the Advocate interviews Heath Ledger.


Here is the link to the short story again:




Edit: OK, the New Yorker seems to have withdrawn free access to that link now. BB is the last short story in Annie Proulx's collection Close Range: Wyoming Stories, published by Scribner in 2000. Amazon has it new and used.




I can't post the story here due to copyright, but I can get it to you if you can't get access to it any other way. It's an amazing read.

Edited by Andronicus
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is a google cache of the story from The New Yorker




contains the whole story, including the first two introductory paragraphs that were in the version printed in Close Range but not included in the New Yorker version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Word of warning... with the film expanding (finally) this Friday to a LOT more theaters... if you haven't read the story and plan on seeing the movie - wait to read it.


The movie is absolutely wonderful - and conveys all of the story and more. I totally appreciate the story and am glad I have read it too - but... the film - if you are going to see it - my personal recommendation is wait to read it and try to avoid any spoilers about the movie.

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YAY - looks like it has WIDELY expanded for Jan 6. It's hard to find individual showtimes, I've checked both fandango.com and moviefone.com and they each have some listings, but not all. I am VERY glad it is coming to Sacramento - Dan and I plan on seeing it again this weekend. On the Official Brokeback Mountain movie website, they have a list of all of the locations opening this Friday.



Here is a cut and paste of it:




Amarillo Star Stadium



Fine Arts Theatre



Beechwood Stadium 11



Rave Vestavia Hills



The Flicks 4



Dipson Theatres North Park



Regal Cinemas Manor



Regal Cinemas Downtown Mall 6




National Amusements Kenwood Towne Centre


Colorado Springs

Cinemark Carefree Circle 17

Twin Peak 2


Corpus Christi

Century 16


Des Moines

Fleur Cinema and Caf

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It's coming to my town too on the 6th. I'm really surprised too! My city is very very conservative. People were picketing Harry Potter. They are already trying to keep it out of theaters. I'm dreading when The Da Vinic Code comes here. Don't get me wrong, i'll be seeing both movies but it's annoying when the whole city makes such a huge deal out of it :(

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Wow, it's playing in my hometown. That's... surprising. We're a traditionally red county. (in a rather blue state). I don't think I'd want to see it just because I get very attached to characters. That and honestly who'd want to see two guys having sex. Yuck!














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It doesn't open here till the 26th.


I plan on going to see it however it'll probably only be showing at an independent theatre, most likely one in the city.


I'm holding out hope though that it'll come to the local independent theatre since I dislike going to the ones in the city, simply because I find being in a theatre that's over half full annoying, not to mention the beautiful old decor of the local one, with great staff to, none of those annoying school age kids work there :P

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Omg, everyone *HAS* to go and see this movie. We went to see it today and it's so amazing, so so so so so good! I cried, if I'd watched it at home I would have cried at lot more, and I was so glad that my bf was next to me holding my hand throughout it. I get really affected by books and films and such, and especially with this one because even though it's just a story, its a situation that I don't doubt has happened in 'real life'. It still makes me feel a bit sad even now, but it made me hopeful too, because I'm lucky enough to not be in that situation, and I think the very presence of this film and the reception it's recieved shows that we're moving in the right direction...maybe I'm just talking crap to try and make myself feel better *shrug* Go see it, anyway!

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Personally i find it encouraging that a movie like this was even made. I mean, other than Philidelphia how often do you see big names making a movie about the issues facing gay men.


I'd really like to see it but i doubt i'll get to. :( I'm still very much 'in the closet' and asking one of my friends to go see it with me would be akin to branding GAY on my forehead. Not to mention what my parents would think coz my Dad's a naturally suspicious person.



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Personally i find it encouraging that a movie like this was even made. I mean, other than Philidelphia how often do you see big names making a movie about the issues facing gay men.


I'd really like to see it but i doubt i'll get to. :( I'm still very much 'in the closet' and asking one of my friends to go see it with me would be akin to branding GAY on my forehead. Not to mention what my parents would think coz my Dad's a naturally suspicious person.




That's why I hope it comes out on DVD, or possibly I can find it on DC++ at school (though if I do, it will be from the only person in my school who has gay content, and he wants me. if I dl anything from him he'll strike up a conversation and ask me to come over.... )

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Went and saw it today and it was better than I expected and the theatre was pretty full (considering it's been in wide release up here since Dec.23... about 50% of the theatres in my city are running it). I was a little wary because I've gone to see some movies that have been big hits with the awards crowd only to want to gouge my eyes out part way thru to make the pain stop. Definitely worth paying the bucks to see it in the theatre if you have the chance. The setting was spectacular (not surprising since it was filmed in Whistler/Banff area). The story pretty much revolves around the relationship and there is only one breif sex scene (although you do get a glimpse of Jake & Heath jumping into the river... :2thumbs: )


I took particular pleasure in seeing 3 teenage jocks sitting in front of me with their girlfriends and they didn't make a single negative comment during the whole thing. One told his girlfriend he was glad she dragged him to see this on the way out... maybe there's hope after all.



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I saw it tonite (Sunday)....whew....I am still crying. I hope people get it, but, I fear that those who haven't struggled w/their sexuality won't really understand. After years suppressing my feelings, praying for God to 'fix' me, steeling myself to accept being alone, I can totally identify w/Jack and Ennis. I tried to be like Ennis, but, found I was Jake, instead. Thank God I found someone special to share my life.


I read Anne's story first and just broke down when Ennis goes thru the things in Jack's room (took me by surprise...). I thought I was prepared for this scene during the movie, but, I lost it all over again.


I note that the movie, despite being in 1/3 to 1/5 the number of theaters as other top grossing movies, is 8th overall in this week's box office. I hope the Golden Globes give it a kick Monday night and the crowds keep coming. Heath and Jake have done a great great job of acting ... Heath is getting more kudos, but, Jake gave him something to play off and deserves a lot of credit. Both were incredibly brave to take these roles. I cannot say enough and urge all to go see this movie.

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I FINALLY SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:


Bback finally got release in my town and me and several friends were there last night at the first evening showing.


The theater was PACKED!! Before the moving started, I kept looking back at the audience to see who was there. I was pleasantly surprised that it was full of people that I didn't know. While the room was mostly filled with lesbians and straight women, it was nice to know that there were way more gay people in our small town than I was aware of.


The crowd was soo friendly too. Before the movie, people were milling about chatting with old friends. Everyone was smiling at each other recognizing the common bond we had at being at the movie for it's first nights showing.


Before I went to the movie, I worried a little that there would be some crazy hetero's that would go to the movie but would be 'shocked' or would gasp at any of the sex or intimacy scenes.


Well, I was pleasantly wrong. The crowd was very attentive to the movie and were very serious about it. In fact, I was probably the one who gasped during the first sex scene, more so because of it's roughness.


The movie was noteable in soooo many ways. How these two 'cowboys' especially Ennis, communicated less through words and more through Physical means (often violence). I mean, these guys were ROUGH towards each other.


What I hadn't expected was how the women in their lives were effected. While the men tried to pretend they could 'pass', the women (including Mom) knew.


Anywhoooo...at the end of the movie, there were soooo many people dabbing their eyes (myself included).


That was an AWESOME movie. Please, please, please see it if you can!!! I'll be seeing it again! :2thumbs:



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I just saw it Thursday night. I'm definitely glad I saw it. I thought it was very realistic and the acting was great. I also appreciated the ending, and found it moving. However, I'm not sure if I can say I really liked the movie. I wanted to see it and I'm glad I did, and who knows I may watch it again, but liking it is something else entirely.


**warning some spoilers ahead**


I think the major problem I had was that I didn't really like any of the characters. I mean I started off giving them all the benefit of the doubt, but most of the main characters ticked me off. For one thing I find it difficult to like any character that's having an affair, which was a strike against both the main characters to start out with (and what I anticipated having the most trouble with). I tried to validate it by saying something to the effect of "well they're really in love with each other, but it's impossible for them to be together",,,,,but even with that said I still think it's pretty cruddy that they're messing around on their wives. If that had been the only thing I think I could have just ignored it and tried to excuse it in this complicated context But:


Ennis I had a great deal of trouble "liking" as a character. I mean I felt REALLY sorry for him, and I didn't dislike him, and I even understood why he was the way he was. But I still hated the way he treated his wife and kids, and that waitress. Then when he scoffed at Jack's idea about running off together and living on some ranch....well that was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. I mean basically they DID have a chance at living happily ever after or whatever, and he not only threw it away but was insulting to top it off.


Jack I liked for most of the movie. In fact I really liked him right up until the time he went to see Ennis and Ennis said that since he was going to be spending the weekend with his daughters, Jack would have to leave. Of course I felt really sorry for him, and briefly liked him even more......Then he hooked up with that prostitute in Mexico on the way home, and well that was it. I mean I'd more or less come to terms with the fact that he was messing around on his wife with Ennis, and that it was "true love" or whatever. But with anyone else, it's just a cheap, dirty affair. Also he was cheating on Ennis. I found it a huge perversion of their love. There just no excusable reason (in my mind) for him to cheat on Ennis and his wife. All that can be said was that it was an "anger F***" but understanding it doesn't make it right.


I did of course have some trouble with the way they treated each other at times anyway, but I was willing to mostly ignore that because of the time, and context etc.


Alma I liked for the most part. I just felt really sorry for her. I think what bothered me most about her is that it took her so long to confront Ennis, but I guess I can't really criticize her much.


Jack's wife, Anne, I loved at first. Then she just grew progressively colder and more distant and I gradually lost most of my initial fondness for her.


I'm thinking I liked the waitress and Ennis's daughter, Alma, the best. I have no real complaints about either of them, and seeing the way Ennis treated them probably did the most to make me less favourably disposed to him.


Anyway it was definetely a great movie and I'm glad I saw it. I just wish I'd liked Jack and Ennis more, but I guess that's mostly irrelevant. Anyway I would recommend everyone see it! Have an awesome day and take care everyone!



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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if you guys like brokeback mountain, check out also the chinese movie LAN YU.

just as good, if not better.


but it's sad that most of the the greatest gay movies i've watched have bittersweet endings.


somehow, the main characters only dare to accept who they are, and realize what they have, after tragedy strikes.

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hmm maybe i should go check it out . its playing at the theater right up the block from me. i wonder if one of my friends will come .. i heard it was good from a few of my friends.

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I'm not very good at analysing the point of movies most of the time, I tend to take things just at face value, but I think that was part of the point of the movie Kevin, I think you're meant to want to shake Ennis and tell him to wake up and take the chance he has in front of him. And I also think that they were in a situation where it wasn't just a little socially unacceptable to be gay, but something people could and did get killed for. I mean, was that why Jack ended up dead? Would it have been both of them if Ennis and he had lived together? I also don't think the characters are meant to be overly likeable, and it still works imo, I mean, even though you might not like them, you certainly felt for them right? I think that's a big acheivement for the writer/director/actor, to have people feel something for characters that aren't the most likeable, that are flawed and make bad decisions. After all, it's easy to feel for a character that you like, but when you feel for one that you don't, you know some pretty serious stuff is going on. It adds to the impact...anyhoo, that's just my thought on it :D

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I'm not very good at analysing the point of movies most of the time, I tend to take things just at face value, but I think that was part of the point of the movie Kevin, I think you're meant to want to shake Ennis and tell him to wake up and take the chance he has in front of him. And I also think that they were in a situation where it wasn't just a little socially unacceptable to be gay, but something people could and did get killed for. I mean, was that why Jack ended up dead? Would it have been both of them if Ennis and he had lived together? I also don't think the characters are meant to be overly likeable, and it still works imo, I mean, even though you might not like them, you certainly felt for them right? I think that's a big acheivement for the writer/director/actor, to have people feel something for characters that aren't the most likeable, that are flawed and make bad decisions. After all, it's easy to feel for a character that you like, but when you feel for one that you don't, you know some pretty serious stuff is going on. It adds to the impact...anyhoo, that's just my thought on it :D


That's a very good point. I definitely did think it was a very good movie, I just like to like the characters. :P I also wondered if Jack died the way Ennis imagined, or if that was just a mental image he'd gotten (I'm guessing the former, but it seems pretty open to interpretation). Also my opinion is that, that wouldn't have happened if he and Ennis had gotten a ranch or something together. Oh sure something similar might have happened, but that wouldn't have since Jack wouldn't have even been in Texas. Anyway glad to get your opinions, Ben. Have an awesome day everyone and take care.



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  • 1 month later...

k - saw this yesterday and found it hilarious.


If you haven't seen Brokeback Mountain, and can't wait for the DVD, here is a link to a 30-second version of it re-enacted by bunnies.


Brokeback Mountain - condensed


Warning - it really (in my opinion) is an accurate quick take on Brokeback Mountain - including spoilers...


PS - Make sure to have your sound on

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Ha, awesome. ^^



I went to see the movie three times :


- Once alone and I cried like a baby.

- Once with a group of my uni (which was a terrible mistake because I was helplessly choking from laughter at the end of the movie.)

- Once with two friends and we cried our eyes off. (Well, they cried inside ya know... they're "men" but you can't fool me. >_>)


Except for the second time where WE were the disturbance all you could hear in the theater was sniffings and heartbreaking sighs. It's been a long time since I haven't seen an audience getting out of a theater all dazed like those times.


I'd already liked "The Wedding Banquet" by Ang Lee but BB is way out of its league.

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