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New Years Resolutions- A Waste Of Time?



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  1. 1. Are resolutions for the new year a waste of time?

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Ahh the New Year is upon us. Many consider it the chance to start anew, do that thing they've been meaning to do for years, get in shape, save more money, or make new friends. It seems everyone has a new year's resolution, and they promise the world they will stick to it. But in reality, how many people actually follow through long-term with their resolution? Not many. So, is it a waste of time to make a new year's resolution that you will most likely end up failing at?


Personally I think they are a waste of time, and to prove my point I'm going to use the oldest example in the book when it comes to new year's resolutions: the gym. On January 2nd, my gym that I go to when I'm back home was invaded. I usually go at 11am, where there is maybe ten or twelve other people there at most. I like it. Its quiet, you never have to wait to use anything, people know how to work out, and I can pop my earphones in and not be bothered. Now the annual "resolutioner invasion" has begun, the gym is packed at all hours of the day with people who have no idea how to use the equipment, dress in completely inappropriate clothes, and don't wipe down the equipment after their sweaty nastiness is done using it. And by February, 90% of them will be gone until next year rolls around because they realize its not easy and a long process. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people working out and getting in shape, but when they expect to get instant results from doing little or nothing, you deserve to fail. And that goes for everything people set their mind to, not just the gym. 


So, are New Years Resolutions a waste of time or do they actually have some merit?

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I agree with you that the post-new years gym rush is a pain in the ass. It's really inconvenient for people that use the facilities regularly to have to deal with the awful people that want to lose some weight. Or for those terrible people that get in line in front of you at the drug store to get some nicotine gum so they can maybe quit smoking. Or when you can't contact someone for a while because they went into rehab to quit drinking. 


If all these losers would just give up and kill themselves the world would be a better place for the rest of us. Wouldn't it?




Maybe, just maybe, 90% of the people that are taking up your airspace will be out of your space soon. Maybe, just maybe, all they think they need to lose is a few pounds, and a good hard 30 days at the gym is all they need. 


Maybe, just maybe, if you threw an encouraging word their way, rather than a condescending sneer at them for taking up your gym time, more of those 90% would succeed, and you wouldn't have to look at all those fatties that pollute your view of the world.


Maybe if you pulled someone aside that was using the equipment incorrectly and gave them some tips, or told someone that left the equipment wet that they should wipe it down when they're done and maybe shared some gym etiquette with them, your horrible January would improve. And you might even make a friend.



If 10% of the people that make a resolution to lose weight actually follow through and stick to a regimen, good for them


In the meantime, if you don't like the way your gym is occupied by these fat pigs for the month of January, maybe you should just go for a run instead of a workout and not subject yourself to the torture.


I'll never step on anyone's desire to improve themselves. It may not have occurred to you that some of the people that you are insulting in this rant are actually reading this message board, and you're completely killing the motivation.


Good for you. And poor you.

Edited by Gene Splicer PHD
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It's not a waste of time. If anything, people get to find out whether or not they really have the capability, time, energy, attention span, space, money, etc to do what they want to do. 


It's self discovery.


I actually kinda enjoy this new gym rush. There's always room to do something Mattypoo, unless every inch of the floor is taken, you could try yoga :D share the space and try something new, kinda like how the people invading the gym are trying something new. Ashtanga sun salutation, bitch. (Every once in a while someone would strike up a convo with me on what it was I was doing and what it was good for. I lurrvvv ittt)


Whatever happened to the lemon/lemonade thing?


People sign up/drop off the gym for lots of reasons. I wouldn't presume it's all for empty promises and lack of effort. Remember gyms are first and foremost businesses that take this time of the year to compete with each other to up their memberships and do everything they can do get those signatures on contracts. You can't even ask a gym a simple question without a full-scale sales approach launched at you. If you're set on a place and want to sign up, it's one thing. Totally different if you're browsing around taking a look or gathering information. I'd say more than 3/4th of new sign-ons are from people who said "no" the 1st time. Strong marketing/sales technique during a period of time when people are most curious and willing makes for the highest possible profits. Once you or I sign on, it's just like any other new thing in your or my life - interesting in the beginning and slowly losing appeal over time. Maybe you realize you actually didn't have time to do this everyday or you just lose interest in an idea that was so thrilling at the beginning of the year, or maybe you already got what you wanted or realized this wasn't what you wanted, etc.


I also think most new year resolutions fail because the goals we set are too big and vague. "More", "better", "-er" are not targets that have definite bounds. "I would like to lose weight" is not effective unless it's coupled with steps and details like "I would like to lose 5 pounds by the end of the month and the way to do that is 1), 2), 3)". We all want things to change but not many really know what to do or how to make it happen.


New year gymers remind me of classes in college. Everybody goes at the beginning of the semester, as the weeks go by, class sizes diminish until only the most committed show up every day, and funny enough, sometimes people who never show up still end up doing better :D

Edited by Y_B
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I make a 'to do' list for the new year. not so much resolutions, just things i want to accomplish. then i look at the list on new years eve and see how many got crossed off. Last year wasn't so bad, there were a few that got moved to this year, but just seeing some things accomplished was pretty positive.

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I don't think it's pointless, but I think most people have pretty unrealstic resolutions. They get all "yeah, I'm gonna do it! *fist pump*" and then say things they're never gonna follow through on like "I'm not gonna have any *insert favorite junk food* all year!" or "I'm gonna go to the gym everyday and get that six pack I've been meaning to pick up!" when what they should really be doing is only eating their favorite junk food once a week instead of every other day and starting off exercising a few times a week, whether it's at the gym of on that treadmill they bought 10 years ago and never used. People need to realize there's a lot of space between "all out" and "fuck it". At least that's what I think.

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Depends.. New Year's Resolution seem like an awesome idea in January, but it’s all downhill from there. I’m sure there are a few people who have had great success with this technique, but they’re like unicorns. I’ve never seen one. The people who I see making those are the same people who struggle to accept the randomness and chaos of life because they’re so busy trying to control every aspect of their own lives. That said, I like to make an intention for the new year in the form of a single word. Simple enough to help inspire, vague enough that it’s impossible to fail.The idea of a reset and fresh start is comforting. Of course, those fresh starts often never happen, but people still need that feeling of hope from time to time that things will be different. And in some cases, it can turn out to be a positive self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Gene if what I said here kills people's motivation for their resolution, then it was a pretty pathetically weak resolution to begin with. And just so you know, I don't sneer or condescend anyone in the gym. I put in my headphones and go into my own little world, but you know you better right? I'd have more respect for people and their New Years resolutions in the gym if they actually stuck with it. But not everyone has the balls to stick through something that is hard to obtain.

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Gene if what I said here kills people's motivation for their resolution, then it was a pretty pathetically weak resolution to begin with. And just so you know, I don't sneer or condescend anyone in the gym. I put in my headphones and go into my own little world, but you know you better right? I'd have more respect for people and their New Years resolutions in the gym if they actually stuck with it. But not everyone has the balls to stick through something that is hard to obtain.



Oh I don't know better, all I know is the tone and the words you used in your post. From that, I got the perception that you resented all those people taking up your space.


Was I wrong?

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Oh I don't know better, all I know is the tone and the words you used in your post. From that, I got the perception that you resented all those people taking up your space.


Was I wrong?


I don't resent them. First off, its not my space. Its a gym with 600+ members, and probably about 150 who are regulars. What I don't like is the lack of common courtesy they generally show. One of the nastiest things you can do in a gym is not wipe down the equipment, and it happens all the time with the New Years invasion. Honestly, how hard is it to pick up the bottle, squirt a little liquid, and wipe it down with a towel? It also really bothers me knowing that almost all of them will quit within a month because it gets too hard. Honestly, I've been fat before so I know how hard it is to go from out of shape to in shape. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to do it. All these fat slobs come in thinking they can get a quick and easy fix and look like Arnold in a month. It doesn't work like that, and you have to stay committed. Rarely ever do you see any of them last into March/April, and those that do I have a lot of respect and admiration for. The fitness industry feeds off these people because they promise people a quick fix, and when they fail at it, they will buy another diet/workout/pill in hopes that will work. Well, the fact is there is no quick fix. Just a lot of hard work where results come slow. Its the whole idea of a quick fix that I really hate.


Having been one of those overweight people before and having transformed myself, I have no sympathy for those who lack the basic willpower to do the same thing. Its a matter of self-respect. If you care enough, you will stick to it to prevent yourself from having major health problems, looking poorly, and most likely dying early. Unless you have some documented medical reason, there is no excuse except for your own laziness. 


The only good thing is, they subsidize my gym membership costs. 

Edited by TetRefine
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I am of the opinion that a New Years resolution is a waist of time, not so much because most people will ultimately fail, but more so because I feel that a New Years resolution is made for the wrong reasons, or maybe it is made with every good intention, but prompted by the wrong reason.


To explain myself, I believe that if we really want to change something in ourself, it comes from deep soul searching that prompts us to desire to be a better person, and that in turn gives us the will power to go the distance. To stop smoking you have to want to do it for real, not because its good to have a resolution that makes you look good in people's perception of you.


I don't know how many times I made a New Years resolution to stop smoking myself. I watched my dad die from cancer, and stopped immediately without help or major issue. It was a matter of waking up to a reality for me and realising, "Hell no, I don't want to go that way." That is not to say that I won't get cancer or that my dad got it as a result of smoking, it just gave me the jolt I needed to make the conclusion that I didn't want to add to that risk. A New Years resolution will not provide that mental jolt that will fixate us into sustained and dedicated action. 


For that reason alone, I don't get involved in these New Years resolutions. They just don't have the substance I believe they need to matter. However, that is me, and while in some ways I agree with Matt, it is sad and even frustrating that so many people commit to something they are going to fail at, because they are not mentally prepared to go the distance. On the flip side of that coin, I am not a small lad and I love my food. Faults of mine, yes. Does that make me a bad person because I like my food more than a super skinny waist size? Not really, it just makes me human.


I am not one of those to run to a gym to lose weight, I detest that I should have to pay money to get fit, when walking a couple of miles a day can do the same job without costing a damn penny. Longer, yes, but on the other hand nicer I think. But then again I love walking.


I also agree with Gene in that if someone had taken time out to be friendly and encourage me at the gym when I did try it, maybe I would have been more inclined to stay longer and go the distance. I guess that there are two sides to every story.


Only three more weeks to go to have to grin and bear it Matt, most of them will be gone by Jan 31st. :)

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